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Post edited December 21, 2016 by Fairfox
mine are zootopia/tropolis - it's just so cool. the fox and the pawpsicles

finding dory - expected this to be like finding nemo. except it was so much more

captain america - iron man vs captain america! without spoiling it, it is actually quite cool

antman - slightly different to other marvel movies. very good.

love em all

editied for reviews
Post edited December 21, 2016 by timmy010
Hacksaw Ridge - Holy Shit!/10 Best film of the year. Starts out like Steven Spielberg's "Forrest Gump goes to WWII", but once the actual fighting starts, it becomes one of the most horrifically intense movies I've ever seen. You won't believe this is based on a true story. And when you inevitably check out the wikipedia article about the protagonist, you won't believe they actually TONED DOWN his battlefield heroics. Also, Hugo Weaving is terrific in it, his performance will help you get through the sappy bits.

Cold War 2 - Really cool cops & gangsters Hong Kong movie. Well trodden territory, but this one has family intrigue and backstabbings on Shakespearean levels. I never saw the first movie, but I didn't need to in order to enjoy this film immensely. Great performances all around, with a particularly strong performance from Tony Leung Fa-Fai. If you're even a little into Hong Kong movies, you should check this one out!

Zootopia - I hate CGI animated movies almost as much as comic book superhero shit, so I didn't expect too much from this. But somehow, this one was one of the best movies I've seen this year - which isn't saying much, since this was a particularly awful year in movies - but nevertheless, this one was really fun!

Honorable mentions (=mostly crappy films that had one good thing going for it):
Blood Father - Mad Mel is at it again! The guy's presence makes this one more of a Mad Max movie than Fury Road could ever hope to be.

Elle - Paul Verhoeven's first film in over a decade. I wasn't too impressed, but it wasn't bad either. Maybe it'll grow on me upon repeat viewings.

De Palma - Basically a guy in a chair talking about his movies for 100 minutes. Basically a DVD bonus feature rather than an actual movie. Still more enjoyable than 85% of films I've seen all year.

Batman v Superman - I only watched this in order to find out if it could possibly be any worse than Captain America Civil War. Imagine the comic book guy from the Simpsons making a film about Jesus Christ wearing a Superman costume and the result being a complete trainwreck - that's Batman v Superman! Not good in ANY sense of the word, but the sheer, pretentious po-facedness of it made it somehow strangely compelling. Mark my words, this will be rediscovered as some bizarre work of art in a few years. It also helped that I saw an airline version of it, which was shown in the old-timey 4:3 aspect ratio, which included significantly more information at the top and bottom of the frame. The 2.35:1 version found on the DVD and Blu-ray looks absolutely dreadful, even the director of photography chimed in (on Twitter, I believe) that this is not the version he would like to see released.

10 Cloverfield Lane - John Goodman is a fucking fantastic actor/10

The Neon Demon - Possibly the most embarassing, adolescent rubbish I've seen this year (minus the superhero shit, which is the most adolescent rubbish by default). Normally, my go-to adjective to deride a film like this would be "pretentious" - but this one is simply too dumb to even qualify for a label like that. But the visuals were nice. And the soundtrack! Cliff Martinez' score is hands-down my favourite album of the year, recalling the works of early-synth pioneers like Tomita (who sadly passed away earlier this year). Skip the movie and get the soundtrack!

Hands-down the worst piece of shit I've seen this year:
Captain America: Civil War - Instead of a long winded rant about how this is one of the worst things I have ever seen, I will simply copy/paste one of the most memorable quotes according to IMDB:

[i]Scott Lang: Ca... Captain America...

[shakes Steve's hand vigorously]

Steve Rogers: Mr. Lang.

Scott Lang: It's an honor. I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow, this is awesome!

[turns to Wanda]

Scott Lang: Captain America! I know you, too. You're great!

[sighs, then grips Steve's muscles]

Scott Lang: Jeez... Uh, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super-people so... thinks for thanking of me.

[Steve grins]

Scott Lang: [to Sam] Hey, man!

Sam Wilson: What's up, Tic-Tac?

Scott Lang: Uh, good to see you. Look, what happened last time was...

Sam Wilson: It was a great audition, but it'll...


Sam Wilson: It'll never happen again.

Steve Rogers: Did he tell you what we're up against?

Scott Lang: Something about some... psycho assassins?

Steve Rogers: We're outside the law on this one, so if you come with us, you're a wanted man.

Scott Lang: Yeah, well, what else is new? [/i]

This cost 250 million dollars to make. It made over one billion at the box office. It has an 8.0 rating on IMDB.
Post edited December 21, 2016 by fronzelneekburm
It has to be Rogue One for me this year. Although I've not been to the cinema this year nowhere near as many times as I should've.
Fairfox: Never saw BFG :(. So bummed because I kno it would be included in mah list. Sigh.
I've started using VidAngel to watch my movie. You give $20 for a movie, sell it back for $19, and filter your movies (works well if you have kids or don't want to see or hear certian things). Anyway, $1 rentals from the comfort of my underpants has really helped with me seeing a few movies.

