mechmouse: These ideas were published in the official TSR Dungeon/Dragon magazine. They were coming from the IP owners.
So ideas in a magazine? How is that comparable(in terms of potential impact to the game) to official 'enshrined' changes to canon?
(I was trying to showcase how such ideas vs actual canon changes are two different things in terms of potential impact, by the way)
mechmouse: The greatest affect it will have is making people consider why the Orc raiding party is attacking the village.
"Evil races" is just lazy, unimaginative and ultimately boring story telling.
Some people like "lazy" storytelling sometimes(just like with so called popcorn flicks). It is not always a bad thing. :)
And changing things are good and all but the complaints some have about this is more a case of complaints about WHY it was changed rather than what and what impact it will have.
mechmouse: To be honest I am shocked over this; shocked that having done the ground work for this 20 years ago its only now being put into the core rules.
The same reasons why a good number of companies and people are making similar changes 'out of the blue', I would expect(for good press or similar).
mechmouse: And as I mentioned earlier, most races borrow heavily from real world cultures, and they should be handled with the respect they're due and not just racist caricatures based on out dated assumptions.
I disagree somewhat on this.
For one, I don't think some cookie cutter game enemies and the like should bother people in real life so much.
And also if someone wants to make a game full of satirical stereotypes then I think that's fine(if done with no obvious major ill intent behind such). No one has to buy or play them.