Posted October 08, 2015

Is it future or is it past?
Registered: Jun 2011
From Other

Registered: Dec 2008
From Other

Anonymous User
Registered: Oct 2008
From Finland
Posted October 08, 2015
I would prefer either day-month-year or year-month-day.

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 08, 2015
Is the Prison Architect patch separate or do I need to download the whole game again?

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015
From MaGog's logs for 8 October:
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Original Game: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 2.02 (gog-18) ***TO*** 2.02 (gog-20)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, DLC: The White March - Part I: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 2.02 (gog-18) ***TO*** 2.02 (gog-20)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Original Game: Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 2.02 (gog-11) ***TO*** 2.02 (gog-12)
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.0.3 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.0.4 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.0.5 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.03 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.03.503 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.04 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.05 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix 2 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix 2 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.0 [Linux]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.0 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.0 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.01 [Linux]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.01 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.01 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.02 [Linux]
[No changelog (yet?)]
NOTE! CHANGED Breach & Clear: DEADline, os: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) ***TO*** Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17)
[GOG fixing a game page bug from 12 August]
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Original Game: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 2.02 (gog-18) ***TO*** 2.02 (gog-20)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, DLC: The White March - Part I: Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 2.02 (gog-18) ***TO*** 2.02 (gog-20)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Original Game: Linux installer, English, dl_ver: 2.02 (gog-11) ***TO*** 2.02 (gog-12)
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.0.3 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.0.4 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.0.5 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.03 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.03.503 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.04 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.05 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix 2 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix 2 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 Hotfix [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 1.06 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.0 [Linux]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.0 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.0 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.01 [Linux]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.01 [Mac OS X]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.01 [Windows]
NOTE! Probably REMOVED FILE Pillars of Eternity: Hero Edition, all_files, Patch 2.02 [Linux]
[No changelog (yet?)]
NOTE! CHANGED Breach & Clear: DEADline, os: Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) ***TO*** Windows (Vista, 7, 8, 10) and Mac OS X (10.7.0 or newer) and Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, Mint 17)
[GOG fixing a game page bug from 12 August]

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 08, 2015
Age of Wonders 3 just got a huge update.

Pre-Galaxy GOGizen
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Thievin' Bastard Team
Registered: Oct 2008
From Poland

Registered: Sep 2013
From Belize
Posted October 08, 2015
high rated
Are we setting ourselves up for failure by not using YYYYY-MM-DD? Or do you think we're collectively smart enough to get Y10K fixed in the next 8000 years? ;)

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece
Posted October 08, 2015
Must the dates be abbreviated? Whatever happened to 8th October 2015 or October 8th 2015?

Registered: Apr 2012
From Other

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece
Posted October 08, 2015
The Masterplan got an update
Patch 1.1.1 (8 October 2015)
8 new challenge heists
Completed objectives can now be seen in the heist end screen.
New weapons: Baseball bat, Shovel
Minor bug fixes
Improved demo mode (activate by running the game with -demo flag)
8 new challenge heists
Completed objectives can now be seen in the heist end screen.
New weapons: Baseball bat, Shovel
Minor bug fixes
Improved demo mode (activate by running the game with -demo flag)

Cute User
Registered: Jul 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted October 08, 2015
I and some other people use Roman numerals for months. At least we live in 2015, as it was nightmare before 2013, when some people were using dates like 08.04.09 and you kept analyzing where is the year, and where is the day :) At least when you see 13.09.08, 13 can't stand for month :)

