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Which games are keeping you company this weekend?

This weekend will be choke-full of Wang! Which means ridiculously gruesome action, impossible antics, and loooots of swagger. Remember any other gory games that tickled your fancy with their unapologetical bloodbaths and insane bodycounts? Were they extra-splattery? Did they make your shooting finger hurt? Was the amount of enemies equal to that of a small country? Whatever the reason, give us their names!

Surely you've got some gaming planned for this weekend, too. Go on, share your Weekend Playlist with us. It can include single-player games, multiplayer games, console exclusives, anything - we are not judging. In fact, we are sharing too!

Looking for some additional inspiration? The releases of the week might help:

- You can gather up friends and slice-up the foul-smelling demon legions in <span class="bold">Shadow Warrior 2</span>.
- You can scratch your trigger itch, blasting away at psychedelic fiends in <span class="bold">GoNNER</span>.
- You can dive into the depths of madness as the intrepid yet most likely doomed <span class="bold">Zubmariner</span> of the Sunless Sea.
- You can help a girl banish her inner and outer demons in the action/adventure <span class="bold">Anima: Gate of Memories</span>.
- You can go down memory lane and thrown crates at some persistent thugs as <span class="bold">Titus the Fox</span>.
- You can eliminate swarms of alien pests in the now-procedurally-generated maps of <span class="bold">Infested Planet - Planetary Campaign</span>.

So, GOGamites, what are you playing this weekend?
Victor Vran is game this weekend... Time to crush some spiders :) Now, where did I left my hammer?
Torchlight Two still & probably some SP: WaW.
Probably some Forgotten Heroes Vietnam - Board game.
For me, it's still Baldur's Gate: The Original Saga. Maybe I manage to finish the main story this weekend.
Hmm, most spectacular bloodbath. Then i go for Bloodrayne 2. At the beginning of BloodRayne 2 at Zerenski manor you can grapple the bad guys and throw them right on some stakes. Later, one of the missions is to throw some people into a big industrial fan.

My playlist will probably be continue Grim Dawn.
I'm actually playing Quake II: Quad Damage on Linux Mint 17.3, via the Yagami Quake II source port.
Pretty kick-ass source port. Runs the mission packs and multiplayer as well.
I was hipped to Yagami by Ganni1987, here on GOG.
Post edited October 15, 2016 by nate1222
I beat Crashlands yesterday and started Brothers today. I hope i'll finish that game this weekend. :)
I actually managed to finish the games I set out to play last weekend, so this weekend it's gonna be Shadow Warrior 2, with some occasional Wuppo for a change of pace.

As for bloody, high-body count games, Alien Shooter 2: Reloaded is a favorite with thousands of aliens in some maps. The survival modes are good fun as well.
Started playing PAC-Man Championship Edition DX+ again (ended up playing it a lot when I did the 7-day PS Now trial, so I immediately bought it on Steam when it went on sale). Also might get Blue Revolver and DoDonPachi Resurrection.

As far as the "most spectacular bloodbath" thing goes, I'll go with Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360 version) and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. I always get a kick out of watching Ryu use his Ultimate/Obliteration techniques on enemies and ripping them to shreds.
I'll continue playing Ultima 4.
My lvl7 paladin avatar and 6 buddies are exploring dungeons for getting color stones.
So far I got 4 stones out of 8. the way to the abyss is far.
Also I get mystic swords and armors but in the battle system usually fire weapons are better than melee weapons, so not anyone use mswords except me...

Also sometimes ancient Greek campaign in empire earth and 9-9-9 adventure game on DS.
Gemini Rue alternating with Shadow Warrior 2
Arcania: Gothic 4
Still playing the first GBA Fire Emblem. :)
I'm juggling so many games right now - I'm super hyped for Dragon Quest Builders and Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Edition on PS4 since I picked them up this week, but I'm trying to focus on backlog titles and taking down that pile o' shame a bit. So I'm playing through Batman Arkham Origins on Steam and Evoland 2 from GOG here as well. Plus I'm slowly going through Attack on Titan and God Eater 2 on consoles. Plus having to play some Overwatch to try and earn those costumes!

I mean, honestly, I should be working on stuff but... c'mon. Lets be real here; I'm gonna procrastinate like hell and play me some games!
Corridors full of dismembered ninja in Ninja Gaiden 2 "You will leave a wake of death in the name of honor" or some such.
Might & Magic 7 for sure and I think I will play a bit of Ascendant, Feist and Schein to see which suits me best.

Bkoodbath? Lemmings games come to my mind. A lot of gruesome death await for these cute little guys.