P1na: Well, the UN is a big organization, it makes sense that they would have many sections and having people looking into pixels doesn't necessarily mean not looking into real people. Kind of like having indies on GOG doesn't necessarily mean less classic releases. Now, if they are ignoring real issues to focus on pixels... that would be a problem, yes.
The problem with the UN discussing the ban is that it kind of undermines all their other points too:
"...employment equality, illegal dismissal of women due to pregnancy and childbirth; sexual harassment in the workplace; reintegration into school textbooks of issue of “comfort women”; compensation for women with disabilities sterilised against their will; effect on women, particularly pregnant women, of health programmes introduced after the Fukushima nuclear disaster; difference in pension benefits for men and women, poverty among older women. "
Now I don't know anything about the severity of these things in Japan, given the fact that they sound serious and that the UN is pushing to have a talk about them makes think "Yeah, maybe they should look into that".
But if these things get lumped in with a ban on "Sexual Violence in games and cartoons" and don't even manage to be the priority talking point, it makes me think that the UN might be full of shit and next time they try to rally for something actually serious they get dismissed as "the chumps who tried to ban porn".