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And it's a lot of fun!

Interesting characters, gameplay mechanics and humorous quests.

As for the minority who don't consider this an RPG, if you can't finish a quest because you're 4 levels below the recommended one and need to do a few side-quests, level up and then head into it, it's safe to say it's an RPG.

At first I thought I'd play it like a typical FPS with light RPG elements, but then got slapped hard and had to go back to grinding.

Recommended for people who enjoy Action RPGs. If you're an FPS type of gamer, this will either annoy the hell out of you or you'll have a blast through its 40+ hours of gameplay (side quests, DLCs and what not).

To the ones who've played the series: should I try Borderlands 1 and the Pre-Sequel, or am I good with this one?
Did you complete all the DLC? If not, I would say that you would probably get the best experience by completing all the DLC in Borderlands 2. If you're still hungry for more, go for the original Borderlands.

The pre-sequel seems to be a mixed bag. Haven't played it myself, but it's not developed by the same team as 1 and 2 and it's not as appreciated among fans.
TheDudeLebowski: And it's a lot of fun!

Interesting characters, gameplay mechanics and humorous quests.

As for the minority who don't consider this an RPG, if you can't finish a quest because you're 4 levels below the recommended one and need to do a few side-quests, level up and then head into it, it's safe to say it's an RPG.

At first I thought I'd play it like a typical FPS with light RPG elements, but then got slapped hard and had to go back to grinding.

Recommended for people who enjoy Action RPGs. If you're an FPS type of gamer, this will either annoy the hell out of you or you'll have a blast through its 40+ hours of gameplay (side quests, DLCs and what not).

To the ones who've played the series: should I try Borderlands 1 and the Pre-Sequel, or am I good with this one?
The first game is a bit different. It is definitely not as in depth as Borderlands 2.
Just started The Fight for Sanctuary before going on to the other 11 DLCs (well, 4 main ones and 7 shorter ones, from what I read online).

I usually don't like spending too much time on a game (completed New Vegas in 14 hours back in the day... meh), but this one, HoMM 3, Hitman 2016, Morrowind and Divinity: OS are time gobblers indeed!

Edit: Ah, so I'll just stick with 2 then...
Post edited June 26, 2019 by TheDudeLebowski
Not long ago finished the first game. Looking forward to the sequel.
I really enjoyed BL1. I played BL2 on a steam free play weekend several years ago and after 5-6 hours just never got into it. It felt shinier but...missing the charm?

I'm not sure what to tell you about whether you'd enjoy BL1 or not.
For me there was something off in BL1 in the technical department, screen tearing with no option to activate VSync, maybe something else about controls or performance as well? And the gameplay was very repetitive, felt like padded content, but I only played the beginnning.

What I don't like about BL2 is that despite being open world, exploration is pointless. You're better off just getting quests and then going where you're supposed to go rather then wander around on your own, because enemies respawn, loot is is random, and if you get the quests later on, you need to go back there and repeat everything anyway (it's more like a Diablo clone in that regard than your average open world RPG, I guess). If you accept that it's not really an open world exploration game, it's fine though. I just got stuck somewhere because I had trouble beating a boss on my own (I think it had to do with time limits, like I had to destroy his shield, but would constantly be distracted by respawned lesser enemies and his shield would regenerate, and I was never quick enough to completely destroy his shield while avoiding the other attacks and staying alive, all on my own. Need to retry one day.)
Post edited June 26, 2019 by Leroux
Recently they released a piece of DLC for free that could be great fun. I still need to finish the game though and it's other DLCs first - especially Tiny Tina's DLC. She is just hilarious.
TheDudeLebowski: And it's a lot of fun!

Interesting characters, gameplay mechanics and humorous quests.

As for the minority who don't consider this an RPG, if you can't finish a quest because you're 4 levels below the recommended one and need to do a few side-quests, level up and then head into it, it's safe to say it's an RPG.

At first, I thought I'd play it like a typical FPS with light RPG elements, but then got slapped hard and had to go back to grinding.

Recommended for people who enjoy Action RPGs. If you're an FPS type of gamer, this will either annoy the hell out of you or you'll have a blast through its 40+ hours of gameplay (side quests, DLCs and what not).

To the ones who've played the series: should I try Borderlands 1 and the Pre-Sequel, or am I good with this one?
To my mind, for you, it would be better to complete all the DLC versions. I think you will enjoy it a lot.
So, I enjoyed Commander Lilith & Tiny Tina's DLC but now I'm overpowered for the remaining ones (currently on Captain Scarlett). I should have done a bit of research before playing these.

At least now it feels like a typical FPS set on easy.

Torgue's next, leaving Sir Hammerlock for last. Are the shorter DLCs worth playing, or are they simple side-quests? I'm referring to Crawmerax, Wedding Day Massacre, Wattle Gobbler and the rest of those short DLCs.

I was gonna get The Pre-Sequel the other day, but my gaming debit card was 40 cents short... :/