It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
We suggest you upgrade newer and better browser like: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera

high rated
Death Trash (In Development)
Death Trash Demo

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

In-game changelog:

- fixed issues with the action bar
high rated
Severed Steel just recieved another update (Offline &GOG Galaxy.

Level Editor Update 3.10
Mayor Features

• Prop workshop, fill your levels with voxel art made by the community
• Workshop campaigns, multi level stories made by players
• 7 new Floating Door tracks inspired by Workshop levels (available only in level editor levels and bonus levels)
• New bonus level by Ouros: Chalet (see screenshots below)
• Tons of new scripting functions in level editor requested by the community
• New performance options for low spec PC, along with optimizations for all PCs

New Editor Features

• Added copy function to level editor browser
• Can use box select on props, lights, and NPCs in editor
• Added show void action
• Props can now move along complex paths
• Props have option to point towards direction of movement
• Props have option to be hidden on lvl start
• Props can make scripted actions happen when they are destroyed
• Altered speed logic in prop movement
• Fixed some bugs w/ prop movement UI
• Can attach lights and trigger volumes to props
• Trigger volumes can fire their own scripted actions even w/ no objective
• Added ability to sort props into folders
• Can make void invisible
• Trigger volumes can trigger actions even with no objectives
• Can set author name to show in level select screen
• P99 can actually spawn
• Fix for first selection bug

Small changes/bug fixes

• Optimized cutscene videos
• Improved Simple Lighting and Simple FX modes
• NPCs can move through props player can
• Button to review level shown at end of campaign levels
• Direct hits from explosives can edit prop voxels
• Small tweak to npc aim logic
• Turrets dont suffer friendly fire from NPCs
Also Viscerafest recieved another patch too (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

Viscerafest update

• Stalkers HP nerfed
• Stalkers homing projectiles now have looser homing
• Arachnospud's HP nerfed
• Arachnospud's homing projectiles now have looser homing
• Nomad's hitscan attack damage output tweaked
• Nomad Priest's speed buffed
• Nomad Priests' aim nerfed
• Hellbird's speed nerfed on harder difficulties
• Hellbirds will now be vulnerable for longer after they attack
• Spawnlings will now wait longer between jumps
• Mecha scientists now wait longer to begin attacking
• Chapter 1 final bosses projectile spew damage nerfed
• Chapter 2 final bosses homing missiles now have looser homing
• Enemy and item placement tweaked in C1l3 and C1l4
• Enemy and item placement tweaked across all chapter 2 levels
• C2L6's level geometry tweaked to allow enemies free access to other parts of the level
• Warhound's initial blast radius slightly reduced


• Fixed bug where Chapter 2's final boss would shoot one last cheeky projectile between phases
• Fixed level/teleport transitions breaking due to fixed fades
• Fixed bug that allowed the chapter 1 boss to be damageable via melee during its intro
• Fixed train outdoor ambient sections that were playing indoor sounds
• Fixed platform in C2L5 infinitely looping sounds
Post edited April 08, 2022 by Berzerk2k2
high rated
DeltaV: Rings of Saturn (In Development)

Offline installers (Win/Mac/Linux) updated to 0.484.13

Changelog posted by the dev in the game's forum.

0.484.13 - Entangled Telecomunication

- The comms window will now always scroll all the way down when you receive a message, so you won’t miss any reply options.
- You can now scroll your comms window with analogue gamepad controls.
- When you collect an ore chunk you were targetting with your autopilot, your ship will continue on the same trajectory it was following before interception, conserving propellant.
- Gamepad controls for EI1337 autonomic autopilot now work the same way as for other autopilots.
- When you complete a crew quest that involves finding a family member and your crewmember survives the encounter, he won’t be asking ships if they have seen them anymore.
- Fixed a race condition that could sometimes cause the game to hang up when switching from Enceladus to Rings and back, preventing you from either leaving the station or returning to it.
- Dismissing your crewmember could cause your game to crash.
- Fixed a number of typos.
Post edited April 08, 2022 by ariaspi
high rated
Nightmare Reaper was updated again (Offline & GOG Galaxy).

