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phaolo: He's tort, what do you expect..
Indeed, the prime candidate for the ignore feature to be implemented on the forum. I think we would be much better off here if the only one reading tort's diatribes on the forum is tort.

On topic, I was genuinely upset when I saw his tweet regarding this and it made me realize how accustomed I have become to watching the insightful videos and weekly podcast from Totalbiscuit. I really appreciate that he is always looking out for the best interests of consumers and is actually concerned about ethics along with integrity while being a youtube personality instead of a "journalist", that is what really sets him apart from most others. I hope and wish all the best for TB plus his family in these really trying times.
Ghostbreed: Both my dad and mom got cancer and passed away. No one else but family and friends gave a fuck. No one on the internet wrote about it. No newspaper wrote about it. So why should I care?
You shouldn't care. In fact I'm not sure you even could be compelled to care about something, no matter how much people felt you should. However in this case a lot of us do care. TB has quite a personal slant to his videos, and a lot of us do feel a personal connection with him as a result.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by wpegg
Piranjade: Yeah, and there is more than one with WoW and strong language in that list.
I believe that guy either didn't get a joke TB made or is otherwise confused.

And while "illegitimate child" still isn't a really nice thing to say it's still more of a factual statement than the offensive "bastard child". I'm pretty shocked that somebody would still use that term in relation to a real child.
Bastard child is also simply a factual statement. It's not an insulting term, it's a valid term for a child born with an unknown father or out of wedlock. Personally "illegitimate" feels harsher, like they're not real people.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by paladin181
Piranjade: Link, please.
I can't just take your word that TB said horrible stuff like "bastard child" about Orion. Nope.
tort1234: He said "illegitimate kid" which is a noun for bastard child or a child born outside of marriage.

The video is Wow video with title "strong language" in it.

Its in the list above. He does say that he has a relationship of convenience where he gets sex and job support from his wife and she gets to enjoy his money and status. And they are okay with it.
I'd like to have the exact moment he says that, then the context, if TB's private life was actually my concern of course.
Narakir: if TB's private life was actually my concern of course.
I think you hit the nail on the head there. :P

God forbid we were to live and let live.
Piranjade: Yeah, and there is more than one with WoW and strong language in that list.
I believe that guy either didn't get a joke TB made or is otherwise confused.

And while "illegitimate child" still isn't a really nice thing to say it's still more of a factual statement than the offensive "bastard child". I'm pretty shocked that somebody would still use that term in relation to a real child.
paladin181: Bastard child is also simply a factual statement. It's not an insulting term, it's a valid term for a child born with an unknown father or out of wedlock. Personally "illegitimate" feels harsher, like they're not real people.
I think it's a language matter, I don't know how it translate exactly in German (Piranjade's country) but in French, "bastard" is truly offensive/insulting while "illegitimate" is more of an official/legal/administrative term.
Ghostbreed: So why should I care?
As always, Star Trek has the answer:

Youtubers (or Twitch, however your bread’s buttered) are currently a positive part of our lives in a small way. They've integrated themselves into our routine, we have a portion of the day set aside for their antics, and can even talk to them. There are voices I miss, voices from Youtube that helped get me through some rough years. If this particular Youtuber holds no significance for you then that’s fine, but I'm sure there are others, and you’ll notice when those voices are gone.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by markrichardb
Well, this sucks. =(

Hang in there man.

Remember children, do not treat your body as a toxic wasteland!
Shit fuck! Excuse my French Ladies and Gentlemen :(:(:(
tort1234: Got attacked relentlessly by bleeding heart liberals and SJWs.
jamyskis: You actually had to drag politics into this AGAIN didn't you? You nazi cunt.
Oh great now I'm picturing a wooha that's got a toothbrush shaped hairdo.
jamyskis: You actually had to drag politics into this AGAIN didn't you? You nazi cunt.
hedwards: Oh great now I'm picturing a wooha that's got a toothbrush shaped hairdo.
Introducing the all new Audi SJW. Combining comfort and style with a remarkable driving experience.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by tinyE
PimPamPet: Rather than getting into an opinionated debate about individual lifestyle choices, I think we can all agree that nobody deserves cancer and this disease needs to get eradicated.
Crosmando: I doubt cancer will ever get "eradicated" simply because it's not a virus for which a vaccine can be developed, it's simply cells growing out of control, it's not so much a "disease" as it's a side effect of being a biological organism. HIV being eradicated is much more realistic goal.
Right, we're susceptible to cancer because we're composed of a huge number of cells that need to divide regularly. That cell division happens anywhere from a few days for epithelial cells to about 50-60 years for neurons. Every time there's a cell division, there's a possibility that the cell will mutate in a way that results in uncontrollable growth.

Cockroaches are largely resistant to cancer because their cells only divide when they molt, which is far less frequently.

Anybody who lives long enough will wind up with cancer.
hedwards: Oh great now I'm picturing a wooha that's got a toothbrush shaped hairdo.
tinyE: Introducing the all new Audi SJW. Combining comfort and style with a remarkable driving experience.
I saw an awesome car this morning. , and boy are those awesome to look at. I can't imagine their safe, 3 wheeled cars usually have significant stability problems.
Post edited October 17, 2015 by hedwards
I recall hearing this shortly after it was put out, and have had little to say. But thinking on it a little, John has already swallowed his pride entirely when he went public with the cancer/health issues and talking about a private yet very important medical matter (in hopes maybe someone else with similar issues would seek help).

It is no surprise after diagnosis and dealing with it that something similar could pop up; Or that he would be totally honest with it. As much as we hide our own faults and medical issues, everyone has something they are dealing with to some degree, minor or major.
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Post edited October 17, 2015 by Ghostbreed