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park_84: And this is happening with TW3 having its own subforum, it could be worse...
I find that a little hard to believe. Well, I mean, this is certainly the most cluttered the forums have ever been.
Austrobogulator: Eek! I guess General Discussion is now the Witcher 3 forum...
Yeah... Looking for a thread which is not about TW3 is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

PS - has anyone seen Ricky? :P
Post edited May 20, 2015 by Tarnicus
I once stayed in a place where 'Ricky woz ere' had been scrawled on a bedpost, if that counts...

I'm wondering whether some of the more... inane comments on the wishlist lately -- such as Mysteryjoe90's 'gfsdfsdfsdf ' on -- are also people posting so their friends can find them.

Then there are reviews, but there have always been a few strange reviews...
Post edited May 20, 2015 by VanishedOne
Tarnicus: has anyone seen Ricky? :P
Ricky is the new Odrin?
Tarnicus: has anyone seen Ricky? :P
huN73R: Ricky is the new Odrin?
"When Geralt first gets to the Kaedweni camp, he notices a trio of drunken soldiers who all seem to be searching for "Ricky". When he asks about this "Ricky", one soldier tells him simply, "you'll know him when you see him". "

Sorry, wrong topic. ( delete )
tax avoidance? O_o
toxicTom: tax avoidance? O_o
tax avoidance
Spam combined with a relevant comment: I've seen this on the wishlist before.

Spammer is Hariiww. The relevant bit is copied from this post earlier in the same thread.
Post edited May 20, 2015 by VanishedOne
VanishedOne: Spam combined with a relevant comment: I've seen this on the wishlist before.

Spammer is Hariiww. The relevant bit is copied from this post earlier in the same thread.
Also in the Conversational FFA thread.

The guy is working through the threads:

here too
Post edited May 20, 2015 by toxicTom
OMG I've just noticed this.. spam is evolving!
Luckly, they're still stupid enough to not conceal the links.
Post edited May 20, 2015 by phaolo
phaolo: OMG I've just noticed this.. spam is evolving!
Luckly, they're still stupid enough to not conceal the links.
I ask myself why the guy can post links at all...
Bot name is currently: john_ckke
Post edited May 29, 2015 by toxicTom
I don't have that typeset installed apparently. Anyone know what that says?
Curiosity is a curse, haha.. :)

woah... its spreading! I see around 5 now. Been a while since I was around for one of these.
Post edited May 29, 2015 by HeDanny