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I was able to log into my main account at least two days ago. Now, with my new PC trying to download my games from GOG, it says Incorrect Password. And, when I try to reset the password, it says User Not Found.

I'm positive I'm using my correct account, I already filled a ticket, but I'm really distressed seeing how much the support team is taking to answer the tickets and seeing how there are others in the forum in my position. Has anyone found a solution for this? Anyone who's been trhough the same situation can give me an estimated time on how long it took for the support team to fix this problem?

The two games that I wanted to play more than anything are there, and though I know you can play and download things offline, I cannot even get into my account to do so . Please help :(
Clear your cache, refresh the account and try downloading again?
rtcvb32: Clear your cache, refresh the account and try downloading again?
I already did that. I even tried logging from other devices, like my laptop and such, to no avail. Tried to refresh my account this afternoon, when I first noticed the problem, and downloaded the client a few times. Nothing works :/