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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt live combat, gameplay mechanics, and more, with developer commentary and a Q&A session, are coming live to!

This coming Tuesday, and CD PROJEKT RED invite you to a special live event at the Twitch channel.

We will be showcasing 45 minutes of live gameplay with Łukasz “LUq” Wnęk, Counter-Strike 1.6 legend currently working at CD PROJEKT RED, taking control of Geralt. He will be joined by Level Designer Miles Tost, who will provide developer commentary for the new footage focused on combat and gameplay mechanics including melee and long-distance combat, alchemy, exploration, monster hunting, and means of travel.

Once the gameplay portion of the stream is finished, we will hold a live Q&A session on the air. Miles Tost will take the time to respond to live comments coming in via Twitch chat, as well as to select questions from the community forums! It's a rare opportunity to ask about all the saucy details of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt development.

During the event, you can expect a Witcher lore contest, in which you will have the chance to exchange your Geralt-related knowledge for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt t-shirts, with a little help from Twitch chat and your friendly neighborhood postal worker.

We're done collecting questions for the folks at CD PROJEKT RED about the upcoming Witcher game from the forums, but you will have another chance at asking yours live, on the chat!

The live event will begin on Tuesday, May 5th, at 6pm GMT / 2pm EDT / 11am PDT at Follow our channel to get an email alert when we go live. See you there!
Post edited May 05, 2015 by
InfraSuperman: I have a question:

Just yesterday, I bought a physical copy of The Witcher 3 (see attached picture for proof), but it doesn't seem to work at all. What might be wrong?
Looks like your version need Rockstar Social Club, Steam, Uplay, Origin, Kalypso and Games for Windows Live accounts as well as DVD in your drive to work. Sorry about that..
Q - Is toxicity fade over time or is it permanent? What happen if toxicity is full

Can i expect my decisions about Letho and the dragon to have an impact on what follows in TW3?

How much time apart, if any, will be TW3 events from TW2?

Also not sure, but from what i could grasp on the released map, in TW3 we'll be able to revisit some locations from the previous games, like the river following the Pontar Valley. Wich leads me to believe we'll be able to revisit Flotsam, Vergen and maybe the Kaedweni camp. If so, how recognizable will those places be, if not entirely redesigned?
Q1: Is the rumour is true that the game will support DirectX 12 if you play it with Windows 10.

Q2: How tweakable will the game be? Specifically stuff like view distance, FOV etc..

Q3: What changes have been made to alchemy and other non-sword combat oriented techniques to help in combat?

I found a wonderful <span class="bold">mod</span> to Witcher 2 made with RED kit that didn't necessarily increase FOV but the distance to Geralt and the camera because originally, Geralt takes up for too much on the screen plus it's annoying when you become surrounded by enemies. I hope that arrives to Witcher 3 as well.
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Nirth
Q: Will the Witcher be the same badass as he used to? :)
Q: Are you playing with max settings? And if yes, what kind of hell machine are you streaming on right now?
avatar We will be showcasing 45 minutes of live gameplay with Łukasz “LUq” Wnęk, Counter-Strike 1.6 legend currently working at CD PROJEKT RED, taking control of Geralt.
Somehow this gives me weird mental pictures of Geralt pulling off headshots on medieval "terrorists".
Piranjade: Q: Are you playing with max settings? And if yes, what kind of hell machine are you streaming on right now?
Probably this guy's PC:
Post edited May 01, 2015 by CharlesGrey
Hi guys, will you be reversing the graphical downgrade on the PC version?
I really hope that I can play the game in those VGX trailer graphics!
[Q] Are the specs released in january still up to date or has it been optimized so old computers can run it as well?
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Senteria
[Q] I actually have two questions.

1) Will be possible to transfer some equipment from Witcher 2?
Weapons, Armors, some Q items etc.

2) Will have highest difficulty any special benefits?
Something like special sets from The Witcher 2.

A simple "Yes" or "No" will be absolutely sufficient answer.
Post edited May 01, 2015 by Edvin696
Q: What is the release date for the Linux version? :)

As we know "Ice skating" was removed from the game. Can you tell us about any other ideas that almost made it to the final version of the game but for some reason had to be removed like for e.g "slow motion monster vital organs cutting technique" that was mentioned long, long time ago.

best fan.
RudyLis: Ooh, shiny!

Okay, my questions:
- In case of a ported save from previous games, will Witcher 2 end-game equipment be turned to pumpkin again (yes, I miss my Raven's armour, G'valchir, and Aerondight)? If game would be based on acts, why just no up existing equipment to next act (equipment is still split in tiers) instead of force us to look for new one? Yes, I do appreciate you creating tonnes of clothes and swords, but let me choose what I want to wear, okay?
- In case of a ported save will Geralt's level be dropped to zero again, or we'll retain some experience and skills? For a person whose memory is clicked in, having another amnesiac is quite strange.
- Had you hired Dragon Age 2 animator, because in Witcher 3's video footage I notice same combat animation pattern - instead of smooth, fluid flow of various moves Geralt had in W1 and W2, in W3's video his actions seems to be split into DA2-alike sequences: fast hit animation>visible pause>hit animation>pause, etc. Very annoying and immersion breaking.
- Do you plan to boost PC Master Race Graphics promised earlier or we stuck with what we have now, which is basically Witcher 2 level, minus lightning, post FX, parallax, and grass draw distance of ten metres instead of two?
- Will dice poker be there?
- Will we be able to choose end-game explosion's colour?
- Why so serious?
Mostly very good questions. Seconded!
We can find in the game also some old armor and weapons from previous games?
When will we be able to see footage from the console versions?