Posted July 03, 2018

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

Registered: Feb 2009
From United States

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From Other
Posted July 03, 2018

I started to record it since Nov 2017. Only games I have are listed here. [1]
Report for Jun 2018:
Total updates: 104
Games updates: 88 (Some games have multiple updates, daily basis)
Flags I got: 119 (Including 3~4 weeks delayed flags for last month, see [0])
92% real updates have an official flag. 8% are missing.
All flags I got appeared after Jun 22.
I got zero flag during Jun 1~22.
Due to a system glitch, GOG hold all update flags, and started to push all of them since around Jun 22.
After the 3~4 weeks delayed flags flooding, some real updates still have zero flag:
20180615 real_myst
20180614 stardew_valley
20180613 pool_of_radiance
20180611 mafia_iii
20180607 crookz_the_big_heist
20180607 gwent_the_witcher_card_game
20180606 gwent_the_witcher_card_game
20180606 downfall_redux_copy3
20180530 star_wars_xwing_1993
False update flags:
20180627 escape_from_monkey_island
20180627 overload_playable_teaser
20180626 myst_masterpiece_edition
[0] flags flooding:
[1] Jun 2018 real updates:
[2] May 2018 record:

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted July 03, 2018
high rated
Post edited July 03, 2018 by Edward_Carnby

