StingingVelvet: Can't wait for China to invade Philadelphia because of Chinatown!
F1ach: Cant wait for Ireland to invade Boston!
These are stupid examples, they are a relative minority there and probably happy otherwise they would go back home. Here we're talking about lands with a majority of a certain group.
F4LL0UT: Dang, I wanted to make the same joke when responding to mg1979 yesterday but then changed my mind. Now I regret it.
It's hilarious that you actually suggest democratic means considering the whole conflict started with people standing up to a corrupt government. And the presence of Russian military in Ukraine sure is a good start for a democratic process. :P
You are proposing to support a coup d'etat (not democratic) and you're ready to defend it with weapons if necessary (even less), in a country were the previous leader was regularly (maybe) elected. If he's corrupt that's an internal problem. We also had Berlusconi in Italy (we still have him), some people hated him, a guy even threw him a statuette in the face and he was hospitalized, but people voted him and any threat or aggression to get 'rid of the corrupt' from somebody else that wasn't italian would have been seen as an attack to our sovereignty. If Ukrainians voted Ianukovich and he's corrupt, it's an internal Ukrainian problem. If he was elected it's maybe because the russian faction isn't that small, and if you push for a democratic solution, it should be taken in consideration, corrupt or not, because it's not your country, and if EU (or you) takes one side in this matter it's because it has an economical and political interest.
F4LL0UT: Also, going back to your Czechoslovakia analogy - note that that nation was divided into two, not parts of it just given away to an already existing and huge nation infamous for its corrupt government and insane agenda harmful to their own people (btw, right now my brother's Russian wife is over there saving her family's savings before this insanity going on makes it worthless and shatters their whole economy). Anyway, if the greatest concern was getting Russians to live in a pro-Russian nation they should just be fucking moved to Russian territory - but this conflict is not about that. It's about Russia clinging to its imperialistic ideas, a psychopath on top trying to continue an agenda and executing it with means that have no place in the modern world.
Other empty talk, that's because Slovaks didn't have a country of their own, while russians have. Please use some logic. And again, you say that russians should be f*** moved, as if Ukrainians had right to have their lands and russians didn't. You don't realize that not because the name of the country is Ukraine, only Ukrainians have a right to live there, or non-russian Ukainians have more right to dispose of the land than anybody else that's also living there, and that aren't recent immigrants. Russians have been living there (east side) for a long time, and the current borders result from the dissolution of the SSSR, when having one border instead of another wasn't a problem since they were part of a federation (Crimea was actually a gift of SSSR to Ukraine). I'm not defending old SSSR (I read that the famine of the '32-33 was maybe intentional), and I'm not defending corruption. But if you stand from the side of civil rights, you have to respect the rights of all the people living there, not just the side you like the most. I guess I'm talking to a wall, since you'd like that russians were driven away from the lands they inhabit.
Ukrainians nationalist can have a right in the western part of the country, but not where mostly russians live. I won't change my opinion unless it's demonstrated that the russians living there have taken lands (by force) that were previously inhabited by Ukrainians. And if you say again that it's not a question of ethnicity and language, how is it that russian protests are being heard in the east, and the rebellion started in the west? I think ethnicity plays a big role here, whatever you think. New Ukrainians leaders want to abolish russian as an official language (even if it's being spoken by a good part of the population, and by the majority in many regions of the east) and I read they even want to abolish the ban for nazi propaganda: I hope it isn't true because if it were, would be for me reason enough to support Russia however corrupt it is, and in Europe nazi propaganda is illegal, at least in Italy and I think also in Germany and should be in every civil country.
F4LL0UT: Anyway, if the greatest concern was getting Russians to live in a pro-Russian nation they should just be fucking moved to Russian territory - but this conflict is not about that. It's about Russia clinging to its imperialistic ideas, a psychopath on top trying to continue an agenda and executing it with means that have no place in the modern world.
Yes the world is full of psychopaths. Like you, if you think that russians should be f*** moved because you like the idea.