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Here is a link to a fangame about Monkey Island :

It follows the story of Guybrush Threepwood but in an alternate way.
I did not try it yet, I just stumbled upon it and thought it might interest some people here.

EDIT : here is a brief presentation :
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Pouyou-pouyou
Thank you .
Daniele Spadoni has made several games with AGS in "The Fan Game" series.

There is also a Monkey Island + Ghostbusters crossover, and also Monkey Island + Back to the Future crossover.

(check both links to see all games)
Nice! I'll try it right away. :-)
I've been aware of these for a while but I've never managed to get into them despite having played lots of other free AGS games in my time. There's just something a bit... off about them.
Never heard about this, maybe worth a try. The download link was not that obvious for me, just in case here it is (it's from DevianArt game page):
Post edited October 03, 2021 by Cadaver747
And here's a link to his blog:

I think some/all of his AGS games can be played in the daily build of ScummVM now too.