Patch Notes 2.26 (April 7, 2022)
• Fixed broken savegames due to patch 2.25.
Patch Notes 2.25 (April 7, 2022)
• Fixed issue where savegames of people who sequence-broke chapter 3 hubs would be blocked.
• Fixed issue where savegames of people who quit the game during the level end sequence in chapter 3 hubs would be blocked.
• Fixed issue where level end gates that shouldn't be reachable in chapter 3 hubs wouldn't be removed.
• Fixed issue where ledge grab could make you pass overhead obstacles and get stuck.
• Fixed sequence skip by grappling over cubes in open levels.
• Added a save at the end of arena rounds.
• Removed periodic garbage collecting task in order to diagnose performance issues.
high rated
Tormented Souls

Updated to 1.08 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

No changelog.
high rated
Spirit of the Island update 0.18.3


We are excited to launch our first major update - Buried Treasures! There's lots of new stuff, so let's tackle the logs!

Added a brand new "Treasure Digging" mechanic. How it works:
Step 1
First, you’d need to find pieces of treasure maps. They will be hidden in chests inside caves and some creatures will randomly drop them. After you’ve found enough, you can craft a map by using a Workbench Table, if you have enough levels in Exploration.

Step 2
You can use the map inside your inventory (just select it and click to use it). Maps are consumed with each use and you can have up to three maps activated at once.

Step 3
Open your World Map and look for an "X" mark. The treasure will be near the mark. Do not forget to bring a shovel and some other tools, you never know where it could be hidden. Places are completely random, so pay attention to your map to spot the mark!

Step 4
When you find the spot (you will see the "X" mark on the ground), use your shovel and dig there. After a few fine swings, you will see the chest. Interact with it and voila — the treasure is yours!

Treasure maps are special missions. They are available per one game session. Once you use the map, you need to find it during that play session. Otherwise, the treasure will be lost (even if you dug it out already). But don't worry, all treasures can spawn again at some point, so you won’t miss anything.

New Mechanic — Archaeology: find treasure map pieces, craft maps and go dig some treasures out. There are around 15 different treasures in this update, with more to come later;
New Feature — History House: now you can display your newfound treasures in the History House. When you complete a section, you will receive a unique reward. Later they will serve as a tourist attraction, so it’s time to dig some treasures!
New islands: Forever Ruins and Green Valley. The first one will have new creatures, so be careful - they are dangerous! And the second one has many fishing spots and the local creatures that pose a problem for the unprepared traveler;
New dungeon: the first one, it is still a test and we plan to include more locations to explore, loot and surprises. You can find this cave in the new island, "Forever Ruins";
New soundtrack for each Season on the player’s island;
Items are now sorted by type in the “all items” window. People with older saves need to either loot items or drop and pick up some for this to work;
New Combat Bench: you can use it to create weapons;
New weapons: small sword, long sword, silver sword, golden sword, master sword, fire sword, ice sword, thunder sword. They can be crafted at the Combat Bench;
New armors: 6 different armors (Leather, Fighter,Explorer, Guard and Ancient Armor), that will help you defend yourself against dangerous creatures;
New creatures: Dead Hunger, Dark Phantom and Ancient Spider;
New treasures: there are at least 15 treasures for you to find. We plan to add more in future updates;
New UI for inventory stats;
New Health system: players will have more health points with higher levels.

You can now make a cup of coffee using any stove;
Players will gain more XP when they discover a new place;
Changed animal feed/drink rating: they will drink and eat less, when they are older;
Changed Fishing XP reward: now you get 5 xp instead of 1;
Changed island: Sharp Cliffs — added new items;
Changed island: Boar Mountains — added new items;
Changed UI for days, years and more;
Changed sell value of all food and drinks;
Changed the model of rocks and other resources that can actually be harvested (mostly rocks, trees);
Changed repair kit: does not require any more level and costs less resources;
Changed gas can: it requires less oil now;
Changed price for all fruit tree seeds;
Changed how much crafting XP players make when crafting anything;
Changed Exploration skill: map creation added;
Travelling on the boat no longer fast-forwards in-game time. Now it's instant like in multiplayer;
Improved performance when items drop.

