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Technically, I am an unemployed, too, but since I am a student nearly full time I exclude myself from the equation and wish good luck to all the others! Thank you for your continued generosity, ddickinson!

Punished_Snake: Here in Italy about 55.7% of population is currently unemployed. It's a nightmare. Many people commit suicide, the one lucky persons having a work, like my father, for example, can hardly manage to arrive next month, because there are so many taxes that you must spend MORE then you gain simply to paying those.
Here is a little article to support your statements. We have a world record! Yay! I don't know how serious that site is, but it is the only article written in English I found that reports the correct data.
Punished_Snake: For example we must pay a tax, called Tarsi, about...having home. We bought this home but no, you must also pay a tax on it. Well, we didn't pay it yet because we can't now, maybe the next month if all goes well.
This, and the tax on the possession of a car. What about the tax on waste? It is calculated based on the dimensions of your house. So, you could have a family composed by 20 members that live in the same apartment and pay the same of your lonely, 80 years old neighbour. One year ago, the government tried to put a tax on pets, because they are considered as luxury!
Oh, I nearly forgot to mention that we need to pay taxes BEFORE having been paid! Let's suppose I am an electrician: I buy the materials, I mount the plant... and then my customer does not pay me (something that happens 75% of the times). The Government does not care, and in the precise moment I emit the bill it teats me like I have been paid the full amount. So, not only I paid the materials, but also the taxes... without gaining a cent. Notice: if I don't emit the bill asap, I am instantly prosecutable.
If I go to a judge to gain what is due... I have to wait for an average of MORE THAN 7 YEARS. Customers know what the outcome will be, and know that many will not risk a so long and expensive legal action, so they just profit on it, knowing they will never be punished.
The future is not bright, and we live in ANARCHY.

Edit: article on suicides due to the crisis up to 2010. Last year, reported suicides due to this cause have been 32.
Post edited August 07, 2014 by Enebias
I'm unemployed too and I'm in !
Thanks ddickinson for this generous GA +1.

I have a degree which is equivalent to 5 years at university (specialized in Public Law) and I passed a competitive examination to be a Civil Servant... but nobody wants me for years ! Why ? Because I have no true experience, only 2 little work placements in a town hall.
The problem in France is that your future employer wants someone with a degree and a huge experience, but you can't be at university and have a good experience in the Administration simultaneously.

I just ask to someone to give me a chance to show what's I'm able to, but it seems impossible. The worst is I don't have a network, someone who is influent or who can help me to recommend my skills. A lot of people in France find a job because they know someone who can let them enter in a society, enterprise and not because they have knowledges for the job. That's disgusting, unfair and the reality of the job market in France !
So much waste of energy, time... Story of my life !

If I win (but my luck is also as empty as my bank account) I choose the $9, 99 prize for Far Cry 2 : Fortune's Edition on GOG.
Post edited August 07, 2014 by MaxFulvus
Very nice giveaway, ddickinson. I'm not eligible, luckily.

Punished_Snake: By the way, even if I'm unemployed at the moment, I'm writing a new book for a contest offered by the biggest italian television.
My book on Amazon did poorly, lol, but I'm not giving up. Maybe I will conclude something, one day. And of course I'm looking for work too, but my last two interviews didn't go well.
Good luck with everything. I hope you have people who can provide good, honest feedback about your books.
MaxFulvus: [...]
The problem in France is that your future employer wants someone with a degree and a huge experience, but you can be at university and have a good experience in the Administration.
Typical. Everybody wants experience, now... but how the hell you're supposed to have experience if nobody ever allowed you to work because you lack that!? That is an imbecilic contradiction that nowdays plagues all the world, really!

MaxFulvus: [...] A lot of people in France find a job because they know someone who can let them enter in a society, enterprise and not because they have knowledges for the job. That's disgusting, unfair and the reality of the job market in France !
Same here. I get the feeling that we are going back to a caste system. I know several sons and daughters of lawyers/judges/prosecutors/notaries/local politicians: nobody is worried for their fututre. "Dad has alrady their seat redied", and some aren't even ashamed to admit it. Each year, the police finds hundreds of people that obtained their office through corruption and intercessions, but instead of decreasing their number grows every day.
Sorry, I'll just shut up, now... forgive me, this topic enrages me like nothing else can!
Post edited August 07, 2014 by Enebias
MaxFulvus: [...]
The problem in France is that your future employer wants someone with a degree and a huge experience, but you can be at university and have a good experience in the Administration.
Enebias: Typical. Everybody wants experience, now... but how the hell you're supposed to have experience if nobody ever allowed you to work because you lack that!? That is an imbecilic contradiction that nowdays plagues all the world, really!

