MajicMan: You already answered your question right here, This IS THE POINT. the internet was a technology that moved too fast for the government to crush it early. As you also noted, and what I pointed out, the FREE MARKET of the Internet proved that adding gov has no benefit at all. It is undeniable fact, speed has increased, access has increased, price has decreased, free speech grew and you have competition from telcos, cable cos, and other ISPs. Why make it a monopoly and regulate it like a utility? So gov has domination over it, that is it.
As far as paying tolls, yeah, that is how toll roads work. People willing to pay for the road pay the toll, those unwilling to pay the toll take streets with more traffic. It's also the fairest tax in the world. Those who use the road the most spend the most on it. Here in Florida, we have no state income tax. We have toll roads in Orlando and Miami. It is great, it ensure tourists who use the roads pay for it. We also have a hotel tax and car rental tax for the state. Y'all use a ton of our resources so you pay your share too, and we have no state income tax. But we keep our beaches great and our cities clean.
Also, no content delivery has the same price. Mail anything and the price will depend on size, weight, destination, speed or delivery and importance. Mail a 10 pound baby gift certified overnight 6,000 miles to another country, or mail your local water bill, they are not the same price. All content is not the same.

richlind33: Typical "free market" hooey that ignores the fact that monopolies are *never* a good thing. The notion that giant corporations should be allowed to police themselves is just as wrongheaded as allowing government to police itself. If "big government" is bad -- and it is -- so too is "big corporation", because in both cases you have unaccountable and unwieldy hierarchies that are completely antithetical to civil liberties such as free speech.
Free market hooey? We don't have monopolies right now because of the free market. Hence how AOL came and went. It is why so much competition exists for the internet. Also, take a look at who supported NN. Google, Netflix, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Ebay, Level 3, Yahoo, Linkdin, Foursquare. Real tiny companies.
gee they supported NN because it helped smaller companies, start ups, new businesses and competition. Seriously, wake up.
Business is always accountable. A business has to survive everyday. Sears is going to be gone, so is KMart. Woolworth bit the dust ages ago, A&P was the first billion dollar company, and larger than Walmart in its prime adjusted for population and inflation - gone.
As for your free speech argument, yeah, which is why (always from the left) facebook, twitter keep censoring truth and banning accounts. So now Gab has come along to challenge twitter because it allows free speech. You think we need gov to silence our speech like in Europe? Or what the Canadian gov is proposing? Hell No!
And fast lane options are awesome. Just like choosing shipments. Do I want 2-day, 3-day or 5-day delivery. How important is it too me? How much will I pay? At least I have the option. How awesome would it be if GoG competing with Steam bought fast-lane download, Steam gets throttled some but my GOG games download super fast. It adds competition.
The most capitalist countries in the world have risen to the top. The most government have sunk to the bottom. USA or Cuba?
Japan, UK, Australia or USSR, Venezuela, Argentina?
South Korea or North Korea?