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high rated
Strange Horticulture

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Hotfix for an issue with labels not working anymore as mentioned on Steam.
I received an update flag for Shadow Warrior 3 but it seems that nothing has changed in the offline installer files. Is this related maybe to the missing DLCs? Speaking of which, does anyone else have the deluxe DLCs visible in their account? I can only see the offline installers for the main game; I thought only the pre-order DLC was delayed.
high rated
* Project Zomboid
All offline installers updated to 41.66
Changelog (lengthy) :


* Cultist Simulator
Win + Mac offline installers updated to 2022.3.a.4
Didn't manage to find a changelog.


* Terraria
Got an update flag but I didn't notice any change in the files. False positive?
high rated
Between the Stars
Offline installers and patches updated to 0.6.0
No changelog posted at this time.


Medieval Dynasty
Offline installers and patches updated to

Changelog from Steam: The Windmill & Decorations Update

Dear Elders!

Gather and behold the latest acquisition to the valley! A few resourceful heads from faraway places have stopped at the tavern and told the villagers about a machine that turns grain into flour by using the power of the wind.

So now it's up to you to put their plans into action and build a miracle of modern medieval technology in the valley.

From big things to smaller things: We have repeatedly read about the great desire to be able to further embellish and decorate your own domicile. We want to help you achieve this dream and have created a few new accessories. Your homes in Medieval Dynasty will also be given new shutters and curtains for windows, shelves, vases and much more.

Nothing stands in the path of upgrading your settlement from beautiful to magnificent.
Speaking of upgrades: The game engine has also been upgraded. From now on, the UE 4.27.2 powers Medieval Dynasty on your PC.

This update is complemented by several bug fixes and improvements.

Tell us in the comments if you like the windmill, where you built it or if you want to challenge it. Of course, feel free to comment on the other features as well! Don't forget to check out our social media channels!

Stay safe and see you around

Render Cube and Toplitz Productions

All changes can be found in detail here:

* New building – Windmill.
* New decoration system for Houses.
* New furniture - Flower pots with the possibility of planting flowers.
* New items - small flower vases.
* Over 30 new locations of interest generated on the map.
* Dynamic drawing of player objects on the map in the book.
* Effects for the Blacksmith.
* Effects for the Lumberjack.
* New Stallholder animations.
* New Beekeeper animations.
* New pick-up animations for items to third person view.
* More sounds for falling trees.
* Doppler effect to sounds of falling trees and ranged weapons.
* Reverb effect for falling tree sounds.
* New sounds for putting items into inventory.
* New sounds for dropping items from your inventory.

* Invisible chicory.
* The cart just west from Gostovia sunk below ground and all the goodies with it.
* Stone deposit state isn't saved.
* Cut tree progress isn't saved.
* Flickering of animal shadows.
* It isn't possible to place a gate close to water.
* Dropped or impaled items could attach to incorrect objects after loading game.
* Vanishing warnings when farmers return to the barn because they ran out of required resources.
* Black screen instead of cutscene/tutorial video etc. on windows 7.
* Number of fences, gates and furniture displayed incorrectly when the player has no permission to build.
* Restoring default game settings sets autosave timer to 30 min instead of 15 min.
* HUD input is not updated on grabbing an item.
* Rabbits are standing valiantly instead of fleeing from a mounted player.
* The mouse cursor is visible during dialogues when using a gamepad.
* The mount cannot be summoned on a gamepad when the player is in progress of placing a building's ghost.
* Restoring graphic settings is not working as intended.
* When multi-crafting with a controller, when you press the left button of the D-pad to reduce the number of items to * craft, this action also activates summon mount.
* Left hand not affected by offsets after putting away a torch.
* Jezerica fishermen have spears with an incorrect rotation.
* Fishermen sometimes cross the river in the water to fish on the other side.
* The chicken breeder tends to get stuck in the hen house.
* Grass doesn't disappear close to the camera in TPP mode.
* Expired items have their hp reset to maximum.
* Movement is not blocked during selection from sleep menu.
* Possibility to interact with objects while mounting up.
* Avos will now be a little bit louder when he tries to make owl sounds in Sambor mission.
* Racimir sounds related to these statuses: thirst, hunger, cold, heat, poisoning and drunkenness.
* Disappearing crops in fields at low visibility settings in range.

