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After years of development and listening attentively to gamers, the third part of the cult post-apocalyptic series is finally here. We’ve used this occasion to ask some questions to the game’s lead designer David Rogers and other developers from inXile Entertainment.

GOG.COM: What are your views on the future of mankind - should we be worried?

David Rogers, Lead Designer: I don't think we should be worried. Even if there's a nuclear apocalypse, it seems (according to Wasteland) like there'll still be plenty of drugs to go around. ;-)

What element of the Wasteland series have you always felt most drawn into, what kept you going through the years of games’ development?

I’ve really loved helping build Wasteland alongside my amazing team. It feels a heck of a lot like being a Dungeon Master. We’re really focused on telling the player’s story, trying to anticipate their every move, and make the game work no matter what they do. Something that’s really motivated all of us as we finish polishing Wasteland has been the fan feedback during the Alpha and Beta tests. I feel a lot of support from our community of Wasteland fans.

Who is your favorite character from the game and why? We would appreciate as many answers from the team as possible.

David Rogers, Lead Designer - Scotchmo. I just find him a joy to be around. He really lightens the mood of our often-bleak game. From a playstyle perspective, and for what he does to the story, I’d go with Ironclad Cordite. He’s got his own agenda and it’s pretty horrible, but if you entertain his plans he’ll take the game in a crazy direction.

Alex Kerr, Level Designer - Party Pal. When everyone else sees a frozen hellscape, it sees a potential party!

Thomas Beekers, Narrative Designer - Long John, a synth hiding in the Bizarre, disguised very poorly by wearing a Richard Nixon mask. Long John is a good combination of Wasteland 3's 80s roots and sense of humor, while also having a dark plotline. And his dialog is quite funny!

Eric Schwarz, Lead Systems Designer - The Prisoner. I love how you find him just hanging out in the prison of Ranger HQ when you move in, and the mystery of who he is, how he got there, and how you just can't figure out any answers no matter how many questions you ask. He is also written and voiced in a way that is absolutely hilarious and I remember laughing out loud for pretty much the entire conversation with him.

Kitty Lee, Producer - Servitor bots, their voices crack me up.

Will frozen Colorado prove to be more dangerous for the players than post-apocalyptic Arizona from the previous parts of the series?

They both have their own dangers for sure. We certainly don’t pull any punches. There is no shortage of ways to die in Colorado. When it comes to how we murder you on the world map, we have made some changes for the better. Our world map, first off, looks amazing! We’ve also made some changes to random encounters. Avoiding random encounters is no longer random.

Each encounter in each area has its own skill needed to avoid it. It gives you a much better feeling of control over the world and the experience you want. Other skills now, for the first time, come into play in random encounters. With certain skills, based on the encounter type, you can use them to gain an advantage in combat. For example, you can use your Sneaky Shit skill to ambush your ambushers.

Radiation has a fun twist on it now too. Radiation will kill you, make no mistake, but a quick dance in the radiation can now result in random mutations or tumors forming on your ranger. Maybe that 3rd eye you grew is worth the nausea you got from your radiation bath.

How does it feel to work with legendary game designer and producer, Brian Fargo? What kind of boss is he?

He’s fantastic. He really does play a huge role in driving the tone and feel of our games. He has a great sense of what players want from our games and how to make a game strike an emotional chord. A lot of the humor and drama in Wasteland 3 reflect Brian and Matt Findley’s (narrative director on this game) sensibilities. He really tries hard, particularly early in the project, to drill into the team the tone he wants to strike and the kind of game-feel he wants, and works to keep the game true to that vision, all while making sure to amplify the creativity that flows around inXile when we’re building a game.

What was the most difficult part of creating Wasteland 3?

I think if you ask every member of our team you’ll get fifty different answers. There were so many challenges to overcome in making this game and each was its own war story. Basically, every problem we solved was exacerbated by how massive this game turned out to be.

Optimizing the game was a huge effort from everyone. It was a huge challenge from the get-go just building what feels like 80+ hours of gameplay, recording all those voices, balancing all that content, building all the items, putting SFX and music everywhere, and then having to test the whole thing. Testing a game like this is such a challenge because there’s simply no replacement for just playing the game.

Everything’s just so interconnected. If you tweak one little thing it can have huge impacts on the economy, which impacts combat difficulty, which impacts how much ammo and health packs you use, which comes back to impact the economy again, etc etc. When a natural playthrough for us clocks in at around 80 hours you can only do huge balance passes so many times.

What feeling would you like to convey to the players that are waiting on the edge of their seats for Wasteland 3?

Personally, gratitude. Our community has felt supportive of what we’re doing so far. Each time we release a backer demo they come back to us with support for what we’re doing, as well as constructive criticism, letting us know what else they want from us. We polished our merchant interface, added a mini-map, added crouch, added alternate weapon fire modes, and a ton of other smaller bits of polish based on the feedback from our fans.

We built a huge game designed to let players tell their own stories, and we’re so excited to see what people do with our game. A huge thrill for me personally, and I know a lot of devs feel the same way, is watching people stream our games. Watching someone have fun with your game is about as rewarding as it gets for a game developer.
Nice to to have an interview. Keep publishing more of these!
Barry_Woodward: I backed Wasteland 3 on Fig at the Deluxe Edition equivalent tier, specifically to get all the digital goodies on GOG, but the key I was provided only unlocked the bare-bones version. I'm miffed.
Yeah, same, with an e-mail giving a direct download for the extras.

Oh well, I'll probably just pay again for the "Deluxe Edition Upgarde" when it goes on sale just to consolidate them on my GOG account.

