paladin181: More detail than that. Are you running the game through Galaxy? What are your PC specs?
Anys3229: MY PC SPEC:
CPU: I5 - 6300HQ 2.3GHz
System: WIN 10 x64
Fate-is-one-edge: Hi Anys3229.
Try to run the game from the .exe file, found in the game's folder.
You could also try to reinstall GOG Galaxy, as it bugs out after a certain amount of game installations and client updates and then import the game from its installation folder.
If that does not work for you, please provide more details as to how you downloaded and installed the game and on which folder/hard disk partition it is installed, compared to GOG Galaxy.
Bottom line, GOG Galaxy is an optional aplication and it is not required to run your bought games.
Anys3229: when i start game from the exe file its same problem and when i try to start the game as an administrator, id doesn´t work also. I bought the game as originall CD..installed all 6 CD´s and than it asked me to install GOG.
Joakingdom: does your PC meet the minimum/recommended specs?
Anys3229: yes it does
Hi again Anys3229.
Your PC's specifications are adequate for running the game and with a bit of settings tweaking, you will be able to have an enjoyable experience playing on a HD resolution (you must be running the game on a laptop so be aware of overheating).
Concerning the retail version of the game, since your box contains six (6) discs, then it can only be "The Witcher 3 GOTY edition".
I assume you installed the game using the discs (version 1.31), after which you were prompted to install GOG Galaxy and create a account in order to activate your retail game code on the online distribution platform. Since you are trying to launch the game via GOG Galaxy, the client must have attempted to update it to version 1.32.
Since anything could have gone wrong at that point, I suggest you verify the game files via GOG Galaxy and if that does not fix the problem then reinstall the game and try to run it without GOG Galaxy. Otherwise you can try to update the game using GOG Galaxy, after you reinstall both the game and the client.
Let us know if that works for you.