Posted April 23, 2017
Here are my picks:
Not only one of my favorite game covers, but the whole package was awesome! It reminds me of M. C. Escher. I'm not sure who illustrated this. If you want to see how awesome was the box inside, here's a video review I found on Yutube:
Maniac Mansion.
Illustrated by Ken Macklin. I love this one! That's how I imagine the characters, not like those deformed goofy designs from Day of the Tentacle (poor Bernard, what they did to you). Years ago I illustrated a cover based on this for a Halloween edition of a Venezuelan online comics website, it was fun to do.
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.
Illustrated by Steve Purcell, who created Sam and Max. Even though it's third on the list (I'm going chronologically), this may be my favorite of them all. I love it so much, it captures so well all the imaginative elements of the game. :)
frost0: Ok, so I love cover art. It was the first thing we saw while buying a game. It would make us pick up that box and give it a closer look. Usually leading up to revelation that screenshots on the back are not as cool as cover art on the front. :D
So what are some of your favorite covers? Very nice topic, I love cover art. That one from Another World is one of my favorites too. :) Love that game and the sequel, no doubt one of the best C64 games ever made. The cover art is very 80's indeed, love it! :)
Edited: typo.
Not only one of my favorite game covers, but the whole package was awesome! It reminds me of M. C. Escher. I'm not sure who illustrated this. If you want to see how awesome was the box inside, here's a video review I found on Yutube:
Maniac Mansion.
Illustrated by Ken Macklin. I love this one! That's how I imagine the characters, not like those deformed goofy designs from Day of the Tentacle (poor Bernard, what they did to you). Years ago I illustrated a cover based on this for a Halloween edition of a Venezuelan online comics website, it was fun to do.
Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders.
Illustrated by Steve Purcell, who created Sam and Max. Even though it's third on the list (I'm going chronologically), this may be my favorite of them all. I love it so much, it captures so well all the imaginative elements of the game. :)

So what are some of your favorite covers?
Edited: typo.
Post edited April 24, 2017 by krugos2