* Unreal Engine 4.27.2.
* Rendering optimizations.
* Cut tree meshes.
* Increased the visible range of high-quality grass.
* Increased the map quality.
* Improved the house skeleton models.
* The rabbit and bird figurines can stand upright.
* Numerous adjustments to the distribution of rocks and plant.
* Salting in the Hunting Lodge and Fishing Lodge has been moved to the second tier of the building and drying down to the first tier.
* The ability to rotate items held has been added to the "Grab" functionality.
* Radial menus on the gamepad now remember the last selected segment.
* Quick slot radial menu with roman digits for quick slots.
* The Well now needs 20 building technology points to unlock.
* Icons of wild animals are enlarged on the map.
* Improvements to the wind.
* Increased the range shadows are apparent for both animals and humans
* Numerous tweaks and improvements to the terrain.
* Many of the villages have received additional lighting.
* Water Carrier increases the skill Extraction instead of Farming
* Order of traps and seats in decoration menu.
* All languages updated.
Post edited March 04, 2022 by bjgamer
high rated
PC Building Simulator Update v1.15

changlog from steam
high rated
Project Warlock has been updated to version but there was no patch notes yet.
high rated

Standalone installer updated: [Windows] 77806 ⇒ 77806.

[This time these files in the installer have been changed:
- app\
- tmp (a lot of jpegs)
- goggame-1557744677.hashdb
high rated
No Man's Sky
Offline installer updated to 3.84_Sentinel_84011

"Added an option to the Quick Menu to toggle the Minotaur AI Pilot.
Fixed an issue that could cause the reconstructed drone to block the spawning of patrol drones.
Fixed an issue that caused Freighter bases to be broken after being reset.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Minotaur to become distorted when fighting biological horrors.
Fixed an issue that could prevent Sentinels from spawning around buildings.
Fixed an issue that caused Plasma Grenades to recharge infinitely.
Fixed an issue that caused Exocraft weapon upgrades to decrease the fire rate of the main cannon.
Fixed an issue that caused the base teleport module to appear as a buildable product in the inventory.
Fixed a rare issue that could prevent some buildings from spawning.
Fixed an issue that caused pet Quads to explode when shutting down hostile Sentinels.
Fixed an issue that caused the pet Quads redeemed from the Quicksilver Companion Robot to be orange instead of blue.
Fixed an issue that caused blue Quad pets to fail to speak with their correct voice.
Fixed an issue that briefly caused the word STEEL to appear when hatching a companion egg.
Fixed a rare issue that could cause players to die unexpectedly during warp or when getting in their ship.
Fixed an issue that prevented the friendly drone from navigating correctly while the player was riding a creature.
Fixed a rare issue that could prevent the recovery from working correctly after a player deletes their Sentinel Flare.

Added a message to the save select screen to alert players when a new Expedition begins.
Fixed an issue that could cause the Expedition to use the wrong number in some text instances.
Fixed an issue that could prevent expedition data from being correctly downloaded.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Exobiology reward decals and posters from functioning correctly.
Fixed an issue that prevented an Exobiology expedition reward from teaching the correct number of words.

Fixed a rare issue that could cause the galaxy map to direct players to a system their settlement was not actually in.
Fixed a rare issue where some Space Anomaly NPCs could be missing, which would block progress in A Trace of Metal.
Fixed an issue that prevented the Trace of Metal mission from continuing correctly after being reset.
Fixed an issue that could cause a blocker on Nexus repair missions.
Fixed an issue that locked the player in place while receiving rewards from a frigate expedition.
Fixed a rare issue in the Trace of Metal mission where players would be asked to build Minotaur parts they did not own.
Fixed an issue that could cause mission related settlement decisions to be lost when switching settlements during the mission.

Fixed a visual glitch when riding creatures.
Fixed issue where character’s head would become visible for a frame when activating camouflage.
Fixed an issue that caused screenshots to be black with DLAA enabled.
Fixed a number of visual glitches when getting up from a chair.

Fixed a hang that could occur when spawning creatures.
Fixed a crash related to input.
Fixed a crash related to rendering.
Fixed a memory related crash on PS4.
Introduced a memory optimisation for PS4.
Fixed a crash related to wind.
Fixed a rare softlock related to creature spawning near settlements.
Fixed a rare crashed related to trading.
Fixed a rare crash related to frigate expeditions.
Fixed a crash related to interacting with mineral and gas extractors.
Fixed a physics related crash."
high rated
Lords and Villeins has been updated to version 0.15.10 (54110).
high rated
Martha Is Dead

Updated to 1.0302.00 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

GOG changelogs:

Update March 2nd 2022

- Fixed 'The World' achievement.
- Fixed the bicycle during 'Memories' chapter. Effected players will need to start from 'The Graveyard' again.
- Fixed the vibration menu
- Added additional texture LOD's to the terrain to improve performance.
- Removed and fixed some virtual textures to improve performance.
- Fixed out of bounds problem during 'The Room' and 'The Rolls'
- Implemented on-going performance issue fixes with ultra settings.
- Reinstated no access to the tunnel during The Lady.
- It is no longer possible to use the lighter during the final scene.
- Fixed a block that could occur when leaving the basement during one of Giulia's inner monologues.
- Clouds have been optimized further. They have been removed when 'effect quality' is set to low for improved performance.
- Added and reworked some object LOD's for improved performance.
- Added a new paper note to the tunnel which was originally blank.
- Fixed vibration while using Mouse and Keyboard if 'Vibration' is disabled.
- Improved visibility for the observation icons for Lapo grave and the watering can.
- Fixed a block that could occur if you entered the darkroom while holding the lighter during The Graveyard chapter.
- Improved shadows for medium quality with no impact to performance.
- Fixed a crash caused by launching the game in Windowed Mode on some PC set-ups.
- Optimised some 4K terrain textures to improve performance.
- Optimized the terrain under bridge fixing vertex issues.
- Optimized grass at low and medium quality settings to improve performance.
Martha Is Dead Patch 1.0303 March 3rd 2022

Optimization and language fixes

Hello again folks, thank you for your patience whilst we continue to address the launch issues you've brought to our attention!

There is a brand new update available to download right now on GOG featuring the following updates (note spoilers relate to telegraph puzzle inputs) :

Build No: 1.0303

- Additional LOD optimization to improve performance.
- Depth of Field optimization to improve performance.
- Ray Tracing now works for GeforceNow.
- French text has been updated, changing Juin to Julliet and better distinguishing OVER and OVER AND OUT for the telegraph.
- Spanish has been updated, changing OVER AND OUT, OVER and TOWN ON FIRE for the telegraph.

Once again thank you for everyone who has submitted issues, specs, their suggestions, general feedback and everything in between - the team is working through them all in a timely manner - so if you're seeing an issue you're having not addressed yet - don't worry - we'll get to it!

Enjoy the rest of your week - and don't forget to keep sharing your screenshots / artwork / thoughts with us on our socials, and leave an honest review if you've played the game!
high rated

Updated to 1.06.1 (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
Hotfix v1.06


We've just issued our first hotfix


- Fixed an issue causing a potential progress blocker in the multiplayer map "Factory of Shadows 3.3".
- Fixed an issue causing the rescue decision UI to not display properly when rescuing a new Survivor inside the Factory.

Thank you for your support and enjoy HordeCore!
high rated
Ghost on the Shore

Updated to (Galaxy & Offline Installer, Windows) & (Galaxy, Mac)

Changelog from Steam:
Update notes for 4th of March

- Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in the vision scene at the Black Bell tavern
- Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in the vision scene at Scruff's Cabin
- Fixed a typo on the grave of Beatrice
- Fixed multiple collision issues in Big Rogue
- Several aesthetic fixes
Post edited March 05, 2022 by Hustlefan
high rated
The Tenants (In Development)

Updated to 0.8c (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
The Tenants - Patch 0.8c


- Added visualization of the auction table for Steve to make starting bidding more intuitive.
- Added the ability to attach your save file when using the in-game feedback report tool.
- Added some missing translations.
- Fixed an issue with players being unable to exit failed auctions.
- Fixed a glitch with the proximity bonus lines in the UI.
- Fixed collider issues with some of the furniture.
high rated
And again... xD

The Tenants (In Development)

Updated to 0.8d (Galaxy & Offline Installer)

Changelog from Steam:
The Tenants - Patch 0.8d


- Fixed a game crash that sometimes occurred when moving certain garden items.
- Fixed a game crash related to the Botanic Garden job.
- Fixed a pathing issue related to wall-mounted items, preventing players from renting out previously verified properties. The fix is temporary and you might observe inconsistent behavior with some shelving items; more patches are on their way.
- Fixed an issue with the Alcoholic event sometimes beginning too close to the bed causing unexpected behavior.
- Fixed purchase auctions starting with a $0 opening bid.
karnak1: * Terraria
Got an update flag but I didn't notice any change in the files. False positive?
Did you see If not, then the game got updated after you reported this.

(It's for all 3 supported OSes.)