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 04, 2018
high rated
Objects in Space
#### Patch (03 July 2018)
##### General:
* Fixed a crash when changing rooms away from the ship’s cabin sometimes.
* Fixed various crashes related to pirate attemping to pick up dropped cargo.
* Fixed a crash sometimes caused when an email was downloaded.
* Fixed a crash when moving through broken modules in the engine room.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn’t click on stars, even if they were visible over ‘fog’.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes generating a new bounty would crash.
* Fixed a bug where the date/time in the year 44a was shown during tutorial with the tablet open.
* Fixed a bug where the EMCON physical toggle-switch on the Proxima-class wasn’t working.
* Fixed a bug where UI beeps, especially on space stations, didn’t always play.
* Fixed a bug where loading a game when you are docked with a jumpgate sets the wrong UI border colour.
* Fixed a bug where buying a second sensor, weapon or other similar modules will leave them disconnected at first.
* Allowed pagination of selected note in player’s PDA.
* Fixed a bug where engineering screens would say UNKNOWN instead of CORE when you’d clicked on a module containing a reactor core
* Fixed a bug which made a Hap Node in a Remora RCS module unclickable
* Fixed a bug which prevented you from progressing in the Qian Block conversation.
* Fixed a bug causing Okwui Ways to never appear (a different one - there was more than one)
* Fixed export which allowed you to sell certain goods infinite amounts of times
* Modified the DH30 Comms module so that a component on one arm can go down without breaking the whole module
* Fixed a bug where you could sell the weapons you retrieve for Nick Fourier infinite times
* Fixed a bug where Buffalo Hargreaves would remain at the Douros airlock after you’d already dropped him off
* Fixed a bug which made the Nick Fourier mission to find the wreck of the SS Pamir unfinishable
* Prevented Harry Vuong from appearing on Assayer if you’d continued the Nick Fourier thread of the mission instead
* Fixed crashes in the Sam Kasrils mission and Herschel Li / Martha Meitner mission
* Fixed a crash when you read the PDA note about the first mission from Avelina Dembo
* Fixed a crash which would sometimes happen when reading the ship logs of the Caliban
* Updated Infopedia entry for the Christmas Tree
* Added Infopedia entry for the PCE Master Alarm
* Fixed bug where Asterin Allas would complain about taking too long to get to Crassus after you’d already dropped him off
##### Alterations:
* Changed the order of tabs on the PDA based on most-used.
* Slight improvement to the ship’s log screen.
* Made pirates react if you try to steal cargo they are attempting to collect.
* Made space stations sell more components by default.
* * *
#### Patch (02 July 2018)
##### New Stuff:
* NEW COMBAT SCENARIO - A highly manoeuvrable Enceladus with 8 torpedoes but no defences up against 6 pirates in an uncharted star system
##### General:
* Fixed a crash when loading some older save games.
* Fixed a bug where infinite money could be obtained by opening certain emails multiple times.
* Fixed a bug where SOS beacons could be used outside of the campaign.
* Fixed crashes when using NavMap modules with older in-game software versions.
* Proxima airlocks now produce sound effects.
* Temporarily removed adapters & component shields for sale.
* Made NPC ships travel more tightly, to avoid accidental asteroid/hazard issues.
* We now store OiS version numbers in save metadata for easier tracking down of issues.
* Ensured consistent naming for grappling arms.
* Made all components work in all module types (until the ‘socket types’ mechanic is properly implemented)
* Adjusted the camera on the Wire terminal on Crassus so you can see the whole monitor
* Fixed a few broken signs on space stations
* Removed a defunct module type from stock model Enceladus ships
* Changed wording of Buffalo Hargreaves mission to specify Bhola Station and not Bhola Prime
* Added a message telling players when the Buffalo Hargreaves mission is no longer available
* Updated instructions in Nick Fourier mission to be clearer about where to take his weapons
* Updated PDA Notes in Annie Bolan mission
* Increased the price of chocolate by a factor of 50 (tasty)
* Added new animation for Jacqui Engels conversation
#### Patch (03 July 2018)
* Added easy difficulty (If you already played the game you can select it from the options menu)
