Posted April 18, 2021
aDyingLight: it shouldn't be like that, and i decided to seek for the ones willing to not accept those lies anymore. i'm failing. but i am sure there's more of us who refuse to believe Life MUST me be this mad race for resources that are carefully stolen so we're kept struggling for the basic survival while the plenitude is reserved for the """winners""", self-anything at the heart of those lies.
It doesn't need to be, but in order to avoid that struggle, we need to win the battle within ourselves and it is a struggle against the grain of our nature. If we just follow our instincts, it will lead to ruins. Our instincts are keen to re-create the pre-historic era we evolved in.
We need to avoid the easy trappings of worshipping "heroes" that will somehow do the work for us and are above the failings of humankind. And we need to avoid complacency thinking that we somehow got a bulletproof culture. I don't care where you are, you are only a few steps away from disaster. It only takes one *sshole in power with his cronies to mess it up completely for at least a generation. You can have 10 absolutely brilliant cases of leadership that precedes it, it only takes 1 to completely flush it down the toilet.
The Christians have somehow the right idea by calling man "sinner" in the sense that a lot of our predilections are not good for us.
aDyingLight: we'll all lose every time we are led to seek answers inside ourselves while the """leaders""" protect their crimes, make their plans, build their strategies together.
Its not just the leaders, its the followers that are so keen to be led without having to do much thinking of their own. They just pick a side, get a bunch of beliefs packaged together with some name and that's who they decide to be. Its all very easy and simple.
aDyingLight: bingo. and what happens when an entire tower of lies is built to convince us we have to act against our own and natural will to be tribal? we network to share stupidities or seek predatory jobs, but everything else is forbidden since we 'have to seek our inner truth'.
Actually, the problem is that while we tend to be kind of nice to those we call "our own", we're pretty abysmal to those we call "the others". aDyingLight: Love is key because Love pulls us from our greedy selves towards other's needs. this is something we should've learned already, but we don't as it's not something encouraged by our leadership, idols-driven culture. we've been carefully taught to idolize leaders instead of expecting them to LEAD US TO COLLECTIVE ACHIEVEMENTS, and we're slowly being taught on how we must accept their monstrosities as normal, as without them, our society would collapse.
Love is not enough. Love can be very self-centered. For example, if you have two individuals that are in romantic love and decide that it's them against the world, its not that healthy. Its better than being a complete loner, but its still a very narrow, more exclusive than inclusive, view of the world.
No, I think love is, but a shell of itself without things like critical thinking, openness and duty.
Love by itself can be a fickle thing. Maybe you love someone for a couple of years, then you fall out of love and then they fall on a hard time and well, its too bad for them.
But if you're dutiful, you'll remember how much of a bond you shared and you're take some responsibility for the well being of that person, helping them out when you can.
To me, that's a lot more beautiful than just being in love for a time and then saying "you're on your own stranger".
Post edited April 18, 2021 by Magnitus