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Up to 70% off Evil Genius, Commandos, Aliens vs. Predator, Empire Earth and more.

Way back when winter days were the longest of the year, when time stood still in anticipation of the holidays: of the time off from all responsibility, of flashy, shiny new fun, and of pure, undistilled, childlike wonder. That's when we would truly game, become wholly immersed in the games we play - uninterrupted by daily troubles - shaping our tastes and forming the fondest of memories. Our Weekend Promo will take you to these <span class="bold">Wayback Winters</span>, where our childhood classics and retro stylings are king.

Become an Evil Genius, the ultimate childhood fantasy. Sure, James Bond was cool - but it was the shroud of mystery, brilliance, and badassery that made his villains far more intriguing, and their eventual downfall so damn disappointing. But times are changing, now you have grown into a true Evil Genius, and you will not make the same mistakes as your predecessors.

Dark shrubbery hugs your exposed ankles, an unfortunate strand of grass playfully pets your nostrils. This is no laughing matter. You are the Commandos, an elite team of soldiers: each a master of their discipline, together masters of infiltration. It is no laughing matter because you're about to take out an Axis outpost - you wait for the signal, sights focused on a particularly at-ease enemy soldier. He blinks three times in your general direction, just as he has so many times before. Somebody pulls a power generator lever, right on cue. By the time the power grinds back on, only the three of you remain: the Commandos

Fast, precise, and unpredictable - the ultimate warriors out there. It's Aliens vs. Predator, with humanity somewhere in between. This absolute FPS classic gets everything right for a truly fast and deadly battlefield, where three asymmetrical sides clash to blow each other up, scale the walls, and stalk their prey. Aliens vs. Predator is back, now backed by GOG Galaxy multiplayer with crossplay.

Relive those gaming <span class="bold">Wayback Winters</span> - our Weekend Promo of 36 retro experiences at up to 70% off, including Albedo, Empire Earth, Ground Control, Slipstream 5000, and more. The promo will last until December 22, 4:59 AM GMT.
Guter: Commandos games? Where?
Not sold to Germans. As usual.

Got my Commando games luckily before the regional censorship began.
Guter: Commandos games? Where?
chriss1418: Not sold to Germans. As usual.

Got my Commando games luckily before the regional censorship began.
Jep, ich zum Glück auch. Was mich echt nervt ist RcTW - Castle Wolfenstein. Wie kommen wir da nur dran? DRM-frei schön und gut, aber seit wann findet denn die Zensur statt??? S.a. Fallout und die Kinder...
chriss1418: Not sold to Germans. As usual.

Got my Commando games luckily before the regional censorship began.
EggXBert: Jep, ich zum Glück auch. Was mich echt nervt ist RcTW - Castle Wolfenstein. Wie kommen wir da nur dran? DRM-frei schön und gut, aber seit wann findet denn die Zensur statt??? S.a. Fallout und die Kinder...
Ich habe einfach einen Proxy mit US IP benutzt und konnte die Wolfenstein Spiele ganz normal mit meinem Account kaufen.
Very nice promo :)
Hum... How is Sniper Elite ? I have always been attracted for this one, but the reviews are... more than mixed.
Post edited December 19, 2015 by Splatsch
EggXBert: Jep, ich zum Glück auch. Was mich echt nervt ist RcTW - Castle Wolfenstein. Wie kommen wir da nur dran? DRM-frei schön und gut, aber seit wann findet denn die Zensur statt??? S.a. Fallout und die Kinder...
chriss1418: Ich habe einfach einen Proxy mit US IP benutzt und konnte die Wolfenstein Spiele ganz normal mit meinem Account kaufen.
That we have to do such bullshit really grinds my gears. Every time I see gog in German I get a little mad again. I'd rather have all those fine games back than gog in German to be honest. Thanks a lot gog.

Guter: Commandos games? Where?
chriss1418: Not sold to Germans. As usual.

Got my Commando games luckily before the regional censorship began.
Since when does GOG have censorship?
chriss1418: Not sold to Germans. As usual.

Got my Commando games luckily before the regional censorship began.
OliD: Since when does GOG have censorship?
Since the site got a German version. Although it's not the only case, Hotline Miami 2 is forbidden for Australian users (or it was at launch at least).
chriss1418: Ich habe einfach einen Proxy mit US IP benutzt und konnte die Wolfenstein Spiele ganz normal mit meinem Account kaufen.
gogcoon: That we have to do such bullshit really grinds my gears. Every time I see gog in German I get a little mad again. I'd rather have all those fine games back than gog in German to be honest. Thanks a lot gog.

Second it. Funny thing, GOG is in Poland and like Germany, EU. Free markets, no customs, open borders.
But still you have to trick them to buy certain Games.

Just to be clear it is perfectly legal for a German to buy this Games from a Polish site.
Only a German Shop would not be allowed to sell them. But because the Shop is now in German (language wise) GOG fears that they could face legal problems. Censorship out of fear.

I vote against a German version of GOG. Regional censorship is another form of DRM.
I have enough problems with cut versions of Games on Steam. GOG was once a safe haven, it should be again.
I bit the bullet and purchased the Creatures games. Damn you, completionism.
I tried to buy a game via the wayback winters sale, but GOG wouldn't let me click on "Pay Now" .. Which is very
odd. The first time I've seen that happen.
NoAGood: I tried to buy a game via the wayback winters sale, but GOG wouldn't let me click on "Pay Now" .. Which is very
odd. The first time I've seen that happen.
You sure you don't own that specific game?
NoAGood: I tried to buy a game via the wayback winters sale, but GOG wouldn't let me click on "Pay Now" .. Which is very
odd. The first time I've seen that happen.
Grargar: You sure you don't own that specific game?
Hi, no I don't own it .. I went and checked to make sure. I'll try again later, it might just be some kind of temporary glitch.
NoAGood: Hi, no I don't own it .. I went and checked to make sure. I'll try again later, it might just be some kind of temporary glitch.
Did you try using a different browser?
NoAGood: Hi, no I don't own it .. I went and checked to make sure. I'll try again later, it might just be some kind of temporary glitch.
Grargar: Did you try using a different browser?
Nope not yet, I will if it doesn't work this time around.
NoAGood: I tried to buy a game via the wayback winters sale, but GOG wouldn't let me click on "Pay Now" .. Which is very
odd. The first time I've seen that happen.
Which game? Is it a DLC or something alike that requires another game? Unfortunately, GOG doesn't let you buy those if you don't own the main game also, so you can't buy DLC for games you bought somewhere else. The small note on the payment page is easily overlooked. I happened to me twice.