Posted October 21, 2018
Sorry,to burst everyone's bubble but there is no Wizard with a fireball wand as it's a myth of the imagination of a story teller's that sold banana skins and feathers when mixed together create fairy tales and porridge that when eaten also creates an illusionary dream that transfers monkey thoughts into elephants tails which were used as to whip up a rather long sentence of utter gibberish on a dark stormy night to scare adults into running around a fire naked as the day they were born on the 4th of July and became scientology worshiper's named Ethan who was recalled to duty as a blind trumpet maker who was also deaf but that's another part of the story which under no circumstances will ever be revealed as some things are sacred like the three legged yellow ant that was in love with Cinderella but was changed to some fairy tale Prince as a sub because the director directing the traffic derailed a tram and it ran over the ante up and read them and weep said the Bishop playing strip poker with the none of the above is made up and is a portion of my old book in a holiday at the Rest Easy in a another Galaxy far far away was a Martian eating purple arms of the Quuto which was okay as it had twenty one is the lucky number for some but thirteen is a un/lucky numb all over the feet after being bitten by an mozzie that was also a vampire in a caravan cupboard that also was home to two old mice that used to run up a clock back in the days when clocks were ticking bomb was set to explode at 12pm sharp as a bolling ball that rolled through a circus in a thunder storm were beaten in the final by easts while the rest were in a rest that is still happening at the moment a giant three legged pink ant was looking for her partner when a sky rocket burst above the flying clouds in the summertime of the never ending story and if you read this much then you are indeed a patient nerd that looked at my pc for problems and found nothing except the $158 that he conned out of Arnie who said I'll be back while actually reading a line from a book called backup or someone will get hurt and it will be me and my shadow cast a mighty mouse to the rescue of the minnie mouse and I don't think they knew each other day in the carpark I saw a spider and it weaving a trap for me but I was way to smart and walked around the web of intrigue is indeed a web of deck of cards has 52 and 21 jokers were walking along the road when a cop pulled and said what are you jokers up too think about it sometimes it might take a while to sink to the bottom of the river Thames is 8,000 miles long if measured a certain way of the ninja starred Choi Min but also a recipe for disaster at Huutt 3rd planet from the left without as much as a goodbye and now the end has come because now I need the Stars/Movies/Shows/Songs this is revering to and it's my game and my bloody rules so.....carry on....