Posted December 22, 2017

Old user
Registered: Nov 2011
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go Clarice!
Registered: Sep 2010
From Russian Federation
Posted December 22, 2017

If I may ask, what was her name?

GOG sells trojan horse malware
Registered: May 2011
From Taiwan
Posted December 22, 2017

My beloved friend, buddy, and my little cute kitty died yesterday.
She was 25.
She put on such a brave face for me. Besides her aching joints she would still walk around on her own power. I knew the time would come when she would leave but one is never ready to let go. The signs were there. She started having trouble eating her favorite crunchy cat food. We were lucky that a friend had some other cat food that was in smaller pieces that she enjoyed to eat. She still had all her teeth to eat with. We of course had some wet cat food that was her favorite to eat too. But the biggest shock to me was when she had trouble drinking her water. That's when I knew. My wife and I would spoon give her water and milk. We did all we could to make her comfortable as possible. When she got to the point that long walks in the room were too hard for her, we would support or carry her to where she wanted to go. Then mainly she could only lay after a few days from that. We spent as much time as we could with her. For my wife it was easier because she doesn't work. My little kitty girl held on until I got back from work.
She was a stray kitty when I first came across her. Nobody could approach or hold her. It took me about 1 or 2 hours in the rain to gain her trust. I would leave some cat food one piece at a time in a line towards me. She would come to get the food. When I set the last piece on my foot she actually was on my foot crunching away. It was then I tried to pick her up. She purred as she look at me. As to say. OK I choose you to take care of me. For 25 years she has been great happiness and sunshine in my life. I am greatful for the times with her. When I would be sick, she was always by my side to comfort me. Our time started with her in my hand. She died in my hand. She held on that day to honor me that one last time to look eye to eye and to be once again in my hand.
I can't let go. She is so much a great part of my life that I cannot let go.
My previous cat lived to be 19 years old and I remember how devastated I was when he died, even though all of the warning signs had been there for some time and I was expecting it. It's like you say, you can never be truly prepared. I think what affected me the most was seeing him deteriorate.
I am at the time in life where I've lost a fairly large number of loved ones (human or otherwise). Earlier this year I lost my father and in recent years my maternal grandmother, my paternal grandmother, one of my best friends, my uncle and a few years before that my longtime girlfriend. There are things I still haven't worked through and may never work through, but I try to stay positive and remember the happiness that each person and pet brought into my life. I am a better person for having known them all.

Bad Hair Day
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Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted December 22, 2017

People say wait before you get a new one, but six hours later I had purchased a new born Mau 750 miles away in Illinois. I had to wait two months before he was weened, but that was six years ago, and he's been the owner of this house since. :D

Newish User
Registered: May 2011
From Canada
Posted December 22, 2017
Wow, 25 years is incredible. I feel your pain. You should feel blessed that you had so much time with her, though that doesn't make it any easier. It sounds like she had a good life in a good home.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing.

Registered: Apr 2012
From Switzerland

Ranger Lord Solo
Registered: Nov 2010
From Japan
Posted January 09, 2018
Thank you all for your care and support.
I am doing better now. Still miss her a lot but I am OK.
I really appreciate your words and your stories you all shared with me. It's a lonely start of the year but somehow she is still scratching my socks in the morning or meowing at me for her attention. Because she is in my heart she still is with me in a way.
Thank you all
I am doing better now. Still miss her a lot but I am OK.
I really appreciate your words and your stories you all shared with me. It's a lonely start of the year but somehow she is still scratching my socks in the morning or meowing at me for her attention. Because she is in my heart she still is with me in a way.
Thank you all

New User
Registered: Sep 2010
From United States
Posted January 09, 2018

Registered: Oct 2011
From United States
Posted January 09, 2018
Cats, and pets in general can be pretty amazing. Looks like you had yourself a real special companion.
Wishing you and your wife the best.
Wishing you and your wife the best.

in development
Registered: May 2016
From India
Posted January 10, 2018
Sorry for your loss. :(
What can I say! We all know the effects of time on all things material. Yet, it is never possible to accept the cruel end.
All I can say is that my condolences go to you. Cherish the fact that she came to your life and stayed with you for all those wonderful years.
What can I say! We all know the effects of time on all things material. Yet, it is never possible to accept the cruel end.
All I can say is that my condolences go to you. Cherish the fact that she came to your life and stayed with you for all those wonderful years.