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Yeah, like the title says, does it really not have a season pass? And apparently won't feature paid DLC?

It was apparently announced by the devs (Respawn Entertainment), but is EA really going through with it?

Huh, if it's true, I hope this sparks a change. Pre-ordering games is one thing, but pre-ordering DLC?

Oh look! A stopped clock!
Post edited October 28, 2016 by JK41R4
I believe that there was a couple of other games that have decided to phase out paid multiplayer DLC, although I can't figure out what.

Honestly, paid DLC for multiplayer is the best way to kill off your MP community by fragmenting it. Paid map packs basically lock out those who don't buy the DLC. Either the DLC sells poorly and you end up with paying customers who are pissed that they barely have anyone to play against, or the DLC sells really well and you end up with paying customers (those who didn't buy the DLC) who are pissed that they have to pay more just to find someone to play against. I think studios are starting to realise this.

Also paid perks/bonuses/items distort competition, and paid skins are worthless.
I'm against all small DLCs. I can live with huge espansions that add to the game signifficantly, but I hate DLCs that add a new weapon/small area/hero etc. In these cases I always have the feeling that it was left out intentionally just to milk more money. If developers feel that their game is worth $120, then why don't simply ask for it and release the whole shit then see if the market agrees.