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I don't get why a liver transplant isn't an option if someone could explain that. "Spots on liver" , "Unremovable spots" - but liver is removable. :o
Damn, totally spoils my righteous anger.

Poor sod.
MaximumBunny: I don't get why a liver transplant isn't an option if someone could explain that. "Spots on liver" , "Unremovable spots" - but liver is removable. :o
The liver is one of the most resilient parts of your body - it can fully regenerate from less than 25% of its whole - yet having a secondary cancer there means it has spread throughout the body and it is only a matter of time before cancers crop up elsewhere. Secondarily, the treatment required to firstly weaken the cancer enough to make operation a viable thing damage the very areas that will be required to work efficiently after a replacement op.
Thirdly, he'll be on reduced NHS treatment thanks to our govt.

Source: prior experience. Might have squiffed it a bit, but kinda "off" now as same thing happened to my dad.
I'm not a fan but he has my sympathy. :(
Hugs and support to TB.
No one deserves cancer, absolutely no one. And anyone can get hit, I've seen young and othrwise perfectly healthy people get it in the prime of their life. I wish him well, sometimes patients make miraculous rebounds that go against all the doctor's "you have 2 years to live etc" death sentences.
The first thing that happened when I saw this thread title was to tear up.

No matter how much you do not like someone, you would never wish this on them. So as I think TotalBiscut is a great guy - WTF did he do to deserve this !?
I really hope he goes on for many more years in at least a painless and enjoyable way.
Sachys: snip
Ah. That really sucks. :S

And do the UK passports work like EU ones where you're able to live and work in those territories? I'd check out Germany or Scandinavia for long term medical treatment rather than let NHS decide my terms. TB has the benefit of working online so he could take it with him as long as he found residency.

Hopefully he'll be able to find something that works it out.
Fucking cancer!, it's so often like this: once you have it once, even if you overcome it, you know it will come back eventually. Really hope for the best for him, one of the best game analysts out there.
yes and no - you can move freely through the EU, but the NHS only covers minimal care (and only with the right documentation) so that would take it back to the start where unless you pay for your care, you're fucked.

Of course, he might have private care and still be fucked. I dont know - just going off the facts regarding NHS cuts. point is, without the cuts, we'd have a much better survival rate - and the NHS is really worth it (as someone who is alive because of it I can tell you that as a fact!).
low rated
steve jobs had cancer but... well, the way he dealt with it sure was retarded for for a supposed "genius".

and inb4 i'm a idiotic shill for microsoft and anti-business obama.

oh man... he thought he was "magic".
Sachys: yes and no - you can move freely through the EU, but the NHS only covers minimal care (and only with the right documentation) so that would take it back to the start where unless you pay for your care, you're fucked.

Of course, he might have private care and still be fucked. I dont know - just going off the facts regarding NHS cuts. point is, without the cuts, we'd have a much better survival rate - and the NHS is really worth it (as someone who is alive because of it I can tell you that as a fact!).
Unless you were put on the Liverpool euthanasia program or suffered other screw ups then covered up by our cultish medical system.
Sucks to be TB although I remember him saying he got the first tumour found and operated on in the US, one wonders how long he would have waited if he was left here.

ps Though the US system is worse in a lot of ways.
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Spectre
I wonder if he can improve this chances with a diet of less acidic food.
Gnostic: I wonder if he can improve this chances with a diet of less acidic food.
obesity, alcohol, smoking, stress, depression, lack of sleep, teflon, genetic defects, heavy metals, radiation, CTD(HPV etc), etc. there is a crapload of factors nearly all close the eyes upon.

My neighbor whom I knew as a child has passed away about a year ago from liver cancer. They prescribe drugs just to make it less painful, it literally sucked the life out of him.

Its a shock to hear this. Been following him for quite some time, great reviewer and person. I still hope very much he manages to defeat it. And shows it the middle finger. Damn it. : /
Post edited October 16, 2015 by Lin545
Gnostic: I wonder if he can improve this chances with a diet of less acidic food.
Lin545: obesity, alcohol, smoking, stress, depression, lack of sleep, teflon, genetic defects, heavy metals, radiation, CTD(HPV etc), etc. there is a crapload of factors nearly all close the eyes upon.

My neighbor whom I knew as a child has passed away about a year ago from liver cancer. They prescribe drugs just to make it less painful, it literally sucked the life out of him.

Its a shock to hear this. Been following him for quite some time, great reviewer and person. I still hope very much he manages to defeat it. And shows it the middle finger. Damn it. : /
Well, in additional to a health diet, he can improve this chances with avoiding alcohol, smoke, lack of sleep and such.

There is nothing to be done for genetic defects and other uncontrollable factor, but he can home in on his controllable factors.