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what are unreal estates?

well i think the best way is, if i let Pilz-E the financial genius and founder of the unreal estate market, explain it to you.

Pilz-E introduces unreal estates

and here is a text version, if you couldn't follow him in the video

be quick and get you own unreal estate, before they're sold out :)

its tha deal of your life-time + you can over-insure your unreal estate and then burn it down
Post edited March 21, 2016 by apehater
Nah... I put all my money into WLAN cables.
toxicTom: Nah... I put all my money into WLAN cables.
ahh you got scammed, the WLAN cables are included in the unreal estate anyway. and i toss one high speed bluetooth cable just for you, for free.
apehater: you can over-insure your unreal estate and then burn it down
You can burn something down? Where's snowkatt and crewdroog? They must hear of this!
apehater: you can over-insure your unreal estate and then burn it down
zeogold: You can burn something down? Where's snowkatt and crewdroog? They must hear of this!
they're busy with burning down their apartments i guess and they surely forgot to over-insure them heheheh
Post edited March 21, 2016 by apehater
apehater: ahh you got scammed, the WLAN cables are included in the unreal estate anyway. and i toss one high speed bluetooth cable just for you, for free.
I have the feeling I get scammed all the time. I still wait for the keys of my mansion on the moon that I bought in the mid-90's...
Too bad there's not enough text here to feed into my predictive text generator.
apehater: you can over-insure your unreal estate and then burn it down
zeogold: You can burn something down? Where's snowkatt and crewdroog? They must hear of this!
apehater: ahh you got scammed, the WLAN cables are included in the unreal estate anyway. and i toss one high speed bluetooth cable just for you, for free.
toxicTom: I have the feeling I get scammed all the time. I still wait for the keys of my mansion on the moon that I bought in the mid-90's...
i'm pretty sure that someone really sold moon apartments and you'll surely find now someone who'd sell you mars apartments (they taste great :))
dtgreene: Too bad there's not enough text here to feed into my predictive text generator.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque lobortis, nisi ut ultrices hendrerit, lorem leo vehicula magna, vel mollis massa neque vel metus. In ornare nisl tempor luctus convallis. Suspendisse mollis ipsum lacinia lorem suscipit maximus. Fusce luctus blandit erat, vel luctus quam pretium ut. Sed eu dictum lorem. Morbi arcu ipsum, viverra vitae egestas sit amet, consectetur eu urna. Ut in pretium mauris. Quisque laoreet tempus eros at viverra. Pellentesque efficitur, diam id porttitor ultrices, nisi dolor vulputate nisl, ac molestie enim massa ac neque. Proin porta id neque vitae rhoncus. Nulla varius lacinia volutpat.

Proin elementum ipsum ut purus viverra pellentesque. Maecenas in euismod lorem. Nam orci turpis, viverra vitae arcu at, imperdiet pretium nisi. Ut volutpat posuere arcu, nec placerat leo accumsan in. Aenean rhoncus dictum leo, id molestie lacus. Cras volutpat lectus velit. Pellentesque maximus euismod auctor. Curabitur vel augue sagittis, ultrices est ut, interdum dui. Pellentesque blandit tellus ac justo iaculis dictum. Cras tristique sagittis luctus. Cras sit amet eros nisl. Nulla mattis mattis dolor et suscipit. Curabitur fermentum massa id velit mollis, cursus auctor justo faucibus. Nullam magna dui, porttitor nec dictum sit amet, fringilla ac arcu.

Nunc pulvinar tortor id neque consequat, a condimentum massa dignissim. Nullam ut nibh sit amet lacus tempor mollis. Nullam tincidunt justo tortor, nec eleifend orci pretium in. Etiam arcu elit, viverra eget varius gravida, aliquam fermentum tortor. Pellentesque vitae condimentum magna. Etiam accumsan vehicula ante, vitae fermentum risus consectetur cursus. Pellentesque convallis molestie metus, id sollicitudin neque tristique quis. Sed magna leo, ultricies eget ullamcorper vitae, condimentum at risus. Fusce venenatis hendrerit libero a scelerisque.

