Matruchus: I understand their fears from the new Ukranian government since they dont know them and canceling the russian language as second official language was a really bad move from them.
1. Russian language was not a second official langauage nationwide. Ukraine constitution states only one official language. Never had any problem writing diploma projects in my university times in russian.
2. For nearly 20 years noone gave a damn about minorities languages, the cancelled law was fairly new. And everyone lived their lifes, conversing in their own language. This whole issue was artificial from the very beginning to separate the country on this basis.
3. My mother is russian, my father is ukrainian. Both are russian-speaking. Never in my life had any problem of talking to anyone in my country, be they from the western part or from the eastern. But of my own accord I asked my mother to let me go to ukrainian school to learn the language of my country. This bs about opressing ethnic russians and russian language is a freaking lie. Russians are a second largest ethnic group here, fcs.