* Added checkpoints: now you won't have to replay a level from the beginning if you already reached a save point (Checkpoints will appear in the level selection menu after you reached them)
* Added auto-aim key when playing with a joypad (Y on xbox controller, Triangle on PS4 controller, top action button in generic controllers)
* Improved roll controls (Now it is easier to roll again after the previous roll finished to dodge enemy fire. Piero won't stop anymore to reload the gun if roll started while reloading)
* Enemy revolver fire won't destroy a cover and kill Piero in the same shot anymore
* Implemented auto aim lock on street signs
* Better aim mechanic during the chase scene, with auto lock on enemy vehicles
* Boss fights are better balanced
* Removed enemies that where already aware of player when entering certain stages
* Button tapping scene during Interlude is now easier
* Enemies that can kill you in one shot are easier to take down
* Covers in the boss fight with Torinese will take more hits
* Chase scene in Chapter 7 is shorter
* Stealth section during Chapter 4 introduction (market) is easier
* Other tweaking in various scenes
* The player tram won't stay outside the left border of the screen anymore during Chapter 4 chase
* Fixed a bug that caused Piero to roll after pushing an enemy while running
* Blocked a passage that allowed to skip the first scene of Chapter 7
* Fixed some bugs related to co-op mode
* Misc. bug fixing
#### Update 1.1.1 (2nd July 2018)
**New features:**
* We've added **Extreme Difficulty level based on Survivor Mode** \- now you can play every scenario on the hardest difficulty without the need to turn on the Survivor Mode – so you still have the option to pause the game and save it normally.
**Smaller changes and balancing:**
* Removed unfinished Workshop models, thus fixing possible glitches and crashes
* Fixed crash in the Economy Panel
* Fixed visual glitch in settings menu
* Fixed and enabled Ansel in the Survivor Mode
* Minor fixes in translations
* Fixed issue where wrong icons were showing on buildings in various situations
* Additional minor tweaks and fixes
The Coma: Recut
#### Update (02 July 2018)
* Added the Linux version of The Coma: Recut to everyone's accounts.
#### Update 1.2 (2nd July 2018)
* improved the overall online stability in the open World and Combat Trials.
#### Patch (03 July 2018)
##### General:
* Fixed a crash when changing rooms away from the ship’s cabin sometimes.
* Fixed various crashes related to pirate attemping to pick up dropped cargo.
* Fixed a crash sometimes caused when an email was downloaded.
* Fixed a crash when moving through broken modules in the engine room.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn’t click on stars, even if they were visible over ‘fog’.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes generating a new bounty would crash.
* Fixed a bug where the date/time in the year 44a was shown during tutorial with the tablet open.
* Fixed a bug where the EMCON physical toggle-switch on the Proxima-class wasn’t working.
* Fixed a bug where UI beeps, especially on space stations, didn’t always play.
* Fixed a bug where loading a game when you are docked with a jumpgate sets the wrong UI border colour.
* Fixed a bug where buying a second sensor, weapon or other similar modules will leave them disconnected at first.
* Allowed pagination of selected note in player’s PDA.
* Fixed a bug where engineering screens would say UNKNOWN instead of CORE when you’d clicked on a module containing a reactor core
* Fixed a bug which made a Hap Node in a Remora RCS module unclickable
* Fixed a bug which prevented you from progressing in the Qian Block conversation.
* Fixed a bug causing Okwui Ways to never appear (a different one - there was more than one)
* Fixed export which allowed you to sell certain goods infinite amounts of times
* Modified the DH30 Comms module so that a component on one arm can go down without breaking the whole module
* Fixed a bug where you could sell the weapons you retrieve for Nick Fourier infinite times
* Fixed a bug where Buffalo Hargreaves would remain at the Douros airlock after you’d already dropped him off
* Fixed a bug which made the Nick Fourier mission to find the wreck of the SS Pamir unfinishable
* Prevented Harry Vuong from appearing on Assayer if you’d continued the Nick Fourier thread of the mission instead
* Fixed crashes in the Sam Kasrils mission and Herschel Li / Martha Meitner mission
* Fixed a crash when you read the PDA note about the first mission from Avelina Dembo
* Fixed a crash which would sometimes happen when reading the ship logs of the Caliban