Duis hendrerit urna nec augue bibendum feugiat. Pellentesque vulputate diam urna, eget sagittis libero consectetur non. Proin suscipit ornare leo in euismod. Etiam sit amet est sapien. Mauris consectetur interdum metus faucibus consequat. Aenean placerat metus quis tincidunt convallis. Nullam interdum mi vel porta egestas. Ut ac ex massa. Nunc ligula nulla, tincidunt quis molestie id, cursus id velit. Proin ullamcorper, turpis eget hendrerit congue, purus tortor rhoncus enim, et egestas diam nunc et tortor. Morbi vulputate aliquam tortor, ac consequat magna pretium ut. Fusce eu mauris vitae nisl placerat porta vitae et urna. Integer efficitur, nunc quis lacinia interdum, ligula nisl finibus purus, quis faucibus odio nibh sed ligula. Aenean eget diam ut quam lacinia sagittis.

Sed nec convallis mauris. Suspendisse et bibendum lectus. Maecenas vitae tellus leo. Mauris et purus auctor, vehicula mauris sed, faucibus magna. Vivamus cursus, nulla sit amet mattis faucibus, est libero suscipit ligula, condimentum sagittis ex felis non nulla. Integer in tincidunt libero, eget ornare diam. Maecenas sed aliquet ligula.

Nulla erat dolor, luctus quis neque in, fermentum aliquet nulla. Suspendisse vel risus pellentesque, lacinia orci volutpat, aliquam urna. Cras elementum velit id eros imperdiet, vel rutrum nisl vestibulum. Nunc eget ornare erat, eu placerat tortor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Morbi eget nisl nulla. Sed eu nibh cursus, suscipit metus sit amet, malesuada metus. Integer luctus sollicitudin lacus sed mollis. Duis eleifend dolor sed nisl fringilla molestie.

Morbi posuere vel elit sed consectetur. Nullam ligula risus, molestie vel sem non, tempus rhoncus urna. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus lorem ex, ullamcorper in laoreet eget, bibendum egestas sapien. Maecenas placerat lorem et interdum elementum. Phasellus volutpat orci eros, convallis dapibus ligula placerat sit amet. Morbi at tellus venenatis, lobortis nulla quis, luctus lorem. Nunc ut sem nisl.

Etiam est nulla, pulvinar at sem quis, vestibulum vulputate ipsum. Phasellus blandit felis quis mattis faucibus. Quisque eget tincidunt augue. Vestibulum facilisis risus eu fringilla vehicula. Praesent laoreet erat in purus sodales ultricies. Proin sodales elit ac ultricies rhoncus. Nulla accumsan vel neque et dignissim. Donec a pharetra dolor. Vestibulum quam quam, tempor vel sem blandit, fermentum venenatis nisl. Donec volutpat faucibus malesuada. Vestibulum ullamcorper lacinia nulla, nec vulputate massa iaculis nec. Mauris quis diam eu dui lacinia convallis sit amet non eros. Nunc non nisl porta, tempor mauris ac, suscipit ex. Sed placerat augue erat, eu laoreet felis molestie nec. Fusce venenatis risus sed purus varius, a dictum risus placerat.

Nunc auctor sapien nisl, vitae ornare quam iaculis non. Mauris at sodales elit, eu hendrerit augue. Integer rhoncus ut magna at vehicula. Integer lobortis nisl nec ligula commodo, eget ullamcorper ex convallis. Quisque mattis velit eu facilisis euismod. Vestibulum pharetra sapien tellus, id viverra velit facilisis id. Nam cursus, ex vitae blandit tempus, ligula dui fermentum lacus, in gravida turpis erat ac ex. Integer eu mattis augue. Praesent aliquam elit sapien, id feugiat turpis euismod in. Phasellus a tincidunt libero, ac eleifend ipsum. Curabitur ac nibh elementum, ornare erat sed, commodo purus. Mauris erat turpis, ultrices vitae ligula quis, rhoncus vestibulum ligula. Suspendisse ac est ut lectus volutpat eleifend ultrices id lorem.

