Stevedog13: The physical fitness test for one, 2 minutes of push ups, 2 minutes of sit ups and a two mile run is required every year. The standards are different depending on what gender the soldier is, males must be able to perform a minimum of 42 in a two minute period just to pass
Nirth: Harsh.. I abhor push ups, I could probably pull 10 before I pass out and I'm a light weight. Did it take long for people that didn't manage that minimum to begin with to beat it or do people give up or are already prepared?
Well there is a minimum standard to even join. If you are too out of shape or overweight they won't even let you in the military. Once in however they whip you into shape pretty quickly during the two months of Basic Training. It would not be exaggeration or hyperbole to say I did between 250-300 push ups a day during that time, some days even more. If you had trouble with push ups going in you were cured of that in a hurry.
Every two weeks they ran us through a practice test and broke us into groups depending on our score. Since I was a skinny guy who could run well they put me in the advanced running group where we ran 6-8 miles every morning, followed push up sessions where we had our feet elevated, usually on someone else's back. The big slow guys got their own special treatment, I'm not sure what they did but it definitely worked. We had one kid who barely made the weight to get in, he was a little over 6 feet tall and well over 200 lbs. He was built like Homer Simpson and had the pale complexion of someone who spent their days watching TV in their parents basement. His last name was Eisenburg but he was nicknamed Iceberg, as in a large white mass you don't want to run in to. After 8 weeks he was ripped, lean and unrecognizable to his family and friends. We decided that the name Iceberg no longer applied and started calling him Drago, after the Dolph Lungdren character in Rocky 4.
It sounds like torture, but I genuinely have fond memories of that time.