JDelekto: At 77% off, go for it. It should be a game, not the discount. If you want the game, the discount is just gravy.
I don't know if i want the games... I know Kotor doesn't represent the entire package. This is where a video or stream of 5 minutes of gameplay from each game would be nice.
As i said i'm not a Star Wars fan, but that doesn't mean i won't play the games, i'm not just sure if i want them...
mobutu: 1. the seven starwars movie that is supposed to launch this chrismas;
2. milking lucas ips in order to get back all the money used for buying lucas.
Seems likely both... And of course you're missing #3...
3) The games are already made
So making a profit is easier/faster rather than starting from scratch. Story, writing, visuals, dialog, voice acting, it's already done.
edit: I'll probably buy them... Somewhat interested + 75% off is a good enough sales pitch for this case. Hmmm i wonder if there's an easy download pack for enhancing the visuals of all the games...