G-Doc: Also: God damn it, Judas O_o
How could you troll them that bad? :-D
Fever_Discordia: What DID you think to 'TET on Quest' BTW - do you sort of wish it had of been Titan Quest and you'd thought of that?
Ummm... OK. ;-)
As for the actual reasoning, let's break it down (for Fesin ;-) ):
Skreczi, the guy giving thumbs-up has absolutely no relevance - he just wanted to be in the video.
The yellow exclamation mark over the hooded character is just an indication that the guy has a quest to offer to our hero - a common trope in RPGs in general.
The robe has no relevance either. It's just there to make the character - played by Resil - look more "mysterious". (And it is in fact Resil's hoodie turned inside-out, cause the front featured something connected to a game that we were not hinting here).
All that matters is that the clues pointed to the RPG genre and that the objective of the quest was to retrieve 5 "crystal discs"--well, CDs ;-)
This week, we've prepared something MUCH easier for you ;-) But we've still had fun while recording it!