Telika: But yes, let's parachute certitudes all over this headline, because things are ever so simple.
huN73R: But I was just going by the info that she is keeping another guy unaware as well, she knows how that ended for her last time and at this point if she is looking to avoid all that drama she could just be open about her past, is what I was saying along with the fact that it was her mistake to keep it secret the first time, maybe unintentional but still wrong.
I'm sorry if my words were offensive, that was certainly not what I was going for.
I just meant that even this can be interpreted different ways. Generally speaking, I think that lies are immensely dangerous things, be them "succesful" or not (if they are, you still lock a person into a false belief about the world, which is a hideous responsability in itself), so I do not think that any occurence of that lie was the right thing to do in the absolute. But I also think that each occurence can be motivated by very different thought process (from scam-like cynical manipulation to an attempt of preserving the 'right' things at the cost of one 'wrong'), and we cannot infer much about this thought process, even in the second case (as I said, having been beaten up and thrown out after the revelation may also have locked her further down in the belief that her stigma is not sustainable, and that she won't ever be accepted -or won't ever be accepted by the sort of personality she's attracted to- if her past is known).
We have few dots, even with the second part of the story, and we can interpolate many different believable lines through these dots (from girl-prisoner-of-her-past to girl-seeking-mercenary-weddings, and everything inbetween). I just think it's dangerous to assume too much, or believe in a too clear picture, on their basis.
I have absolutely know idea of what I'd do in her position (depending, also, on what we take from her position), it's a shitty situation and there may be no clean way out of it. But I find it hard to judge, especially that univocally. The factors of the previous drama are multiple : her lie, but also the truth (and its revelation), the mentality of the husband, her history, society, etc...
We could be discussing so many different versions of that girl, living through the same events, but living them in a different way under different perspectives, with a different mindset...