Big Daddy
Registered: Feb 2009
From Germany

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted October 08, 2015
From MaGog's logs for 8 October (part 1 of 2):
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE 80 Days, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.2 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.4 (gog-3)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE 80 Days, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.2 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.4 (gog-3)
NOTE! CHANGED 80 Days, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.4 (08th October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix potential null deference in available journey InfoCard view.
NOTE! ADD +++ Assorted story fixes and easter eggs.
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.3 (08th October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ The gaps between suitcases can now be dragged
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed incorrect ‘sticky highlight’ behaviour on a few buttons (where buttons stay highlighted when they shouldn’t)
NOTE! ADD +++ Minor tweak to small ferry transport image to reduce aliasing effect
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed graphics resolution settings being wrong when in fullscreen mode
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed initial fullscreen mode on OS X to be actual fullscreen
NOTE! ADD +++ Only one instance of the game can be loaded at once now
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix bug where market items could get stuck to cursor
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix some failing to load multiplayer ghosts
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix possible NaN values written out for multiplayer incident coordinates
NOTE! ADD +++ Check incident validity before uploading to multiplayer server
NOTE! ADD +++ Disabled globe zoom while over luggage to allow scrolling luggage with sideways mouse scroll
NOTE! ADD +++ Disable log output by default in released builds (hold ctrl-alt-L while game is running, or lass --log on command line to enable)
NOTE! ADD +++ Don’t allow globe to be zoomed while conversation view is open
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix low resolution conversation button outlines
NOTE! ADD +++ Memory churn optimisations (~ saved 100k/frame)
NOTE! ADD +++ Only take joystick input from a single joystick rather than all joysticks.
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiplayer ghost incidents are now only loaded on demand (when a ghost is clicked on) to stop frame rate spikes after loading
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiplayer ghost and incident loading code is now on the main thread as it doesn’t appear to be safe to use the Parse SDK from any thread other than the Unity main one.
NOTE! ADD +++ Limit play through update upload rate to once every 30 seconds.
NOTE! ADD +++ Custom journeys in previous playthroughs are now shown correctly.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix To The Moon storyline.
NOTE! REMOVED FILE Age of Wonders 3, downloadables, Original Game: Patch 1.602 (gog-18) (patch_age_of_wonders3_2.4.1.18.exe; 1.565 (gog-17) -> 1.602 (gog-18); Mon, 22 Jun 2015 10:51:55 GMT; 12,686,096)
NOTE! ADDED FILE Age of Wonders 3, downloadables, Original Game: Patch 1.703 (gog-20) (patch_age_of_wonders3_2.5.1.20.exe; 1.700 (gog-19) -> 1.703 (gog-20); Thu, 08 Oct 2015 11:45:47 GMT; 13,307,056)
NOTE! CHANGED Age of Wonders 3, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.703 (10 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some options in the launcher where polish and french translations were swapped
NOTE! ADD +++ Hasty Plunder now takes 2 turns to destroy a city, not 1
NOTE! ADD +++ Quick Dash now heals 15hp (was 10)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druids now get Nourishing Meal at level 3 (was Healing at level 3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druid now gets Healing at level 9 (was 3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Archdruid now gets Befriend Animal at level 3 (was 5), cost is 3 points (was 2)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druids now get Spirit Of The Land and Natural Immunity at level 1 (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druids now get Nature's Resistance for 3 points (was 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrat's Healing Aura now costs 3 points (was 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats now get Bestow Iron Heart at level 1 (was Healing)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrat now gets Healing at level 7 (was 1)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats now get Chaplain at level 1 (was 3) cost is 3 points (was 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats now get Convert at level 7 (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats no longer have Control Undead at level 7
NOTE! ADD +++ Heal Undead is now strength 25 (was 20) and once per battle (was 2 turn cooldown)
NOTE! ADD +++ Necromancers now get Reanimate Lesser Undead for 4 points (was 7)
NOTE! ADD +++ Necromancers now get Reanimate Greater Undead for 6 points (was 10) at level 7 (was 11)
NOTE! ADD +++ Necromancers now get Control Undead at level 5 (was 3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Dreadnaughts now get Guardian Flame at level 3 instead of Bestow Iron Heart at level 3
NOTE! ADD +++ Dreadnoughts now get Bomb Squad for 5 points (was 10)
NOTE! ADD +++ Dreadnought Heroes now get "Emergency Repair" instead of repair machine, a once per battle heal that fixes 25 damage.
NOTE! ADD +++ Engineers now get "Emergency Repair" instead of repair machine at gold medal, a once per battle heal that fixes 25 damage.