MaxFulvus: [...] A lot of people in France find a job because they know someone who can let them enter in a society, enterprise and not because they have knowledges for the job. That's disgusting, unfair and the reality of the job market in France !
Enebias: Same here. I get the feeling that we are going back to a caste system. I know several sons and daughters of lawyers/judges/prosecutors/notaries/local politicians: nobody is worried for their fututre. "Dad has alrady their seat redied", and some aren't even ashamed to admit it. Each year, the police finds hundreds of people that obtained their office through corruption and intercessions, but instead of decreasing their number grows every day.
Sorry, I'll just shut up, now... forgive me, this topic enrages me like nothing else can!
I know, this is the Ouroboros system, the vicious circle !
Some years ago, Nicolas Sarkozy tried to let his son be the President of the EPAD in La Defense (the French Wall Street) whereas he was still at university ! He failed but this is a good example of how the "fair" system works, all over the world !
MaxFulvus: Some years ago, Nicolas Sarkozy tried to let his son be the President of the EPAD in La Defense (the French Wall Street) whereas he was still at university ! He failed but this is a good example of how the "fair" system works, all over the world !
Look at the bright side: at least he did not succeed. In Italy, though... (whisper) Berlusconi... Berlusconi...
MaxFulvus: [...]
The problem in France is that your future employer wants someone with a degree and a huge experience, but you can be at university and have a good experience in the Administration.
Enebias: Typical. Everybody wants experience, now... but how the hell you're supposed to have experience if nobody ever allowed you to work because you lack that!? That is an imbecilic contradiction that nowdays plagues all the world, really!

MaxFulvus: [...] A lot of people in France find a job because they know someone who can let them enter in a society, enterprise and not because they have knowledges for the job. That's disgusting, unfair and the reality of the job market in France !
Enebias: Same here. I get the feeling that we are going back to a caste system. I know several sons and daughters of lawyers/judges/prosecutors/notaries/local politicians: nobody is worried for their fututre. "Dad has alrady their seat redied", and some aren't even ashamed to admit it. Each year, the police finds hundreds of people that obtained their office through corruption and intercessions, but instead of decreasing their number grows every day.
Sorry, I'll just shut up, now... forgive me, this topic enrages me like nothing else can!
You sure you're not talking about Slovakia? :p
Or Croatia?
Enebias: Typical. Everybody wants experience, now... but how the hell you're supposed to have experience if nobody ever allowed you to work because you lack that!? That is an imbecilic contradiction that nowdays plagues all the world, really!

Same here. I get the feeling that we are going back to a caste system. I know several sons and daughters of lawyers/judges/prosecutors/notaries/local politicians: nobody is worried for their fututre. "Dad has alrady their seat redied", and some aren't even ashamed to admit it. Each year, the police finds hundreds of people that obtained their office through corruption and intercessions, but instead of decreasing their number grows every day.
Sorry, I'll just shut up, now... forgive me, this topic enrages me like nothing else can!
triock: You sure you're not talking about Slovakia? :p
Yeah, I can confirm Enebias words. You are a medic? Your son will be a medic, even if he's not capable to do the work.
I'm disgusted of this. Here in Italy is a common issue, if you have parents or friends, you can find a work much easier. You know no one? You are screwed.
I mean, today even obtain a work in a supermarket is easier if you know someone.
We are not speaking about "high ranked works", but even common works.
The you see politicians which grabs 15000€ each month by doing nothing at all, and you can't even go to the cinema one night because you have not the needed money.
I'm in for option 4 so more people could win if I do :D

but anyway I've been unemployed for a year but there's a slight chance I might be invited for a job interview for a game tester at local subsidiary of a large gaming company so wish me luck. And if that doesn't work out, a new opportunity just popped up at the university where I got my degree. An administration clerk work, not an academic work but still it looks good to me and the applications are being accepted until august 20th.
XYCat: I'm in for option 4 so more people could win if I do :D

but anyway I've been unemployed for a year but there's a slight chance I might be invited for a job interview for a game tester at local subsidiary of a large gaming company so wish me luck. And if that doesn't work out, a new opportunity just popped up at the university where I got my degree. An administration clerk work, not an academic work but still it looks good to me and the applications are being accepted until august 20th.
Good luck :)
Punished_Snake: Yeah, I can confirm Enebias words. You are a medic? Your son will be a medic, even if he's not capable to do the work.
I'm disgusted of this. Here in Italy is a common issue, if you have parents or friends, you can find a work much easier. You know no one? You are screwed.
I mean, today even obtain a work in a supermarket is easier if you know someone.
We are not speaking about "high ranked works", but even common works.
The you see politicians which grabs 15000€ each month by doing nothing at all, and you can't even go to the cinema one night because you have not the needed money.
Nowdays same system is practically everywere. If you don't know somebody influential, if you aren't memeber of the party that is in power in your local community, or supporting those that run the country, you are fu**ed more or less. My dad is honest working man, he doesn't know anyone who, with a snap of a fingers, can resolve my unemployment status. I'm also outside of that circle, so my future is pretty much set.
Post edited August 07, 2014 by kava07
That's a very kind gesture.

I am currently unemployed but with a bit of luck I hope to be back on business in September, so I am not in.

Best of luck to all unemployed Gogers out here so their situation changes soon.
Not in & +1! :D good luck to all,finding a job firstly,and then winning the game ;p
Wow dude,I just have blown away by your initiative.You have a kind heart that's for sure.
This is first post that I am making on GOG forum.I am unemployed right now with two masters.(M.S in Physics & then completed my M.Tech on Radiophysics).& My Ph.D proposal hasn't been granted by my University.So right now I am living in uncertainty & I am thinking of making a career as a freelance programmer.

I hope we all will see better days in our life. I wish you for all.Especially OP ,who being a student himself (That means literally zero income) has thought about other unemployed gamer like us.Kudos to you & your noble thought.I wish you will shine in your life.All the best. :)
Post edited August 07, 2014 by UlfricStromclock