Dray2k: Behold my so called "hot take" (or is it an onsen temperatured take?) after having watched a couple of streamers stream the game.
Its a really bad remake, but not as much as people seem to rage on about. Personally, I think calling the remake the "worst video game ever made" is a bit of a stretch here. IMHO this game deserves a 4-out-of-10 rating or even slightly worse, but not the 0.5 or so that it has on metacritic, which would imply that the game barely works while having severe issues on every thing, even the stuff that works. Thats even worse than Big Rigs, a game that barely works so well that it created a mock-religion around it.
I can understand people being angry though as a remake should always be "above" the quality of the original in terms of what it offered back then during its apex. So I would've expected at least a 9-out-of-10 game here.
The main thing people have a problem with is undelivered promises like new cutscenes, new voice-over lines with the ability to choose between the new and the old and many more. Otherwise, it is the same game just with new models and textures.
Even the mission they showed at Blizzcon with a new cutscene (The Culling of Stratholme) still uses the same old cutscenes in the release version. This led to people bombing the game with zeroes, because it was simply false advertising. Even after release, the marketing material for the game still said it contains things which it does not. Add to that the reluctance to issue refunds at first and the fanbase the size of Blizzard community and you have a PR disaster on your hands. If you rate strictly the things they have done for the remake, it is basically nothing besides new models and textures and claiming any and all custom games for themselves.
It is also obvious that different people made the models, different people made the unit portraits and different people made the map graphics (terrain, trees etc.). Everything looks good individually but as a whole, it is extremely dissonant. Some things are hyper-realistic, some things are still super cartoony and it just doesn't look well together.