Breja: Exactly. I also can't stand anime, and don't really care if this technically qualifies or not... it still looks anime enough for me to find it ugly.
WinterSnowfall: Not even "My Neighbor Totoro"? "Howl's Moving Castle"? What kind of a monster are you, a leshen? :P
It's always the same, people listing movies, apparently completely unable to grasp what I'm saying. I can't stand how anime looks. I don't care how wonderful you think the movie is, as long as it's an anime I won't be able to enjoy it. It's all just ugly and somehow creepy to me.
I did read Howl's Moving Castle the book, at least. Maybe that will put you somewhat at ease in my company :D
It's just my general observation, not directed at you, but anime fans seems to be particularly unable to deal with people not like their beloved genre. You can say you don't like westerns or musicals or first person shooters or superhero comics and their respective fans will mostly just shrug. But say you don't like anime, and suddenly everyone and their mother seem compelled to tell you how wrong you are and list all the superb titles you should watch.