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Neverwinter Nights

Post edited February 02, 2015 by trentonlf
Just been clearing that one out! :-)
All clear. Thanks peeps.
Hickory: All clear. Thanks peeps.
I'm getting finger cramps LOL
Hickory: All clear. Thanks peeps.
trentonlf: I'm getting finger cramps LOL
I know the feeling. :)
You guys are on the ball tonight. I open the sub-forums, get distracted for a few minutes, then come back to a bunch of gogbears. Well done!
I have to admit, after all that, I'm getting a bit jumpy anytime a new post pops up! :-)
blakstar: I have to admit, after all that, I'm getting a bit jumpy anytime a new post pops up! :-)
I keep checking the sub-forum of every game I like that has new posts within the last x-minutes, going "did it spread to this one too?"

I also keep thinking "Gah, stop posting, people! I'm trying to watch for spam, here!"
Post edited February 02, 2015 by Bookwyrm627
Subforums are getting hit again, and they're spamming the General Discussion forum now! >:[
Quick links, in case anyone doesn't have them faved by now:
Post edited February 02, 2015 by Exoanthrope
korea is attacking us, take cooooooooover
currently marked the witcher 2 moving to others -- gee whiz
I've marked all the current posts in all forums, but the Fallout forum is getting saturated.
spam.jpg (221 Kb)
Post edited February 02, 2015 by Exoanthrope
Well, that was fun. Spamming seems to have tapered off for now, at least in the five forums mentioned above. I helped out, but it seems everyone else in the Resistance has gone to bed. :)

What an interesting idea for a new co-op MMO we have here! Spam Reporter? Or perhaps that title is too "on the nose". I'll let someone else handle the naming and marketing. XD
HunchBluntley: Well, that was fun. Spamming seems to have tapered off for now, at least in the five forums mentioned above. I helped out, but it seems everyone else in the Resistance has gone to bed. :)
All five forums still have spam trickling in, but it'll take more users to get rid of them. I reported all I could as well, I think I'm going to bed now.

HunchBluntley: What an interesting idea for a new co-op MMO we have here! Spam Reporter? Or perhaps that title is too "on the nose". I'll let someone else handle the naming and marketing. XD
It would be like one of those Simulator games. Those always sell well, right?
Seen lots of spam now as well. As mentioned before, this isn't a problem us users can really deal with. It's bandaid on a broken leg. Several pages in BG, TW2 and NWN. But I'm off to bed now. This is tiring and it's way too late. Hopefully GOG can deal with this now when it's Monday.