Posted February 17, 2025

For example, almost a year and a half ago, I bought Divine Divinity and Wing Commander 3, 4, and 5 when they were on sale for very low prices.
I didn't get around to trying Divine Divinity until late last year, and I still haven't installed any of the Wing Commander games.
But I don't have to worry about losing access to any them like I might if they were tied to expiring keys...
Same with the installation part: nobody cares, how long your files sit uninstalled on you HDD.
With that we come to the important part: downloading.
That's what everyone should do with their newly acquired games, as soon as they show up in one's account.
Way too many GOG users just buy, but never download.
The day will come, when they will rue that...but hey: they have been warned many times.
Some people apparently need to feel the pain to learn the lesson.
Not my problem.