NOTE! ADD +++ Nymphs will no longer be given as rewards for clearing the Spring Of Life, Creation Node or Great Farm
NOTE! ADD +++ Added the Dire Monkey to Summon Wild Animal and Call Beast Horde
NOTE! ADD +++ Added the Dire Monkey as a defender/reward for Great Farms
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogue heroes now start with +2 defense (was +1)
NOTE! ADD +++ The Rogue hero's +1 physical damage bonus for ranged attacks, now gives +1 on another channel for non-physical attacks
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogue Blowpipe now shoots Acid Darts as well as Normal Darts
NOTE! ADD +++ Acid Darts is now 3 blight, 4 fire (was 4/3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Inflict Crippling wounds at level 1 (was 9) for 3 points (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Charm at level 5 (was 9)
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Shadow Step at level 9, 5 points
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Invisibility at level 7 for 4 points (this only affects the hero, not their stack)
NOTE! ADD +++ Harmonizing Energy now heals everything (previously didn't affect machines or undead)
NOTE! ADD +++ Invigorate now has a 2 turn cooldown
NOTE! ADD +++ Were Bear ability now requires 3 action points to be used, but leaves the user with one action point afterwards (like Phase)
NOTE! ADD +++ War Cry now lets units do more damage to obstacles as well as units
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with birds disappearing in deep water
NOTE! ADD +++ Settlers now cost 250g (was 200)
NOTE! ADD +++ Unit abilities that do no damage now only grant XP to their user once per battle
NOTE! ADD +++ Reduced number of times tier 2,3 and 4 units can be attacked and still grant XP (XP for kills is unaffected by this)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with the launcher in Steam, where sometimes the list of User Content wouldn't properly appear
NOTE! ADD +++ Nightwish is now Tier 4 (was 5) 400 knowledge (was 700), casting cost is 60 (was 100), maintain cost is 5 (was 20)
NOTE! ADD +++ Reassemble is now Tier 4 (was 3), 450 knowledge (was 180), Hero Upgrade is available from level 7 (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Heptatopia now counts Towns, not cities of any size
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that meant sometimes the Empire Quest system wouldn't recognize that you had a metropolis
NOTE! ADD +++ Bards now have 41 hp (was 46), recieve Inspiring Aura on Gold Medal (was High Morale)
NOTE! ADD +++ Charm is now Short Range (was touch)
NOTE! ADD +++ Victory Rush now heals 10hp after battle (was 12)
NOTE! ADD +++ Freezing Touch, Frost Aura, Inflict Frozen Paralysis, Inflict Frostbite and Inflict Chilling now affect machines and boats
NOTE! ADD +++ The modding tools now create a backup of an ACP file before saving it to help prevent data loss. The backup will have the extension .~acp
NOTE! RMV --- Patch 1.700 (18.09.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.700 (18 September.2015)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE 80 Days, all_files, Windows installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.2 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.4 (gog-3)
NOTE! Probably CHANGED FILE 80 Days, all_files, Mac OS X installer, English, dl_ver: 1.0.2 (gog-2) ***TO*** 1.0.4 (gog-3)
NOTE! CHANGED 80 Days, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.4 (08th October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix potential null deference in available journey InfoCard view.
NOTE! ADD +++ Assorted story fixes and easter eggs.
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.0.3 (08th October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ The gaps between suitcases can now be dragged
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed incorrect ‘sticky highlight’ behaviour on a few buttons (where buttons stay highlighted when they shouldn’t)
NOTE! ADD +++ Minor tweak to small ferry transport image to reduce aliasing effect
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed graphics resolution settings being wrong when in fullscreen mode
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed initial fullscreen mode on OS X to be actual fullscreen
NOTE! ADD +++ Only one instance of the game can be loaded at once now
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix bug where market items could get stuck to cursor
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix some failing to load multiplayer ghosts
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix possible NaN values written out for multiplayer incident coordinates
NOTE! ADD +++ Check incident validity before uploading to multiplayer server
NOTE! ADD +++ Disabled globe zoom while over luggage to allow scrolling luggage with sideways mouse scroll
NOTE! ADD +++ Disable log output by default in released builds (hold ctrl-alt-L while game is running, or lass --log on command line to enable)
NOTE! ADD +++ Don’t allow globe to be zoomed while conversation view is open
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix low resolution conversation button outlines
NOTE! ADD +++ Memory churn optimisations (~ saved 100k/frame)
NOTE! ADD +++ Only take joystick input from a single joystick rather than all joysticks.
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiplayer ghost incidents are now only loaded on demand (when a ghost is clicked on) to stop frame rate spikes after loading
NOTE! ADD +++ Multiplayer ghost and incident loading code is now on the main thread as it doesn’t appear to be safe to use the Parse SDK from any thread other than the Unity main one.
NOTE! ADD +++ Limit play through update upload rate to once every 30 seconds.
NOTE! ADD +++ Custom journeys in previous playthroughs are now shown correctly.