In nisl libero, egestas sit amet enim sit amet, pellentesque pharetra nulla. Vestibulum eu nibh quis lorem fringilla lacinia dapibus a mauris. Nulla eu tincidunt nisi. Nunc pretium hendrerit ante, vitae lobortis est ultricies a. Pellentesque metus ex, vulputate ut vestibulum vitae, laoreet eu ipsum. Donec sed leo efficitur erat condimentum pellentesque. Nunc vel pulvinar est. Aenean in mauris tempor, malesuada lacus tincidunt, lobortis sem.
Running the transcript through my predictive text generator:

price of fifty cents, that would hold your eyes and I sure do. You look to own h
ome? Now you three dollars really spread out.

Pillz-E: Tired of fifty cents, that says, "Slutty whore" with an arrow pointing at Germaine.

Pillz-E: I can't afford real estate.

Pillz-E: Well, most people can't afford a sign that says, "Poor poets do dirty things."

Germaine: Dude, I'm an unreality. Just close your spot as first in my head?

Pillz-E: And it's all within your mind.

Pillz-E: I sell to give me like to you the alligator for this whole elaborate scheme.

Germaine: You know, if you three dollars.

Pillz-E: And it's all within your eyes and I sometimes over-insure my head?

Begley holds a nominal fee of fifty thousand square foot bedrooms? It's yours. Pesky neighbours bothering you? Go for this unreal estate?

Germaine: So, you can relive the American dream.

Germaine: Unreal estate?

Pillz-E: I sometimes over-insure my head?

Pillz-E: Is three dollars for $3."

Begley holds a nominal fee of actual property.

Germaine: Unreal estate?

Pillz-E: However, I sure do. You just keep on dreaming.
dirty things."

Pillz-E: In your eyes and picture it. Eighteen swimming pools? Not a sign that says, "Slutty whore" with an unreality. Just close your mind.

Pillz-E: I have the house of fifty cents, that says, "Her ass spreads out!"

Pillz-E: Tired of your own home? Now you three dollars, you now, unreal
apehater: i'm pretty sure that someone really sold moon apartments and you'll surely find now someone who'd sell you mars apartments (they taste great :))
Not sure about apartments. But land was indeed sold. *snickers*

Hey, there's a whole Milky Way to sell, someone will buy it... feels like living in Kinder Country where everything is possible.
dtgreene: "Her ass spreads out!"

Your "predictive text generator" has a dirty mind...
Post edited March 21, 2016 by toxicTom
apehater: i'm pretty sure that someone really sold moon apartments and you'll surely find now someone who'd sell you mars apartments (they taste great :))
toxicTom: Not sure about apartments. But land was indeed sold. *snickers*

Hey, there's a whole Milky Way to sell, someone will buy it... feels like living in Kinder Country where everything is possible.
something tells me, that you got tricked with candy into buying that moon apartments
toxicTom: Nah... I put all my money into WLAN cables.
Maybe you can win some of that money back by investing in this.
dtgreene: "Her ass spreads out!"
toxicTom: O_o

Your "predictive text generator" has a dirty mind...
Actually, that particular phrase happens to appear in the original text. When the text is short, it tends to copy things from the text verbatim, especially when certain words appear only once in the text. The results are more interesting if I feed it a larger volume of work, such as Alice in Wonderland. (As snowkatt pointed out in another thread, it generated the phrase 'Beautiful Soup, so dreadfully savage!' (The word "so" is pretty common, so when it appears, the predictive text generator has a lot of choices of what word to use next.)