BigBobsBeepers: That's because that should be the kind of harm that mostly matters to change things to such a degree...major physical or mental(think ptsd level) harm.
Near anything else is just people being offended over next to nothing.
Not blind to that sort of stuff. Just focusing on what actually matters and needs changing.
And no, some words some perpetually offended types of 'progressives' find bad isn't worth the time to change in most cases.
Especially when compared to worse things in the world. Actual harmful things.
So let me get this straight. The only harm that is considered actual harm, is pretty much physical harm? With maybe some severely debilitating mental issues? Who you are you to belittle any other kind of harm? Who are you to say it's not harmful when there's harm to your employability and thus livelihood? Harm to your reputation and how people treat you in society? And yes, possible physical and mental harm to you personally due to (violent) people believing in these degrading stereotypes (like history has shown will happen)?
Who are you? Apart from GameRager of course. The display of chronic lack of empathy is astounding.
BigBobsBeepers: No, only those with nothing better to do(aka moral busybodies and the easily offended) would be bothered by this.
Most members of the prior mentioned groups have even stated that such does not bother them.
"Most"? Where's your proof of this very strongly worded anecdotal example? Put your money where your mouth is.
BigBobsBeepers: And by trying to get such changed for them such people doing so are essentially saying they need to do so as the ones they are trying to 'help' cannot do so themselves, don't know what's best for them, and are essentially too 'weak' to do so. In essence by helping people you and others like you are butting in on other people's problems(likely for qa sense of moral superiority and 'doing good') where such is not needed.
No. I already explained this. If there is wrong committed and harm becomes fellow man, and you can do something about it, then do it. You don't actually have to be the one getting beaten up or knifed across the street to realise that physical violence is harmful. There are plenty of other ways to realise that and maybe even help the poor soul getting beaten up or knifed. Your assertion is just plain wrong.
BigBobsBeepers: You want to help such people? Go volunteer at a soup kitchen or shelter in a poor area. Mentor someone in such groups who needs it. Maybe go to other countries with worse situations and try to fix them. I'm sure that's what you do.
BigBobsBeepers: But this sort of thing? This does next to nothing but make those like you feel good for a bit and better than some others.
Baby steps, young padiwan. Baby steps.
BigBobsBeepers: They don't care for the most part, and if they could appeal to racist sentiments(as they did to sexist ones in the past regarding women and such) they would likely do so.
Thanks for confirming you've never held a professional job in a bigger firm, or just know nothing about that.
BigBobsBeepers: That begs the question. If they did such would you say "it's just advertising people. They should be able to do it"? Such mental acrobatics. I'm almost impressed. But yeah. You think I would be more happy with more sexism and racism in society? After everything you've read from me? k then.
BigBobsBeepers: Say it with me everyone "Intolerance is intolerance to anyone it's done to. Even those one finds distasteful or bad." What you are saying here is essentially "It's ok to discriminate against some but not others" which is in and of itself discrimination. But you seem to find it ok to do so if the person is 'bad' in your eyes. That is where your position falls apart.
If you cannot uphold your ideals with all then your position becomes weak, your words become hollow, and you come off looking like a hypocrite. This is such bull. I've already explained this 3 ways 3 times, but let's try again with an (extreme) example.
You're saying that it's not ok to discriminate against some people or be intolerant of some people, if you call yourself tolerant. You are saying that we need to tolerate neo-nazis for example, accept them, maybe even embrace them. After all, we cannot discriminate against them, right? Wrong. You don't have to be tolerant of intolerance. If someone is so hateful and wants to bring harm to a fellow human being, you can easily not condone that as a tolerant person. Some would even say that's the whole point. Nevermind my previous points about how those who propose your argument, are usually racists projecting their own prejudice against people. What say you GameRager?
BigBobsBeepers: And we shouldn't stop doing things because some person MIGHT be upset or offended.
I am offended by some musical instruments sounds. I don't tell anyone playing such near me to stop playing.
Everytime you open your mouth, you make it worse. You show how little empathy you have, and you belittle important things, because you don't understand anything from the point of view of the affected party.
The issue isn't that 346 Romani people made a petition and went to court to prove that their livelihoods and reputation in society was deeply affected by promoting these degrading stereotypes in society.
The issue is that it's wrong. That's why they're making these changes. Even if indirectly they're doing it for the fear of lost revenue (i.e. money) if they're afraid of a bad reputation, they're still ultimately doing it because it's wrong. And this ties directly into what I said before about professionalism and firms wanting to do this all the time.
BigBobsBeepers: I stated such because from your words it it very clear you very likely have your mind made up, and only come into these kinds of threads to feign interest in the opposing stances then make others look bad.
Akin to same posts made by same minded people on social media for the same reasons.
So first you insult me by saying I must be arguing in bad faith (after all, who in their right mind would oppose prejudice??? lol), then you insult me by lobbing me in together with 'those people in social media'. How do you know how much social media I use? Maybe I just use it for family stuff? Irrelevant. You're now literally just assuming shit about me.
BigBobsBeepers: Tell me, when was the last time you agreed with an opposing point of view someone said? Can you name even one instance? And PLEASE, when replying to this, try to answer what I have asked and stop with the "oh you probably dislike this 100%, are likely against good change, and you must be all sorts of bad" style responses. First of all, I dislike the term 'opposing view', it sounds like it's the enemy, and there really are no enemies on vidya gaming forums. And if you must know, someone recently convinced me or argued that a Linux version of Galaxy 2.0 wouldn't be that useful actually for us (for non-native games).
So there you have it. GameRager is proven wrong, yet again.