The Deluxe Edition Scorpitron statuette box is pretty f'n rad though... SO glad I went in for that tier!
shmerl: The aren't going to crowdfund any games now, because MS bought them. I suspect it means no Linux versions anymore either.
Given the quality of Wasteland 2 and Bard's Tale 4 for Linux, as well as their statement on the BT Trilogy that working on Proton is good enough for Linux users (but apparently not Mac users), I don't think they ever cared about Linux in the first place. Just jumping in on the SteamOS bandwagon, like most other Linux ports these days. No point in blaming MS for inXile's failures.
Post edited August 28, 2020 by darktjm
darktjm: Given the quality of Wasteland 2 and Bard's Tale 4 for Linux, as well as their statement on the BT Trilogy that working on Proton is good enough for Linux users (but apparently not Mac users), I don't think they ever cared about Linux in the first place. Just jumping in on the SteamOS bandwagon, like most other Linux ports these days. No point in blaming MS for inXile's failures.
They did it because they had backers who are Linux users. MS is anti-Linux in the first place, and now they don't have any connection with backers for their upcoming games, so the result is to be expected.

Crowdfunding gives the ability to smaller gaming communities to be heard. Big publishers like MS don't care, and MS especially in this case.
Post edited August 28, 2020 by shmerl
shmerl: MS is anti-Linux in the first place
That was definitely true in the past, but I believe that's actually no longer true, rather surprisingly.

In fact, Microsoft has made it so that you can develop Linux applications on a Windows machine without needing to install a VM. (Well, WSL2 is technically a VM, but from my understanding it's made to integrate well with the Windows host.)
avatar ...
a quick dance in the radiation can now result in random mutations or tumors forming on your ranger. Maybe that 3rd eye you grew is worth the nausea you got from your radiation bath.
I'd rather have a 2nd tentacle or a 3rd arm, thanks!
dtgreene: That was definitely true in the past, but I believe that's actually no longer true, rather surprisingly.

In fact, Microsoft has made it so that you can develop Linux applications on a Windows machine without needing to install a VM. (Well, WSL2 is technically a VM, but from my understanding it's made to integrate well with the Windows host.)
It is true when gaming is concerned. Their refusal to support Vulkan and continued push of DX lock-in is a very good indicator you can use to measure it.

WSL is actually anti-Linux too, in a more subtle fashion. It's an attempt to prevent developers from switching to Linux proper on their development computers. MS are happy, as long as people aren't ditching Windows.
Post edited August 28, 2020 by shmerl
The game, like every great RPG, is in my scope, but the pricing is too high for me at the moment. I never finished W2 because of bad party composition. I had to stop playing more or less halfway through. I plan to return and finish the game in the future, but it's possible that W3 will be first.

As for the interview, we want more of these! :)
Post edited August 28, 2020 by Sarafan
Sarafan: I never finished W2 because of bad party composition.
That's actually one of the reasons I don't like skill point systems. Choices are irreversible, and as such you can end up in a situation where you can't continue the game because you happened to spend them poorly (and it's not obvious what counts as spending them poorly, as you don't know ahead of time how the game is balanced).

The other problem is that it makes it harder to experiment with different builds, as you need to start the whole game over (or take a new recruit who starts at level 1, if the game allows that). With some other systems, either you can quickly change to the build you want (Final Fantasy 5), or it's feasible to train an experienced character in something new (Wasteland 1, as long as you have the skill points to learn the skill in the first place, you can improve it through practice independently of your other skills).
high rated
Barry_Woodward: I backed Wasteland 3 on Fig at the Deluxe Edition equivalent tier, specifically to get all the digital goodies on GOG, but the key I was provided only unlocked the bare-bones version. I'm miffed.
Why do I need to pay additional 10€ for Deluxe edition when I BACKED the Deluxe Edition tier so I would have the most complete digital edition in one place?

This is the reason why I stopped backing Kickstarter games, because it became more and more prevalent that even if you backed the most ultimate digital edition tier - you get just the code for the base game (+ link to goodies to some external site), whereas those who will buy the game ex post facto, can buy the Deluxe Edition with all the Goodies in one place!

So why would I bother backing something, when it´s easier just to buy the game after the release?
You will at least get what you paid for.
Post edited August 29, 2020 by Tarhiel
Interesting interview; quite insightful.
shmerl: They did it because they had backers who are Linux users.
Yes, I realized this as soon as I posted, but it doesn't matter why they "supported" Linux in the first place: their support was, much like gog's, half-assed. They added Linux support to fill a checkbox, and don't care that what they delivered was broken. MS had nothing to do with that.

I will never pay more than $5 for an inXile game again, which means that likely I will just never buy one again. This is based on my pre-MS experience.
Post edited August 29, 2020 by darktjm
shmerl: They did it because they had backers who are Linux users.
darktjm: Yes, I realized this as soon as I posted, but it doesn't matter why they "supported" Linux in the first place: their support was, much loke gog's, half-assed. They added Linux support to fill a checkmark, and don't care that what they delivered was broken. MS had nothing to do with that.

I will never pay more than $5 for an inXile game again, which means that likely I will just never buy one again. This is based on my pre-MS experience.
So much this!
They never bothered fixing file descriptor leak in W2DC. Their game literary crashes 50% of the times when switching locations (entering world map), but they don't give a f$ck.
Other games saw delays of Linux releases (showing Linux was not even afterthought, just a burden).
I'd like to wish this "studio" a happy and productive history under Microsoft's wing and say it farewell, as we won't cross our paths in the future. Ever.

Call me when there is a Linux version. As another poster has said, since MS owns them now, my guess is that will be never.
Noice! I was not expecting this so soon, wishlisted for now as my 3090 ain't gonna buy itself!