Fixed player damage to some creatures;
Fixed shovel hit distance - digging should be easier now;
Fixed item "cup of coffee" not restoring energy. Coffee will not trigger the buff "Well rested" anymore;
Fixed collision near town bridge where players could get stuck;
Fixed collision inside cave where players could get stuck;
Fixed UI scaling;
Fixed Ghost Pirate animations;
Fixed wrong number of items for quest for pub owner;
Fixed texts for Aquarium;
Fixed UI problems for crafting and building windows;
Fixed small issues with Aquariums (couldn’t add fish);
Fixed saved games loading out of player island;
Fixed player's island gate not working during winter.
high rated
Battle Brothers
Installer updated to

"Added a new 'Collectors' settlement situation that increases the sell prices of beast parts and treasures.

Changed the relations gain/decay effect of the Negotiator to 15%, up from 10%.
Changed the equipment and hire costs of the Oathtaker and Anatomist backgrounds. In general, Oathtakers got a little cheaper, and Anatomists got a little more expensive.
Changed the daily wage of the Anatomist background to better match their statline. The Anatomists origin now has slightly higher starting funds to give them a bit more runway.
Changed the maximum melee defense of the Oathtaker background to be slightly higher.
Changed the special Oathtakers origin-specific event fight to trigger later on lower combat difficulties. There's now an option to delay the fight (with some consequence) if the player feels they aren't ready.
Changed the experience gain offset of the Oath of Distinction to +50%, up from +40%, and removed it from the Oath tooltip, as it was confusing players and setting wrong expectation for the oath mechanics.
Changed Oath of Fortification to now grant an additional flat +5 defense when shieldwalling, in addition to its current effects.
Changed stacks granted by the Orc Berserker Anatomist potion to 3 per hit, up from 2. The effect now caps at 15 stacks.
Changed the effect of the Ifrit Anatomist potion to 25 natural armor, up from 20.
Changed the wording of the Sword Mastery perk description to clarify the hit chance effect on Split/Swing. The actual effect remains unchanged.

Fixed a bug that let certain Anatomist potions drop as loot when they shouldn't have.
Fixed Anatomist potions being forever lost if a character who'd taken them left or died the company in an event.
Fixed the Direwolf Anatomist potion triggering on Riposte misses.
Fixed the Orc Berserker Anatomist potion triggering on each hit of the Three Headed Flail.
Fixed bug causing fear/hate of beasts and the Oath of Dominion traits to not work in arena fights.
Fixed Oath of Fortification not properly resetting the count of dead characters when repeating.
Fixed the reward for the special Oathtakers origin-specific event fight getting lost if the player's inventory was full.
Fixed issue where accepting the 'Hunting Serpents' contract could cause the game to hang under rare circumstances.
Fixed certain retinue members applying their effects twice.
Fixed various smaller issues and typos."
high rated
AI War 2 has just received another update from 4.014 to 4.015 for Windows and Mac, Linux is still at 4.014.

4.015 The Thrifty Architrave
(Released April 7th, 2022)

-Fix a bug where necromancer flagships could be incorrectly denied transformation
-Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Fix a bug where necromancer-owned guard posts were inadvertently counted in the counterattack notification
-Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-The Mummy tech upgrade only appears if you have Mummies
-Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Some tweaks to the necromancer journal, and remove the "Modify starting hacking/science/metal" fields for the necromancer
-Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Fix a bug where the ZA was unable to make ships
-Thanks to zeus for reporting
-Neinzul Youngling Fireflies now gain weapon points on firing their main weapon, and their on-death lightning blast now spends those points to deal increased damage.
-We no longer show a traditional X/Y cap in the unit hovertext for many necromancer units, since they don't use traditional caps
-Thanks to Strategic Sage for reporting
-Fixed the credits for the DLCs being mangled and cut off in the last few builds.

Two New Mods
-New mod by... Chris! Requires DLC3:
-Paladin Transports Mod
-Allows you to change the basic colony-ship style transports to instead be a cool white paladin transport.
-This is a visual-only mod, so you can turn this on without other players needing to have it on in multiplayer. This affects how ALL transports look in multiplayer, not just your own. Other players will see the default colony ship visuals unless they also enable this mod, so it's purely a matter of personal taste for each player.
-The "paladin transport" visuals were a happy little accident that came about during DLC3's development, and we didn't know quite what to do with them at first. Badger suggested this, which was a great idea, and here we are!

