Posted November 11, 2015
TStael: your selective passive jihadi endorsement (agit-prop - but you quite deserve it) should receive unconditional condemnation.
Shadowstalker16: 0_o You quote this one liner of an agit-prop which I state to be so, when my larger question to 011284mm is why he/she has such disparaging, unkind tone to a country that has suffered as US & UK, twice even.
Why does 011284mm not feel solidarity and respect to a country that does not want to fall to lowest expectations and to the cycle of hate, but to be democratic and successful?
You are aware that local Tunisian people formed human shields in attempt to protect their guests from this drugged-up jihadists?
I am in fact very disappointed that Tunisia receives so little solidarity here, even when we have, or at least have had, fellow gamers from North Africa. And we all hate terrorism that Tunisia has suffered.
Can you understand this point of view - or just roll your eyes again, maybe? ;-p