From MaGog's logs for 6 July:
DEFCON, downloadables,
Windows installer, English (
setup_defcon_2.0.0.6.exe ***TO***
Fri, 08 Feb 2013 09:16:14 GMT ***TO***
Mon, 06 Jul 2015 14:19:53 GMT;
73,211,048 ***TO***
DEFCON, changelog (
NOTE! ADD +++ Update gog-9 (06.07.2015):
NOTE! ADD +++ We have uploaded a new Windows build of DEFCON that offers better offline functionality.
Hand of Fate, file_size:
1.7 GB ***TO***
1.4 GB [Sounds a bit suspicious that it grew smaller with the added content, but not impossible, I guess] NOTE! CHANGED
Trine Enchanted Edition, changelog (
NOTE! RMV --- Changelog for version 2.12 (added 03.07.2015:
NOTE! ADD +++ Patch 2.12 build 510 (03.07.2015:
NOTE! RMV --- Technical
NOTE! RMV --- Stereo 3D fixes
NOTE! ADD +++ Technical:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed various crash issues
NOTE! ADD +++ Added optimizations
NOTE! ADD +++ Stereo 3D:
NOTE! ADD +++ Stereo 3D fixes (Win only)
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Stereo 3D enable option not to be saved into options.txt (Win only)
NOTE! ADD +++ Gameplay:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed various small gameplay issues which were found during Mac OS X and Linux development
NOTE! ADD +++ Localization:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some typos in localization
NOTE! ADD +++ Binds:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed some Linux gamepad binds
NOTE! ADD +++ Online multiplayer:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed skill reset in some rare occasions
NOTE! ADD +++ Added net sync optimizations
NOTE! ADD +++ Audio:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed Voice Chat Push To Talk option saving issues
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed missing audio effects
NOTE! ADD +++ Added separate Voice Chat Talking and Listening options
NOTE! ADD +++ Save & Load:
NOTE! ADD +++ Fixed issue when save games where lost during game version increase/update
NOTE! RMV --- Info
NOTE! RMV --- This update is only for Windows
NOTE! ADD +++ Info:
NOTE! RMV --- GOG specific:
NOTE! RMV --- Mac and Linux versions of Trine Enchanted Edition added.
[Much better. Not sure that the last two lines should have been removed, though.] [P.S. I don't believe I mentioned this before, but in case it isn't obvious, changelog lines marked with "RMV ---" were removed and changelog lines marked with "ADD +++" were added.]