Gydion: Sure, but I don't know why everyone is constantly alt-tabbing anyway. Particularly in a game like Privateer 2.
People ALT-TAB because our operating systems have been multitasking now for 20+ years and we use them for multiple tasks and in our daily lives "life" happens and we need to do other things. It is totally reasonable to need or to want to switch from any program to any other program running on the computer at any time, whether or not one of them is a video game. You might be playing a game and something super urgent comes up that requires you to have to go do something, perhaps respond to a work email or some other critical task. You may or may not be able to save your game progress in order to do so depending on the particular video game, and so switching temporarily out of the game is rather crucial to be able to do and not have it crash or malfunction. Or, you might want to switch to your web browser to view a game map, walkthrough, game tips & tricks, or to a paint program or editor to create a map for a game, take notes or whatever. Personally I frequently use notepad, MS Paint, the calculator and various other utilities as game aides where they're useful and being able to ALT-TAB to get to these programs is essential. So there are countless good reasons for someone to have the desire to switch out of a game temporarily without the inconvenience of outright exiting the game completely, or the inconvenience of losing their progress in the case of a game that doesn't allow you to save your current game state entirely. The type of game it is is rather irrelevant whether it is Skyrim or Privateer or Kings Quest or whatever.
So there is some understanding for the "why" people want to or need to do this. Unfortunately, not all games and in particular many old DOS games and some decade or so old Windows games even had flaws in them that did not save/restore the video state or other problems when ALT-TAB is triggered and they're unstable as a result and ALT-TAB should be avoided in those games. That's a flaw in the game however or some piece of technology the game uses and there might not be any way to work around the problem technically from the gamer's side of things or from GOG's side or even the developer's side perhaps without more financial commitment than anyone is willing to expend and so we have to live with it as best we can.
But because some games have this technical limitation due to bugs or other factors doesn't mean there isn't any good reason for a person wanting or needing to be able to ALT-TAB, there are plenty of good reasons for it. "Yeah, I'll look at that spreadsheet and get right back to you, just as soon as I get to the next gamesave checkpoint in my game boss, it'll probably be sometime in the next 3 hours or so." is not necessarily acceptable, although with some games we have no choice but to do that or to crash the game and do it all over again. Again, the desire (which is what this was about, the desire and why someone would have that desire) to want to have a better solution however and have ALT-TAB working is perfectly normal.