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Never really liked him or any other of the 'angry' Youtube reviewers

But my heart goes out to him. This is a challenging time for him and I hope he gets all the support and treatment he can to help him through this.
TheTome56: Never really liked him or any other of the 'angry' Youtube reviewers

But my heart goes out to him. This is a challenging time for him and I hope he gets all the support and treatment he can to help him through this.
Agree or disagree with him, but he's never been one of the "angry" reviewers. Always calm and tries to be balanced.

You must be thinking of someone else.
WTF was that? Awful news... Hope he can pull through it and get well soon.
Horrible news, especially in someone so young. Wish him all the very best.
KneeTheCap: While I quite rarely agree with TB, I do respect him. Hopefully he can beat this.
king_mosiah: There is no "beating" Inoperable cancer I'm afraid (Lost my mother in August to a form of it) only treatments that MIGHT buy some time...
Right, in this case "beating" it means living for 4 years rather than just 2-3 years. The likelihood of him living to see 40 is basically 0. He might get extremely lucky and represent the long-tail on the curve, but he won't live long enough to take retirement at the normal age.
As a result of the prognosis and from the e-sports scene not being good for them in general; TB's SC2 team Axiom Esports is shutting down. Some subreddits are trying to censor discussion of this and TB himself.
Hardrada: That sucks, I have always found him to be an articulate and insightful commentator.
Unfortunately he was to close to Blizzard and Sony to criticize them properly from what I heard.
That's awful. Don't particularly like or agree with the guy, but I find his videos very interesting and informative. I hope he can beat this if it is possible.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by sherringon456
tort1234: If he dies, i only have AngryJoe left as a credible gaming reviewer.
Fixed it for you .
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Painted_Doll
What? Oh fucking hell, that's not fair. he's only my age...
Really reminds of us of our mortality does it not?
hedwards: Because he didn't have liver cancer to start. That means that the cancer has spread from the original location. If it were just the liver, his odds would be a lot better. Getting a liver is rather tough due to the generally poor quality of livers in general. Between infections and obesity, it's tough to get transplant-worthy livers.

Anybody that cares about him or people in general should seriously consider signing up to donate and keeping themselves in reasonable shape. Obesity, drugs and excessive medication are killers as far as the liver goes.

In his case, a liver transplant isn't going to make a difference, but for others it could.
If the cancer sends metastasis its malignant form. Its very evil, because it forms a network - the smaller pieces are hindered in development by the major one. Once major, say, is surgically extracted or defeated by chemotherapy, one of the smaller starts to grow.
Chemo and also OP suppress own immune system, which is the only real killer against cancerous cells. So its like bombing both good and bad guys.

The benign cancer form does not spray metastasis and is often present in every human, for example - the little red dots on the skin, that disappear when being pressed on to reappear in few seconds - thats arthritic capillary cancer, usually harmless and vanishes on its own.

Well, one man my wife knew personally has defeated cancer, it was in Kazakhstan in 80ties and doctors have let him 6 months to live and sent him home to die.
He started catching and eating dog (yes dog) and badger(yes, badger) livers and has defeated the cancer, shocking the doctors. I am not doctor, I have no idea how it worked and I give you my own word this is not some fantasy.

Here, I found some information. Apparently badger and dog liver and fat have strong immune effect.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Lin545
No idea how to take this. Feels weird, he introduced me to GOG and so much more.
Feels weird.
low rated
Narakir: Crap... the reviewer I respect the most.
tort1234: Married a single mother with a bastard child. She only sticks with him because of his status in the gaming world and the money he makes.
Narakir: How can you make such an assumption ? You've been spying their couple or what ?
Watch and listen to his Wow guide video. He mentions my point made above.