* Updated Infopedia entry for the Christmas Tree
* Added Infopedia entry for the PCE Master Alarm
* Fixed bug where Asterin Allas would complain about taking too long to get to Crassus after you’d already dropped him off
##### Alterations:
* Changed the order of tabs on the PDA based on most-used.
* Slight improvement to the ship’s log screen.
* Made pirates react if you try to steal cargo they are attempting to collect.
* Made space stations sell more components by default.
* * *
#### Patch (02 July 2018)
##### New Stuff:
* NEW COMBAT SCENARIO - A highly manoeuvrable Enceladus with 8 torpedoes but no defences up against 6 pirates in an uncharted star system
##### General:
* Fixed a crash when loading some older save games.
* Fixed a bug where infinite money could be obtained by opening certain emails multiple times.
* Fixed a bug where SOS beacons could be used outside of the campaign.
* Fixed crashes when using NavMap modules with older in-game software versions.
* Proxima airlocks now produce sound effects.
* Temporarily removed adapters & component shields for sale.
* Made NPC ships travel more tightly, to avoid accidental asteroid/hazard issues.
* We now store OiS version numbers in save metadata for easier tracking down of issues.
* Ensured consistent naming for grappling arms.
* Made all components work in all module types (until the ‘socket types’ mechanic is properly implemented)
* Adjusted the camera on the Wire terminal on Crassus so you can see the whole monitor
* Fixed a few broken signs on space stations
* Removed a defunct module type from stock model Enceladus ships
* Changed wording of Buffalo Hargreaves mission to specify Bhola Station and not Bhola Prime
* Added a message telling players when the Buffalo Hargreaves mission is no longer available
* Updated instructions in Nick Fourier mission to be clearer about where to take his weapons
* Updated PDA Notes in Annie Bolan mission
* Increased the price of chocolate by a factor of 50 (tasty)
* Added new animation for Jacqui Engels conversation
#### Patch (03 July 2018)
* Added easy difficulty (If you already played the game you can select it from the options menu)
* Added checkpoints: now you won't have to replay a level from the beginning if you already reached a save point (Checkpoints will appear in the level selection menu after you reached them)
* Added auto-aim key when playing with a joypad (Y on xbox controller, Triangle on PS4 controller, top action button in generic controllers)
* Improved roll controls (Now it is easier to roll again after the previous roll finished to dodge enemy fire. Piero won't stop anymore to reload the gun if roll started while reloading)
* Enemy revolver fire won't destroy a cover and kill Piero in the same shot anymore
* Implemented auto aim lock on street signs
* Better aim mechanic during the chase scene, with auto lock on enemy vehicles
* Boss fights are better balanced
* Removed enemies that where already aware of player when entering certain stages
* Button tapping scene during Interlude is now easier
* Enemies that can kill you in one shot are easier to take down
* Covers in the boss fight with Torinese will take more hits
* Chase scene in Chapter 7 is shorter
* Stealth section during Chapter 4 introduction (market) is easier
* Other tweaking in various scenes
* The player tram won't stay outside the left border of the screen anymore during Chapter 4 chase
* Fixed a bug that caused Piero to roll after pushing an enemy while running
* Blocked a passage that allowed to skip the first scene of Chapter 7
* Fixed some bugs related to co-op mode
* Misc. bug fixing
#### Update 1.1.1 (2nd July 2018)
**New features:**
* We've added **Extreme Difficulty level based on Survivor Mode** \- now you can play every scenario on the hardest difficulty without the need to turn on the Survivor Mode – so you still have the option to pause the game and save it normally.
**Smaller changes and balancing:**
* Removed unfinished Workshop models, thus fixing possible glitches and crashes
* Fixed crash in the Economy Panel
* Fixed visual glitch in settings menu
* Fixed and enabled Ansel in the Survivor Mode
* Minor fixes in translations
* Fixed issue where wrong icons were showing on buildings in various situations
* Additional minor tweaks and fixes
#### Update (02 July 2018)
* Added the Linux version of The Coma: Recut to everyone's accounts.
#### Update 1.2 (2nd July 2018)
* improved the overall online stability in the open World and Combat Trials.
Post edited July 04, 2018 by WinterSnowfall

