Johnathanamz: I hate Steam so much so I will say how much I hate Steam on these forums.
I'm not forcing people to convert to You just have to realize Steam is a monopoly right now on the PC gaming market.
I have Steam and have been using Steam since 2004. I played Counter-Strike: Global Offensive on May 20th, 2015 for 1 hour. I have a total of 600+ hours played of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
TOY2HELL: So keep it to yourself... I dont really care what program you like more. Steam is where it is because people like it. I didnt come on these forums to bash GoG. I just wanted to fix my problem. Like what you want and I will like what I like. Please dont post here anymore. You are toxic and not welcome.
I guess there's a big misunderstanding here.
Many people here don't like being tied to any client, that's why Galaxy is still optional and not used by a big part of the core audience (like me). You can run Witcher 3 just fine without any client, just like any other game you buy here, which makes me wonder where the problem should lie in integrating it in Steam since it's DRM free but that is resolved already anyway.
Galaxy was primarily made for people who are supposed to migrate from Steam and for some reason like such clients, obviously this plan doesn't work very well atm.
Personally I don't care which service people are using as long as they know and consider every alternative which even includes the small shops which as of late mostly have become key-resellers.
I don't get the meaning of this integration of non-Steam games into Steam, where's the upside compared to running it without any client (including Galaxy)?
Maybe I'm just old, but I don't get this whole client thing outside of multiplayer stuff.