That said, I haven't seen BFG or Pete's dragon yet. They're on there. I did waste my dollar on suicide squad. That definitely goes in for my least favorite movie of the year.

Mine was probably Batman v Superman. It wasn't a great movie, but it was great fun for me.

I haven't seen rouge one yet or the fantastic beasts one yet, but I'm sure I'll end up liking those more.
Can we start anther version of this thread only IN English!
Post edited December 21, 2016 by Fairfox
Of the movies I have seen so far this year, the new Ghostbusters wins by default. Consider the following:

1. I have a policy of not seeing movies if the main character is a cishet white male. Needless to say, this eliminates most movies from the list.

2. I have not seen the Rogue One yet, so that movie is not a candidate.

3. I have actually not seen any other movies this year.

Since Ghostbusters is the only movie I have seen this year, it is therefore the best (and the worst) movie I have seen this year.

Maybe this will change once I get around to seeing Rogue One later this year, but I haven't seen it yet.
100 miles round trip in a blizzard to see a movie? XD

So anyway I hope to catch Rogue One on Saturday weather permitting. Last movie I went to see was Ep7. If it isn't something made 1000 times better by a theater than it's not worth the effort. For example I wanted to see Deadpool in the theater but unlike a movie like Star Wars or Close Encounters, you don't need that wall to wall screen to get everything out of it.
dtgreene: I have a policy of not seeing movies if the main character is a cishet white male. Needless to say, this eliminates most movies from the list.
Nope, sorry, that's no excuse.

Of the 9 films I listed as watchable, 6 don't feature a cishet white male main character:

Cold War 2 - AZN protagonists
Zootopia - Female protagonist. A CGI rabbit to boot
Blood Father - Even though it has Mel Gibson's face on the cover, his daughter is the protagonist. She even gives him an SJW-ism laden lecture about Mexican immigrants at some point. You'll love it!
Elle - Female protagonist
10 Cloverfield Lane - (Kinda dull) Female protagonist in a movie about how John "Healthy at any size" Goodman is a fucking fantastic actor.
The Neon Demon - Female protagonist
dtgreene: I have a policy of not seeing movies if the main character is a cishet white male. Needless to say, this eliminates most movies from the list.
fronzelneekburm: Nope, sorry, that's no excuse.

Of the 9 films I listed as watchable, 6 don't feature a cishet white male main character:

Cold War 2 - AZN protagonists
Zootopia - Female protagonist. A CGI rabbit to boot
Blood Father - Even though it has Mel Gibson's face on the cover, his daughter is the protagonist. She even gives him an SJW-ism laden lecture about Mexican immigrants at some point. You'll love it!
Elle - Female protagonist
10 Cloverfield Lane - (Kinda dull) Female protagonist in a movie about how John "Healthy at any size" Goodman is a fucking fantastic actor.
The Neon Demon - Female protagonist
There's another factor: I rarely go to the movies anyway, and I don't really hear about movies. In fact, for many years (over a decade IIRC), I didn't go to the movies at all, so the fact that I am likely to see 2 movies this year is remarkable.
Thank you for not spoiling them.

I found Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children idiotic.
It felt to me like X-Men spin off for kids.
My top movies of 2016 (so far):

Arrival: Definitely the best movie of the year imo! Sci-fi/drama at it's finest! Denis Villineuve is one of my favorite directors and he didn't disappoint with this one. Can't wait for Blade Runner 2049!

Hacksaw Ridge: I have never seen a film portray war so horrifyingly. This even rivals Saving Private Ryan imo. Mel Gibson's back!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: This is definitely a movie for old fans! The nolstalgia it evokes is amazing! Not the best Star Wars movie ever but definitely not the worst either!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: When I heard this was going to have four sequels I was skeptical, but that was before I saw it! Exceeded my expectations and they were pretty high already! Definitely looking forward to the sequels now! If any Harry Potter fan hasn't seen this yet then what are you waiting for?!

Doctor Strange: Slowly but surely, Marvel is taking DC's spot as my favorite. Doctor Strange is very different from the other Marvel movies, but that's what makes it so good! The action, visuals and humor are all great! Deffinitely in my top three Marvel movies!

Captain America: Civil War: I didn't like this movie much when I saw it, I think my expectations were too high. But it's grown on me to the point of being one of my top movies of the year. The fast paced action, while different, is nice and the movie, if nothing else, serves as a nice introduction for Spider-Man.

Still need to see La La Land and Fences, but for now those are my top movies.
Post edited July 19, 2017 by GandalftheCool