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 04, 2018
high rated
Empires of the Undergrowth - unfortunately it's a gigantic changelog, but you can find it here.
The following offline installers have also been updated:
-> Lovecraft's Untold Stories to version 0.652
-> Unforeseen Incidents to version 1.0.9 (Windows & Mac only)
-> Cultist Simulator to version 2018.6.n.2 (Linux only)
-> Gorogoa to version 1.1.1 (Mac only)
-> Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy to version 2018-06-28 (Mac only)
-> observer to version 02.07.2018 (Windows only)
The following offline installers have also been updated:
-> Lovecraft's Untold Stories to version 0.652
-> Unforeseen Incidents to version 1.0.9 (Windows & Mac only)
-> Cultist Simulator to version 2018.6.n.2 (Linux only)
-> Gorogoa to version 1.1.1 (Mac only)
-> Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy to version 2018-06-28 (Mac only)
-> observer to version 02.07.2018 (Windows only)
Post edited July 04, 2018 by WinterSnowfall

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted July 04, 2018
#### Patch (03 July 2018)
* Added easy difficulty (If you already played the game you can select it from the options menu)
Post edited July 04, 2018 by MarkoH01

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted July 04, 2018
high rated
SpellForce 3
Patch 1.3.8 (4 July 2018)
Added number of players to skirmish map list
Fixed "Texture quality" slider in options menu reducing texture quality a bit more than intended
Fixed some textures not being loaded correctly on Windows 7 if texture detail level was set to anything less than maximum
Fixed human stone tower not attacking
Patch 1.3.8 (4 July 2018)
Added number of players to skirmish map list
Fixed "Texture quality" slider in options menu reducing texture quality a bit more than intended
Fixed some textures not being loaded correctly on Windows 7 if texture detail level was set to anything less than maximum
Fixed human stone tower not attacking