NOTE! ADD +++ Fix To The Moon storyline.
NOTE! REMOVED FILE Age of Wonders 3, downloadables, Original Game: Patch 1.602 (gog-18) (patch_age_of_wonders3_2.4.1.18.exe; 1.565 (gog-17) -> 1.602 (gog-18); Mon, 22 Jun 2015 10:51:55 GMT; 12,686,096)
NOTE! ADDED FILE Age of Wonders 3, downloadables, Original Game: Patch 1.703 (gog-20) (patch_age_of_wonders3_2.5.1.20.exe; 1.700 (gog-19) -> 1.703 (gog-20); Thu, 08 Oct 2015 11:45:47 GMT; 13,307,056)
NOTE! CHANGED Age of Wonders 3, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.703 (10 October 2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some options in the launcher where polish and french translations were swapped
NOTE! ADD +++ Hasty Plunder now takes 2 turns to destroy a city, not 1
NOTE! ADD +++ Quick Dash now heals 15hp (was 10)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druids now get Nourishing Meal at level 3 (was Healing at level 3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druid now gets Healing at level 9 (was 3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Archdruid now gets Befriend Animal at level 3 (was 5), cost is 3 points (was 2)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druids now get Spirit Of The Land and Natural Immunity at level 1 (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Arch Druids now get Nature's Resistance for 3 points (was 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrat's Healing Aura now costs 3 points (was 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats now get Bestow Iron Heart at level 1 (was Healing)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrat now gets Healing at level 7 (was 1)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats now get Chaplain at level 1 (was 3) cost is 3 points (was 4)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats now get Convert at level 7 (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Theocrats no longer have Control Undead at level 7
NOTE! ADD +++ Heal Undead is now strength 25 (was 20) and once per battle (was 2 turn cooldown)
NOTE! ADD +++ Necromancers now get Reanimate Lesser Undead for 4 points (was 7)
NOTE! ADD +++ Necromancers now get Reanimate Greater Undead for 6 points (was 10) at level 7 (was 11)
NOTE! ADD +++ Necromancers now get Control Undead at level 5 (was 3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Dreadnaughts now get Guardian Flame at level 3 instead of Bestow Iron Heart at level 3
NOTE! ADD +++ Dreadnoughts now get Bomb Squad for 5 points (was 10)
NOTE! ADD +++ Dreadnought Heroes now get "Emergency Repair" instead of repair machine, a once per battle heal that fixes 25 damage.
NOTE! ADD +++ Engineers now get "Emergency Repair" instead of repair machine at gold medal, a once per battle heal that fixes 25 damage.
NOTE! ADD +++ Nymphs will no longer be given as rewards for clearing the Spring Of Life, Creation Node or Great Farm
NOTE! ADD +++ Added the Dire Monkey to Summon Wild Animal and Call Beast Horde
NOTE! ADD +++ Added the Dire Monkey as a defender/reward for Great Farms
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogue heroes now start with +2 defense (was +1)
NOTE! ADD +++ The Rogue hero's +1 physical damage bonus for ranged attacks, now gives +1 on another channel for non-physical attacks
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogue Blowpipe now shoots Acid Darts as well as Normal Darts
NOTE! ADD +++ Acid Darts is now 3 blight, 4 fire (was 4/3)
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Inflict Crippling wounds at level 1 (was 9) for 3 points (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Charm at level 5 (was 9)
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Shadow Step at level 9, 5 points
NOTE! ADD +++ Rogues now get Invisibility at level 7 for 4 points (this only affects the hero, not their stack)
NOTE! ADD +++ Harmonizing Energy now heals everything (previously didn't affect machines or undead)
NOTE! ADD +++ Invigorate now has a 2 turn cooldown
NOTE! ADD +++ Were Bear ability now requires 3 action points to be used, but leaves the user with one action point afterwards (like Phase)
NOTE! ADD +++ War Cry now lets units do more damage to obstacles as well as units
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with birds disappearing in deep water
NOTE! ADD +++ Settlers now cost 250g (was 200)
NOTE! ADD +++ Unit abilities that do no damage now only grant XP to their user once per battle
NOTE! ADD +++ Reduced number of times tier 2,3 and 4 units can be attacked and still grant XP (XP for kills is unaffected by this)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed an issue with the launcher in Steam, where sometimes the list of User Content wouldn't properly appear
NOTE! ADD +++ Nightwish is now Tier 4 (was 5) 400 knowledge (was 700), casting cost is 60 (was 100), maintain cost is 5 (was 20)
NOTE! ADD +++ Reassemble is now Tier 4 (was 3), 450 knowledge (was 180), Hero Upgrade is available from level 7 (was 5)
NOTE! ADD +++ Heptatopia now counts Towns, not cities of any size
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed a bug that meant sometimes the Empire Quest system wouldn't recognize that you had a metropolis
NOTE! ADD +++ Bards now have 41 hp (was 46), recieve Inspiring Aura on Gold Medal (was High Morale)
NOTE! ADD +++ Charm is now Short Range (was touch)
NOTE! ADD +++ Victory Rush now heals 10hp after battle (was 12)
NOTE! ADD +++ Freezing Touch, Frost Aura, Inflict Frozen Paralysis, Inflict Frostbite and Inflict Chilling now affect machines and boats
NOTE! ADD +++ The modding tools now create a backup of an ACP file before saving it to help prevent data loss. The backup will have the extension .~acp
NOTE! RMV --- Patch 1.700 (18.09.2015)
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 1.700 (18 September.2015)