-New mod "ExpertMinusScaling" by Donblas:
-This mod modifies Expert mode to re-enable "Fleet Wide Bonuses", which are ships from Fleet Research Stations (FRS).
-While re-enabling them does increase the players power in Expert mode, some find building fleets without them much less interesting.
-Resulting games are "Expert-" in setting, more restricted than "Challenger" but less than a full "Expert" game.
high rated
Shadow Empire updated to v1.11.00

[i]Hi Everyone,

The latest patch of Shadow Empire is avaialble now!

Steam will/should auto update to the latest version. You may need to restart either client if it doesn't!

Changelist for 1.11.00
-If AI has been collecting lower quality models after making replacements. This has been addressed and now its SHQ is going to directly deploy the unneeded ones (for repl.troops) in new units.
-AI is now only replacing troops now with newer models if XP is at least 40 as the whole idea in the first place was to retain the XP at the front (and sending the new troops to the older version equipment)
-Some minor AI algorithms concerning replacing troops revised.
-In some cases there will will now be less requests to hire a faction candidate.
-Fixed a crash during “flak front processing” message (starfry)
-Fixed occasions of faulty nato counters in history screen
-Reduced Flak production for AI some further.
-Fixed eternal loop in human-human PBEM game (mroll)
-Fixed small glitch with Battlegroup formation from SHQ
-Fixed issue with Strategic Movement caused in earlier v1.10.X open beta
-GPU accelerated in-game DPI scaling added which should speed up a lot playing the game with DPI scaling enabled.
-The DPI scaling done by the GPU is sharper than the previous DPI scaling done by the CPU.
-Sped up the scrolling speed by using shifting direct memory copies within the same map bitmap
-Sped up the scrolling and map clicking speed by not recalculating or redrawing the windows that are overlaid over the map and separating the underlying map drawing and the overdraw (making cache-ing possible).
-Fixed bug with Advice window after end turn (Voker57 / thomas)
-Fixed bug with receiving a new leader with a regime profile above 100
-Finetuning Militia equipment improvement in games that last hundreds of rounds (hyveltush)
-AI work done on quality of tactical level movements.
-AI work done on reducing the tendency of giving ground in general.
-AI work done of making super aggressive regimes less likely to completely overextend
-AI work done on making the AI more likely to invest more in its current military than in its future military (by economic expansion) if threatened a lot.
-AI work done on making the AI wait a bit longer before constructing bigger units instead of more units.
-AI work done on reducing buying of Flak gun units/replacements at some points. And in general stop buying (much) replacements of troops we have less need of.
-AI stops playing some (often) stupid Stratagems on its OHQs
-AI improved OOB raising order (less chance to stay stuck in infantry formations only)
-AI improvements to moving to correct part of a frontArea
-AI improvements with entrenchment
-AI improvements with encircled troops
-Fixed an issue with Free Folk increasing way too much in some circumstances
-Fixed an issue with a savefile getting to large due to extremely large high node logistical network (game will prune some data now if its logs get too big)
-Fixed issue with Zone assignment upon rebel unit placement during turn (decision result)
-Fixed crash at start of turn calculations with trade (volker)
-Fixed an anomaly with the sliders on some systems
-Fixed an anomaly in the trade reports
-Fixed category of forced sales from private to public in the reporting
-Fixed an anomaly with scientific cooperation (not getting tech points from partner)
-Fixed rare crash during elections with a class-based voting system in place.
-You can now set import & export tariffs on the non-aligned regimes. Can be handy if you want certain items not to leave your Zones or to make a little extra buck!
-Fixed a rare issue with private asset doubling public asset that was delegated
-Fixed a bug with disappearing air units after artillery attack on them
-Fixed an interface glitchy state after asking research decision to a director in the case where no research fields were actually available.
-Fixed crash due to an misconfigured AI Regime SHQ inventory (Alex)
-Fixed glitch where you were not paying PP for Zone Merge
-Fixed ZOC ghosts in multi-player game where one human player has resigned
-Truck/Rail/HS Rail Station higher levels now have reduced upkeep workers*
-Rail/HS Rail Station higher levels now have reduced construction round for higher levels*
-Truck/Rail/HS Rail Station higher levels now have increased truck/rail point production*
-Some cards like Eager Industrialist will no longer cause double Asset Type to appear when playing on a Zone where the lower level Asset Type in question is in construction.