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted July 04, 2018
high rated
Spellforce 3 has been updated.
Changelog for Patch 1.3.8 (4 July 2018)
Added number of players to skirmish map list
Fixed "Texture quality" slider in options menu reducing texture quality a bit more than intended
Fixed some textures not being loaded correctly on Windows 7 if texture detail level was set to anything less than maximum
Fixed human stone tower not attacking
Changelog for Patch 1.3.7 (4 July 2018)
New skirmish map: "The Blue Islands"
Discord Rich Presence integration:
See what your friends are doing in the game
Invite friends to join your game via the Discord app
Savegame file size reduced by ~90%
Some minor UI changes to improve coop experience
General rendering performance improvements
General localization improvements
General game stability improvements
Fixed certain achievements not being triggered although all conditions are met. Players should now be able to get all achievements.
Added savegame compatibility for missing artefact part in Windwall Foothills
Added savegame compatibility for missing portal in Unknown Islands
Fixed Earth Rune buff moving with Isgrimm
Fixed Arcane Archery working with melee weapons
Fixed Focus regeneration on Knowledge of the Xarlonthep, changed to 0.1/s
Fixed multiple issues regarding sidequests in Aonir's Blade, as well as main quest compatibility for old savegames
Fixed issues in Old-Haalayash that would not allow players to continue the main quest, including savegame compatibility
Fixed some icons and descriptions on mobs and items
Potion of fresh start now works properly in multiplayer
The godstone in the Orc Camp of Farlorn's Hope now works properly
Upgraded elven towers now retain the capacity of 3 workers
Fixed sometimes stuck at 100% loading screen when playing coop multiplayer and changing levels
Fixed sometimes stuck at 100% loading screen after multiplayer host migration
Fixed player color when playing multiplayer coop campaign after skirmish
Fixed multiplayer lobby showing up when migrating, changing levels in coop campaign or loading multiplayer levels
Significantly increased the potency of most trees' basic skills
Alchemist's Blood L3 now grants more Armor and Debuff Immuninty for 4s
Increased healing when attacking creatures affected by Judgement
Tiara's Shield L3 now grants immunity against Purge & Interrupt
Reduced frequency of Clarity L3 pulses to once every 5s
Decreased radius of Fireball by 20%
Decreased bonuses granted by Pyromancy, Cryomancy and Hierophany to 20%
Decreased cast range of Earthquake
Earthquake and Day of Reckoning now scale with Constitution
Increased radius of Epidemic by 20%
Elen's Champion now works with any weapon
Entangling Shot now casts faster and additionally decreases movement speed
Doubled the duration and cooldown of Encourage
Reduced cooldown of Nor's Breath to 180s
Throwing Knife can now hit up to two adjacent targets
Reduced cost and cooldown of Solar Plexus Strike, now also applies Impaired
Added chance of brief knockdown to Headsplitter and increased Bleeding
Increased stun chance on Niethalf's Shield
Transcendence now also adds some White and Black damage to attacks
Reduced Focus cost of wolf and bear form Shapeshifting spells to 10
Gor is now briefly immune to damage while shapeshifting back to Orc form
Increased damage bonus of Zarach's Might to 25%
Reduced Life Leech on vampiric weapons to 25%
Increased Focus regeneration granted by robes
Enemy armies in the campaign now behave more like the skirmish AI to offer a more challenging and fun experience. This includes:
Smarter usage of units, including using catapults more situationally
More varied attack and retreat patterns, especially on harder difficulties
Less reliance on resource advantages, allowing for more interesting dynamics
RTS scenarios have been reworked to better fit the new style of AI behaviour
Some key encounters have been balanced in accordance to player progress level on all difficulty levels
Edit: I was ninja'd in part by Edward_Carnby
Changelog for Patch 1.3.8 (4 July 2018)
Added number of players to skirmish map list
Fixed "Texture quality" slider in options menu reducing texture quality a bit more than intended
Fixed some textures not being loaded correctly on Windows 7 if texture detail level was set to anything less than maximum
Fixed human stone tower not attacking
Changelog for Patch 1.3.7 (4 July 2018)
New skirmish map: "The Blue Islands"
Discord Rich Presence integration:
See what your friends are doing in the game
Invite friends to join your game via the Discord app
Savegame file size reduced by ~90%
Some minor UI changes to improve coop experience
General rendering performance improvements
General localization improvements
General game stability improvements
Fixed certain achievements not being triggered although all conditions are met. Players should now be able to get all achievements.
Added savegame compatibility for missing artefact part in Windwall Foothills
Added savegame compatibility for missing portal in Unknown Islands
Fixed Earth Rune buff moving with Isgrimm
Fixed Arcane Archery working with melee weapons
Fixed Focus regeneration on Knowledge of the Xarlonthep, changed to 0.1/s
Fixed multiple issues regarding sidequests in Aonir's Blade, as well as main quest compatibility for old savegames
Fixed issues in Old-Haalayash that would not allow players to continue the main quest, including savegame compatibility
Fixed some icons and descriptions on mobs and items
Potion of fresh start now works properly in multiplayer
The godstone in the Orc Camp of Farlorn's Hope now works properly
Upgraded elven towers now retain the capacity of 3 workers
Fixed sometimes stuck at 100% loading screen when playing coop multiplayer and changing levels
Fixed sometimes stuck at 100% loading screen after multiplayer host migration
Fixed player color when playing multiplayer coop campaign after skirmish
Fixed multiplayer lobby showing up when migrating, changing levels in coop campaign or loading multiplayer levels
Significantly increased the potency of most trees' basic skills
Alchemist's Blood L3 now grants more Armor and Debuff Immuninty for 4s
Increased healing when attacking creatures affected by Judgement
Tiara's Shield L3 now grants immunity against Purge & Interrupt
Reduced frequency of Clarity L3 pulses to once every 5s
Decreased radius of Fireball by 20%
Decreased bonuses granted by Pyromancy, Cryomancy and Hierophany to 20%
Decreased cast range of Earthquake
Earthquake and Day of Reckoning now scale with Constitution
Increased radius of Epidemic by 20%
Elen's Champion now works with any weapon
Entangling Shot now casts faster and additionally decreases movement speed
Doubled the duration and cooldown of Encourage
Reduced cooldown of Nor's Breath to 180s
Throwing Knife can now hit up to two adjacent targets
Reduced cost and cooldown of Solar Plexus Strike, now also applies Impaired
Added chance of brief knockdown to Headsplitter and increased Bleeding
Increased stun chance on Niethalf's Shield
Transcendence now also adds some White and Black damage to attacks
Reduced Focus cost of wolf and bear form Shapeshifting spells to 10
Gor is now briefly immune to damage while shapeshifting back to Orc form
Increased damage bonus of Zarach's Might to 25%
Reduced Life Leech on vampiric weapons to 25%
Increased Focus regeneration granted by robes
Enemy armies in the campaign now behave more like the skirmish AI to offer a more challenging and fun experience. This includes:
Smarter usage of units, including using catapults more situationally
More varied attack and retreat patterns, especially on harder difficulties
Less reliance on resource advantages, allowing for more interesting dynamics
RTS scenarios have been reworked to better fit the new style of AI behaviour
Some key encounters have been balanced in accordance to player progress level on all difficulty levels
Edit: I was ninja'd in part by Edward_Carnby
Post edited July 04, 2018 by MarkoH01

