JudasIscariot: This week's Enigmatic Hints! Yes, I am doing two this time due to the fact that ONE of them is rather tentative due to technical reasons so I am not sure if it may arrive :)
We-ay all-shay ight-fay for-ay out-ay ill-sway. We-ay all-shay ight-fay in-ay the ills-hay, we-ay all-shay ight-fay in-ay the ky-say. We-ay ill-way ever-nay urrender-say, we-ay ill-way ever-nay ive-gay up-ay.
Second hint you shall find attached :)
I decoded the message as follows by taking out the "ay"s and re-arrange the first one or two letters:
We shall fight for out swill. We shall fight in the hills, we shall fight in the sky. We will never surrender, we will never give up.
UPDATE. It's a Winston Churchill-like speech. That means, It's a classic WWII game.