PetrusOctavianus: Playing
Terror from the Deep I felt like the marines in Aliens 2.
I decided I had to refine my skills a bit, so I started a nice game of OpenXcom instead, this time playing it Ironman. When I completed the game a few years ago, I felt that I should have played it Ironman, since it was not as difficult as I thought on Normal difficulty. First effort ended badly when my base was attacked, and I just didn't have enough firepower to bring down three (maybe more) discs.
So I will return to TFTD later.
Matewis: Did you get to see one of those shipping lane missions in TFTD? Those were always the most daunting and impressive levels, at least for me.
Heh, that's kind of where things went crazy and I realized I was out of my depths, so to speak.
I realized I definitely needed to relearn the game properly.
3 Cyberdiscs? Those blasted things are why I always made sure I had ample alien on hand. Seeing as they are 2x2 a successful rocket hit means they take 4x as much damage. Before I read about this weakness they were always the bane of my existence in the early game.
So 2x2 makes up for them being resistant to explosion damage?