All the lonely people...
Registered: Jun 2012
From Russian Federation
Posted July 04, 2018
Didn't notice the rest of chagelog. =)
Didn't notice the rest of chagelog. =)

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 04, 2018
high rated

In other news, some of you might be aware that MaGog can no longer connect to the GOG website in its current format. While I still hope mrkgnao will find a way to get around this, we may have to contend with the fact that MaGog will not be around any more. Some changelogs and updates have already started to slip through the cracks by not being reported here.
I will keep reporting only on stuff outside of the usual MaGog scope for a while (as I've done so far), but I'm also looking into overhauling my scripts/queries to cover all the updates, depending on how muntdefems decides to play this out. Just for the record it's not like I'm missing any data, because I'm collecting all the updates via the APIs anyway, but I just don't have the bandwidth to cover all these things daily until I add further automation to my scripts (which, mind you, are not designed with this particular purpose in mind).
As always, there's the GOG Database which provides a very nice way of tracking offline installer updates (available even as an RSS feed!), but does not collect any changelogs.
And now back to our regular program...
Post edited July 04, 2018 by WinterSnowfall

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted July 04, 2018

Bastard Lunatic
Registered: Apr 2012
From Romania
Posted July 04, 2018
high rated
Wizard of Legend
#### Update 1.033B (04 July 2018)
Hey Everyone!
We're back with another patch and this time we've added a familiar NPC to
Lanova Plaza that will help you randomize your runs through the Chaos Trials!
Also, we've added French, German, and Russian language support to the game!
This update also includes a few minor tuning and quality of life changes:
* Obsidian Cascade: This arcana is now much more fluid to use and activates / exits roughly 20% quicker. The signature has also been tuned and is easier to aim, has a tighter spread, and throws 17 daggers instead of 15. The cooldown for this spell has been increased from 5.75 seconds to a flat 6 seconds.
* Tomi, Ward, and Mimi will now only speak to you once per scene before making their services available to you. This was mainly so you don't have to keep skipping through dialog when trying out various magical artifacts.
* Fixed a few minor bugs involving some unforeseen edge cases with a few of our relics.
That's all for this time!Cheers!
#### Update 1.0.2 (04 July 2018)
Hello Cosmic Players,
We are coming back to you with the new update. It brings one major change to
our Korean Symmetrians - full subtitles in the native language of this
beautiful peninsula. It doesn't end there though, as we managed to implement
other improvements for everyone:
Notification when one of the characters has a low life level,Information about
the main goal for the player at the end of the intro,New names of the
difficulty levels.
Let us know in the comment section what you think about the changes and be
brave on your next deadly mission ;)
Take care,IMGN.PRO and Sleepless Clinic Team
#### Patch 1.09 (4 July 2018)
* Prevented shuffle ability in duels from moving spare cards/jokers into the stock pile as this could cause issues.
* Disabled the log file as one user reported an error writing to it.
The following offline installers have also been updated:
-> Overload to version 1.0.1839
-> Unforeseen Incidents to version 1.0.9 (Linux only)
-> Cultist Simulator to version 2018.6.n.1 (Windows and Mac only)
Sorry, I'm not up to speed on that at all, but, fingers crossed, I'm hoping it did. I know MaGog is having issues due to the recent enforcement of TLS 1.1/1.2 if I'm not wrong, so if GOG somehow reverted that for the GOG Downloader, we should be good on both fronts.
#### Update 1.033B (04 July 2018)
Hey Everyone!
We're back with another patch and this time we've added a familiar NPC to
Lanova Plaza that will help you randomize your runs through the Chaos Trials!
Also, we've added French, German, and Russian language support to the game!
This update also includes a few minor tuning and quality of life changes:
* Obsidian Cascade: This arcana is now much more fluid to use and activates / exits roughly 20% quicker. The signature has also been tuned and is easier to aim, has a tighter spread, and throws 17 daggers instead of 15. The cooldown for this spell has been increased from 5.75 seconds to a flat 6 seconds.
* Tomi, Ward, and Mimi will now only speak to you once per scene before making their services available to you. This was mainly so you don't have to keep skipping through dialog when trying out various magical artifacts.
* Fixed a few minor bugs involving some unforeseen edge cases with a few of our relics.
That's all for this time!Cheers!
#### Update 1.0.2 (04 July 2018)
Hello Cosmic Players,
We are coming back to you with the new update. It brings one major change to
our Korean Symmetrians - full subtitles in the native language of this
beautiful peninsula. It doesn't end there though, as we managed to implement
other improvements for everyone:
Notification when one of the characters has a low life level,Information about
the main goal for the player at the end of the intro,New names of the
difficulty levels.
Let us know in the comment section what you think about the changes and be
brave on your next deadly mission ;)
Take care,IMGN.PRO and Sleepless Clinic Team
#### Patch 1.09 (4 July 2018)
* Prevented shuffle ability in duels from moving spare cards/jokers into the stock pile as this could cause issues.
* Disabled the log file as one user reported an error writing to it.
-> Overload to version 1.0.1839
-> Unforeseen Incidents to version 1.0.9 (Linux only)
-> Cultist Simulator to version 2018.6.n.1 (Windows and Mac only)
Sorry, I'm not up to speed on that at all, but, fingers crossed, I'm hoping it did. I know MaGog is having issues due to the recent enforcement of TLS 1.1/1.2 if I'm not wrong, so if GOG somehow reverted that for the GOG Downloader, we should be good on both fronts.
Post edited July 04, 2018 by WinterSnowfall

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted July 04, 2018
I just told Linko about this on discord as well and he said that they are working on it but don't have something ready yet. GOG is aware of the importance of the issue so yeah, let's keep our fingers crossed.