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Cadaver747: God bless America! Now we all can spend our earnings for doctors who treat game addictions. And I think it is less harmless than drugs (incl. tobacco, alcohol, stuff). But gaming with a portion of legalized substance (in some states) is just awesome! They should think how to cure this combo mix first.
tinyE: HEY! Tobacco execs will still tell you that nicotine isn't addictive. :P
It's a fine vegan product. Here's to nostalgia.
Spectre: and the biological effects like variable ratio rewards and other schemes to take advantage of peoples brain chemistry.
This reminds me of how many brick-mortar stores have prices rounded down one penny(99 cents or x9 cents as ending of the price) to trick people into thinking something is less than it is in price.

Like how if something is 200 bucks they will round it down to 199.99 as people will focus on the first number and see it as less than 2 & a much better deal when they're not saving much over something worth a few cents more.
Tauto: Big Deal! Tell me something I don't know:)
Cadaver747: God bless America! Now we all can spend our earnings for doctors who treat game addictions. And I think it is less harmless than drugs (incl. tobacco, alcohol, stuff). But gaming with a portion of legalized substance (in some states) is just awesome! They should think how to cure this combo mix first.
World Health Organization are the culprits.
paladin181: This is just from the pearl clutching about predatory mircrotransactions and the psychological manipulation in loot boxes. Nothing to see here.
GameRager: The IRL money lootboxes ARE a problem to those with addictive personalities, though.....same with casinos.
Sarcasm doesn't translate well in written form though. I was stating that ironically from all the people saying those horrid predatory practices are fine because these companies exist to make money
low rated
GameRager: The IRL money lootboxes ARE a problem to those with addictive personalities, though.....same with casinos.
paladin181: Sarcasm doesn't translate well in written form though. I was stating that ironically from all the people saying those horrid predatory practices are fine because these companies exist to make money
Oh, my bad.....carry on then.
I find many idle games i play addictive. However after a few weeks i just have to give them up...
I think they're ignoring a bigger group of addicts out there than gamers.

Let's introduce advertising bans and plain-packaging legislation on smart phones first. XD
When they put "addictive" warning labels on religion and start to regulate it, then I'll care.
slamdunk: In this case, is it "addictive" or "addicting?" I never know which one to use.
Addictive Addicting is not a word
slamdunk: In this case, is it "addictive" or "addicting?" I never know which one to use.
fr33kSh0w2012: Addictive Addicting is not a word
Unless it's a verb in the continuous form.
GameRager: Also, it's better than doing nothing about the issues at hand....
That's actually quite debatabe. Without proper definitions and norms (how much time playing a game is too much, for example) current "game addiction" definition opens too much room for interpretation and thus abuse. Considering psychology today already being highly politicized it's especially alarming.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by LootHunter
low rated
Getting your genitals cut off and your body pumped full of hormones and then claiming to be a gender you aren't: Not a sign of mental illness.

Playing video games a lot: MENTALLY ILL
Post edited May 20, 2019 by Crosmando
slamdunk: In this case, is it "addictive" or "addicting?" I never know which one to use.
fr33kSh0w2012: Addictive Addicting is not a word
According to Websters it is, but opinions as to it's correct use are varied, so I will give you partial credit.
Crosmando: Playing video games alot: MENTALLY ILL
"alot" on the other hand.

DEFINITELY not a word.
Post edited May 20, 2019 by tinyE
True gaming addictions are a terrible thing but they are quite rare. And no, playing a ton every day does not automatically mean you are an addict.
fr33kSh0w2012: Addictive Addicting is not a word
tinyE: According to Websters it is, but opinions as to it's correct use are varied, so I will give you partial credit.
Crosmando: Playing video games alot: MENTALLY ILL
tinyE: "alot" on the other hand.

DEFINITELY not a word, and the only people who would argue it is, are the same people who make derogatory comments like the one you just made.
Pointing out spelling errors is the lowest form of argumentation.