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BlueMooner: When they put "addictive" warning labels on religion and start to regulate it, then I'll care.
No. You can't regulate religion. Even if they harm their members and hold them hostage. The Religions are free to do as they please. Not paying taxes whilst living in opulence from grifting gullible old people out of their little bit of money so their heirs have nothing because "I'm giving it to God!!" is great. You can't take tax money from a church. Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption proved this.
BlueMooner: When they put "addictive" warning labels on religion and start to regulate it, then I'll care.
paladin181: No. You can't regulate religion. Even if they harm their members and hold them hostage. The Religions are free to do as they please. Not paying taxes whilst living in opulence from grifting gullible old people out of their little bit of money so their heirs have nothing because "I'm giving it to God!!" is great. You can't take tax money from a church. Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption proved this.
Cadaver747: God bless America! Now we all can spend our earnings for doctors who treat game addictions. And I think it is less harmless than drugs (incl. tobacco, alcohol, stuff). But gaming with a portion of legalized substance (in some states) is just awesome! They should think how to cure this combo mix first.
tinyE: HEY! Tobacco execs will still tell you that nicotine isn't addictive. :P
Oh yes, last century they even financed medical studies on effects of smoking resulting in solid evidence that smoking is healthy and totally not addictive. Ah, those were the times!
tinyE: HEY! Tobacco execs will still tell you that nicotine isn't addictive. :P
Cadaver747: Oh yes, last century they even financed medical studies on effects of smoking resulting in solid evidence that smoking is healthy and totally not addictive. Ah, those were the times!
onion.png (246 Kb)
Braggadar: I think they're ignoring a bigger group of addicts out there than gamers.

Let's introduce advertising bans and plain-packaging legislation on smart phones first. XD
Generalized smart phone warnings wouldn't make as much sense for them to implement(even if they are addictive) due to the fact that they can at least serve a non-optional/entertainment based functions(i.e. making calls/sending & receiving pictures[can be used in emergencies/some jobs to send visual data]/etc). A warning on certain phone APPS(depending on addiction level chances) would make more sense, though.
Cadaver747: Oh yes, last century they even financed medical studies on effects of smoking resulting in solid evidence that smoking is healthy and totally not addictive. Ah, those were the times!
Eh? What's up with cigarettes being cylindrical or not?
Cadaver747: Eh? What's up with cigarettes being cylindrical or not?
You can bet if being cylindrical was skewed in a negative light, companies like Altria would be the first to deny that their product fits those criteria.
Carradice: Thanks for the link. I like how he put it: there is a big difference between taking a chance and gambling.

He also alludes to the fact that we are all wired to take chances in order to survive. BUT then, gambling is way different. It is set up mathematically; it is impossible to win in the long run. People are very bad ad calculating mathematical probabilities, and they believe they are taking chances, playing, when they are doing something way different, gambling and therefore falling into a (mathematical) trap that someone trained in probabilities set up for them.

Paraphrased a little, but that is the idea.

Nicely put by J. P.
Spectre: and the biological effects like variable ratio rewards and other schemes to take advantage of peoples brain chemistry.
Indeed. Dopamine shots now and them and the user does not even know why is he playing on and on, since the game may be the silliest thing ever.

Good link.
Cadaver747: Eh? What's up with cigarettes being cylindrical or not?
paladin181: You can bet if being cylindrical was skewed in a negative light, companies like Altria would be the first to deny that their product fits those criteria.
Is smoking still cool or not? That's what we all wanna know.
tinyE: According to Websters it is, but opinions as to it's correct use are varied, so I will give you partial credit.

"alot" on the other hand.

DEFINITELY not a word, and the only people who would argue it is, are the same people who make derogatory comments like the one you just made.
Crosmando: Pointing out spelling errors is the lowest form of argumentation.
Unless you count in holding up one finger to halt your flow of words, then swiftly pinching that pimple on your forehead. That's pretty low.
If gaming will get labelled as addictive, please label shopping too and put up the warning signs at shopping malls.... or on sugary drinks, or on Netflix, or on salty snacks... basically, EVERYTHING ELSE.

Plus, it really puzzles me. In my opinion, alcohol deserves that kind of treatment much more than games. Yet, I do not see any visible, discouraging signs on my bottle of beer.
DelanHellforce: If gaming will get labelled as addictive, please label shopping too and put up the warning signs at shopping malls.... or on sugary drinks, or on Netflix, or on salty snacks... basically, EVERYTHING ELSE.

Plus, it really puzzles me. In my opinion, alcohol deserves that kind of treatment much more than games. Yet, I do not see any visible, discouraging signs on my bottle of beer.
Some of those things don;t hurt you as financially as some lootbox/etc style games do.....also many countries already call alcohol/smoking addictive and provide warnings in some regions.
DelanHellforce: .... or on sugary drinks...

Plus, it really puzzles me. In my opinion, alcohol deserves that kind of treatment much more than games. Yet, I do not see any visible, discouraging signs on my bottle of beer.
Yes, sugar, corn syrup, in some cases artificial as well as "100% natural" sweeteners, trans-fats. Bottle of bear could have more sugar in it than a bottle of soft drink. And soft drinks are the worst human invention in my opinion. Now the young kids diagnosed with diabetes. What a strange coincidence. And 100% natural fruit juices along with white bread made of "high quality" flour are very harmful too.

But we will never see any ban on refined sugar and flour, alcohol and tobacco. The games are worst of them all of course.
DelanHellforce: .... or on sugary drinks...

Plus, it really puzzles me. In my opinion, alcohol deserves that kind of treatment much more than games. Yet, I do not see any visible, discouraging signs on my bottle of beer.
Cadaver747: Yes, sugar, corn syrup, in some cases artificial as well as "100% natural" sweeteners, trans-fats. Bottle of bear could have more sugar in it than a bottle of soft drink. And soft drinks are the worst human invention in my opinion. Now the young kids diagnosed with diabetes. What a strange coincidence. And 100% natural fruit juices along with white bread made of "high quality" flour are very harmful too.

But we will never see any ban on refined sugar and flour, alcohol and tobacco. The games are worst of them all of course.
It is FAR easier to ween one's self off of fat/sugar than alcohol(I had a relative with such addictions so i'm not just talking out my rear end on this one). :\
GameRager: It is FAR easier to ween one's self off of fat/sugar than alcohol(I had a relative with such addictions so i'm not just talking out my rear end on this one). :\
You maybe right. In my case alcohol was the easiest part, than tobacco (several years of self lying that it's ok to smoke), than the so called soft drugs (almost impossible to resist, thank goodness I dispatched all my dealers). But td she sugar and flour - I can't beat them. I can't live without something sweet for more than 1 week and I tried many times. Oh I may resist sugar craving by consuming lot of red meat, and something tells me it's even more dangerous.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by Cadaver747