We hope you enjoy![/i]
high rated
Low Magic Age

Low Magic Age has been updated to Version: (Offline installers not yet updated - will update this post when they are available)

Full changelog here;

EDIT: Offline installers now updated
Post edited April 11, 2022 by Pajama
high rated
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Updated to 1.2 (UP 11.1/11.0/10.2) (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

GOG changelog:
Update (11 April 2022)

- updated the version of the UP to 11.1
high rated
Flotsam (In Development)

Updated to 0.6.0p1 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Latest changelogs from SteamDB (0.5.0p3, 0.5.1, 0.6.0) & GOG (0.6.0p1):

PART 1 / 2
0.5.0p3: Stuck drifter/item fixes

Early Access 0.5.0p3

0.5.0p3 fixes various bugs where drifters could get stuck and unresponsive. As well as items that got stuck in boats and storages.


- Fixed a bug where drifters would get stuck in a transition between the water and the walkways.
- Fixed a bug where drifters would get stuck while salvaging landmarks with a boat but swam to it instead.
- Fixed a bug where food or water items would get stuck in storage/building inventories. Loading save files with this bug should fix the save files.
- Fixed a bug where double-click movement on map would stop working after going back to the main menu.
- Fixed a bug where enabling the energy overlay would not have it display the energy lines.
0.5.1: New Inventory!

Hey Drifters!

We reworked the inventory panel to a more clear, concise bar at the top. With added functionality, this bar allows personal preferences to be set using the filter tools.

What's next?

The Expertise patch is nearing a state where it's ready for testing. You can expect to see drifter levels, stat increases, morale and more coming in everything 0.6.0 soon :)

Enjoy the new update!

Patch Notes

New Inventory

- Moved the inventory into a new top bar that can be opened/collapsed.
- Added category filters for each type of resource, allowing personal preferences to be set in the inventory panel.
- Added a new resource category: Ingredients. The categories are now as follows; Raw, Construction, Fuel, Ingredients, Food, Water, Special.
- Updated the inventory visuals slightly to make the categories clear.
- Behind the scenes: Refactored item code.


- Fixed a bug where a drifter could get stuck in the jumping transition.


- Re-scaled other UI elements, such as the speed buttons.
- Townheart water storage capacity increased from 15 -> 20.
Post edited April 11, 2022 by Hustlefan
high rated
Finding Paradise

Standalone installer updated:
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, ru Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 323.0 MB ⇒ 302.0 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, it Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 325.1 MB ⇒ 304.1 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, hu Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 324.0 MB ⇒ 303.0 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, cn Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 328.2 MB ⇒ 307.2 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, en Version 1.2c Loc patch(FR) ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 327.2 MB ⇒ 302.0 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, br Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 325.1 MB ⇒ 304.1 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, uk Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 325.1 MB ⇒ 304.1 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, ko Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 327.2 MB ⇒ 306.2 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, pl Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 330.3 MB ⇒ 309.3 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, cz Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 324.0 MB ⇒ 303.0 MB
Download added: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, fr Version 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 300.9 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, es Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 325.1 MB ⇒ 304.1 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, de Version 1.2c Loc patch(FR) ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 326.1 MB ⇒ 300.9 MB
Download changed: Installer, Finding Paradise, Windows, tr Version 1.2c localization update 3 ⇒ 1.2c Loc patch2(FR), Size 325.1 MB ⇒ 303.0 MB
high rated
Flotsam (In Development)

Updated to 0.6.0p1 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Latest changelogs from SteamDB (0.5.0p3, 0.5.1, 0.6.0) & GOG (0.6.0p1):

PART 2 / 2
0.6.0: Expertise is OUT NOW!

Heya Drifters!

The Expertise update is here!
It brings depth to the drifters with Expertise, Morale and Knowledge.

Your drifters will now gain experience and level up by doing tasks. This will give them knowledge, which replaces books as requirement for research. With the introduction of morale, your drifters will have wishes that affect their levelling speed.

Coming with this update as well is a look at the issues with boat abandonment. Mooring Points now detect if they are blocked and will communicate a warning to the player. Boats returning to blocked Mooring Points will teleport back.

What's next?

With knowledge being the new requirement for research, we will now take a look at reworking the current research screen towards a tree with clear progression. This includes "researchables", which allows you to unlock more than buildings, like town-wide upgrades, recipes and more!

Enjoy the new update!


