Posted June 23, 2016

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada

Registered: Nov 2008
From Finland
Posted June 23, 2016
There's a changelog about those things from May 20ish, but according to MaGOG logs they changed again just a couple of days ago.

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted June 23, 2016

Yeah, it sucks when things are updated and no comments anywhere, no changelogs, no notifications or awareness put out anywhere.

New User
Registered: Dec 2011
From Austria
Posted June 23, 2016
I can't fetch the Spanish Linux version of Two Worlds, I get a 403.
All the other languages work. Can you please check, Judas?
All the other languages work. Can you please check, Judas?

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted June 23, 2016

Edit: Is this something that happened years ago?
I don't get it...
Post edited June 23, 2016 by omega64

Insert cat to continue
Registered: Aug 2012
From Greece

Registered: Dec 2013
From Spain

Tech Commander Team
Registered: Jan 2009
From Other
Posted June 23, 2016
Judas is out of office for two weeks >:)
::evil laughter::
that being said, 403 error should be fixed now
::evil laughter::
that being said, 403 error should be fixed now
Post edited June 23, 2016 by Thiev

There's only one Phil Taylor…
Registered: Jan 2011
From Germany

A Horrible Human Person. If you need me, chat.
Registered: Apr 2011
From Greece

Tech Commander Team
Registered: Jan 2009
From Other

Cookie Monster
Registered: Apr 2012
From Christmas Island

Galaxy 3 when?
Registered: Dec 2009
From Canada
Posted June 23, 2016
It inadvertently contained nude photos of the developers of the game all having sex apparently according to my Google research. They did us a favour!

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted June 23, 2016
high rated
Sins of a Solar Empire was updated:
Patch 1.85 (23rd June 2016)
Added Outlaw Sectors DLC support
Added Smuggling Specialization planet development (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):
Steal up to 4.5% (1.5% * 3 stages) of global trade income (all players trade income combined) per planet.
The maximum amount of global trade profit that can be stolen is 40% across all players.
Each stage of Smuggling adds a 25% tax penalty for that planet up to a max of 75%. - This is mutually exclusive with Social and Industry specialization.
Added Rampant Militias (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):
Every potentially colonizable world except homeworlds and pirate worlds will periodically spawn a random fleet of militia units with a fleet supply value of 20.
A given planet will not exceed a militia max capacity for that planet.
The max militia capacity at a planet is: (20 fleet supply + .025 population at that planet) a scalar proportional to the maximum fleet capacity researched * a scalar based on the number of planets in the galaxy.
The frequency of spawning is proportional to the maximum fleet capacity researched in the current match ranging from 10 to 4 minutes with a 25% variance.
Capturing a valid militia world will cause future spawned militia at that world to join your side as uncontrollable units so long as you control that planet.
When the max militia at a planet is reached, the militia will seek an adjacent gravwell target to attack unless they are already engaged. Neutral militia will attack any non- pirate gravwell adjacent and player owned militia will attack any non- pirate gravwell adjacent with enemy units detected.
Militia at a target planet with no enemies to engage will return to their planet of origin.
Militia will attack any non- friendly units including raiding pirates, enemy neutral militia, enemy player militia, and enemy normal units.
Added Pirate Turf (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):
Pirates will now simultaneously raid multiple players dependant on the number of players in the game.
1,2,3 players = 1 raid.
4,5,6,7,8 players = 2 raids.
9,10 players = 3 raids.
The players selected will be the players with the most bounty.
All bounty applied against a player will receive a 25% bonus amount.
Pirates will spawn 15% faster.
Added 12 new maps (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only).
Maps that can only be played with a specific DLC now show up green if you own the DLC or red if not. A text description is shown when the map is selected indicating the reason for the state.
Added Enhanced Mod Memory Support:
Mods now use less memory.
Entering, exiting and re- entering a modded game no longer accumulates memory usage.
Changing mods no longer causes unnecessary memory consumption.
Overall memory usage is also reduced.
Players who don't own Outlaw Sectors can still play with a host who does own it.
Fixed two crashes present in version 1.84.
Created a changelog thread in the game forum.
Patch 1.85 (23rd June 2016)
Added Outlaw Sectors DLC support
Added Smuggling Specialization planet development (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):
Steal up to 4.5% (1.5% * 3 stages) of global trade income (all players trade income combined) per planet.
The maximum amount of global trade profit that can be stolen is 40% across all players.
Each stage of Smuggling adds a 25% tax penalty for that planet up to a max of 75%. - This is mutually exclusive with Social and Industry specialization.
Added Rampant Militias (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):
Every potentially colonizable world except homeworlds and pirate worlds will periodically spawn a random fleet of militia units with a fleet supply value of 20.
A given planet will not exceed a militia max capacity for that planet.
The max militia capacity at a planet is: (20 fleet supply + .025 population at that planet) a scalar proportional to the maximum fleet capacity researched * a scalar based on the number of planets in the galaxy.
The frequency of spawning is proportional to the maximum fleet capacity researched in the current match ranging from 10 to 4 minutes with a 25% variance.
Capturing a valid militia world will cause future spawned militia at that world to join your side as uncontrollable units so long as you control that planet.
When the max militia at a planet is reached, the militia will seek an adjacent gravwell target to attack unless they are already engaged. Neutral militia will attack any non- pirate gravwell adjacent and player owned militia will attack any non- pirate gravwell adjacent with enemy units detected.
Militia at a target planet with no enemies to engage will return to their planet of origin.
Militia will attack any non- friendly units including raiding pirates, enemy neutral militia, enemy player militia, and enemy normal units.
Added Pirate Turf (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only):
Pirates will now simultaneously raid multiple players dependant on the number of players in the game.
1,2,3 players = 1 raid.
4,5,6,7,8 players = 2 raids.
9,10 players = 3 raids.
The players selected will be the players with the most bounty.
All bounty applied against a player will receive a 25% bonus amount.
Pirates will spawn 15% faster.
Added 12 new maps (Outlaw Sectors DLC Only).
Maps that can only be played with a specific DLC now show up green if you own the DLC or red if not. A text description is shown when the map is selected indicating the reason for the state.
Added Enhanced Mod Memory Support:
Mods now use less memory.
Entering, exiting and re- entering a modded game no longer accumulates memory usage.
Changing mods no longer causes unnecessary memory consumption.
Overall memory usage is also reduced.
Players who don't own Outlaw Sectors can still play with a host who does own it.
Fixed two crashes present in version 1.84.
Created a changelog thread in the game forum.
Post edited June 23, 2016 by ElTerprise

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted June 23, 2016
high rated
This War of MIne was updated:
Patch 2.2.2 (23 June 2016)
"Grab all" crashes (yes, there were two of them!) are now fixed quitting the game after subscribing to a mod could crash the game - this is no longer a case
children appeared at your shelter even though you don't own DLC? It's fixed!
character photos adjusted (some of them were bugged)
fixed the animation when a character is coming back from scavange
fixed some smaller interface issues
added Chinese language
Patch 2.2.2 (23 June 2016)
"Grab all" crashes (yes, there were two of them!) are now fixed quitting the game after subscribing to a mod could crash the game - this is no longer a case
children appeared at your shelter even though you don't own DLC? It's fixed!
character photos adjusted (some of them were bugged)
fixed the animation when a character is coming back from scavange
fixed some smaller interface issues
added Chinese language