Drifter Expertise

- Drifters can now gain experience and level up by doing tasks.
- For each drifter level up, you can assign an attribute point, raising their expertise.
- For each drifter level up, you gain knowledge.
- Each level gradually needs more experience.
- Drifters start with some attributes increased, which adds to the total expertise. This allows those stats to go above the maximum (10).
- Drifters start with attribute Affinity, which increases their morale when using those attributes. (and thus, their learning speed)
- Updated tooltips of attributes to correctly give all required information.
- Updated the attributes. The attributes are now as follows; Construction, Athletics, Liquids, Crafting, Research, Cooking, Fishing, Salvaging.
- Each attribute can be levelled to 10.
- Added the school, where drifters can use books to gain experience.
- On level-up, a drifter will spawn a little celebratory effect.

Drifter Morale

- Drifters have morale. Their morale will affect their levelling speed.
- There are 5 states of drifter morale with each an effect on levelling speed; Very Low (25%), Low(65%), Neutral(100%), High(135%), Very High(200%).
- The morale is outlined in a bar in the drifter panel.
- Drifters now have affinity for certain attributes. When they work tasks using those attributes, they will work at increased morale.
- Drifters will now prioritize tasks they have an affinity for, then by their attribute amount.
- Added various morale modifiers such as; new community, new friends, wet, etc.
- Added thought bubbles, drifters will now show thoughts of what morale is affecting them.

Research and Drifter Knowledge

- Researching now requires knowledge instead of books.
- Updated the research station; it does no longer have an eel-ectricity requirement. The footprint and cost has been reduced. The visual has been updated.
- Research is now done per knowledge, rather than the whole progress at once.
- You can now research one knowledge at a time without requiring the full amount of knowledge.
- Research UI will now show progress per knowledge point.
- Renamed "cancel research" to "pause research" so it gives the correct information.


- Updated the drifter Water, Food and Sleep panel, lack of sleep is now tracked in the Morale panel.
- The debuff of not eating or drinking has now merged with the morale modifier.
- Morale modifiers can now affect other things, such as drifter attributes.
- Drifters not drinking, eating or sleeping will get stackable debuffs that reduce certain attributes.
- Drifters will now inform players if they are unable to perform their duties and why (mostly for blocked salvaging tasks due to unavailable storage space for resources)
- Hauling affinity now correctly shows in the drifter duties panel when a drifter has affinity for athletics.

Food and Resources

- Food now has a quality level: Icky, Ordinary or Yummy. Each give a different morale modifier.
- Updated tooltips of resources to correctly give all required information


- Added various icons for new features.
- Changed localization keys for new features.
- Removed pollution bar on the portraits.
- Updated some of the UI elements.

Mooring Points and Boats

Boat abandonment was a long-standing issue, we looked into fixing annoyances and communicating the issues to the player.

- Mooring Points now detect if they are blocked. These will show a warning.
- Boats moored at blocked Mooring Points will not be used by drifters doing tasks.
- Boats returning to blocked Mooring Points are no longer abandoned. These will teleport back to their linked Mooring Point.


- Fixed an issue where the polluted woods scouting tower didn't have a selection circle.
- Fixed Seagull giving a morale debuff for leaving when they haven't left.
- Fixed Mooring Point signaling it being blocked when it was not blocked.
- Fixed a bug where a drifter could get stuck while salvaging a landmark by boat and a resource was toggled off.
- Fixed a bug where reassigning boats between Mooring Points could break their connection to the Mooring Point.
- Fixed broken Seagull panel.
Update 0.6.0p1

Localization Fixes

- Fixed issue where google translated suggestions from Localizor would import over top voted suggestions. (this sometimes caused weird translations such as % DAY%)
- Fixed issue where some keys would show as [] instead of the correct key.
- Fixed issue where pre-Early Access launch translated keys would not be imported.
- Fixed issue where suggestions not meeting the like threshold would get imported over the top voted suggestion.
- Fixed issue where linking to untranslated terms inside tooltips of non-English languages would state REFERENCED TERM MISSING instead of defaulting back to English.
- Fixed several keys to correctly link to their corresponding terms.
- Removed old Survival Guide keys still present in Localizor.
high rated
X4: Foundations v5.10(a for Linux) 7th of April 2022. Both Windows and Linux offline installers available now.

Offline installers available for both Linux and Windows.

Last post is the latest.