Posted May 03, 2016

Ordained Dudeist
Registered: Jul 2011
From Greece

New User
Registered: Nov 2008
From Other
Posted May 03, 2016
I never played it myself, but what I remember from reviews was, that it is oriented to gamecontrollers. Nothing for m+k - players like me.

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted May 03, 2016
I've never used a controller for Borderlands 1, 2 or the Pre-sequel and haven't encountered any issues.

Mafia dropout
Registered: Jan 2016
From Australia
Posted May 03, 2016
I want you to remember later that I cautioned you, offered you help and showed restraint as you harmed me.
Why does this guy phrase his tweets like he's being cyberbullied? I really don't like this publisher. Acquiring an IP doesn't mean you need to remove all of its games from circulation so you can remaster it a second time. That's just a ridiculous strategy to attract attention.

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted May 03, 2016
I want you to remember later that I cautioned you, offered you help and showed restraint as you harmed me.

I really don't like this publisher. Acquiring an IP doesn't mean you need to remove all of its games from circulation so you can remaster it a second time. That's just a ridiculous strategy to attract attention.

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted May 03, 2016
Sadly, Gearbox has went to shit ever since they botched Duke Nukem Forever. I want to give them a benefit of the doubt on that one, since they supposedly just continued with what they had. Of course they could of made it better still.
The biggest thing that I recall that showed their true colors is when they went back on their word and cancelled Duke Nukem Reloaded, for the stupidest reason.
Borderlands is probably their best modern games, but I expected Borderlands to be much better. Sadly I became bored with that real quick even with coop. Great characters though. I'll give them that.
The biggest thing that I recall that showed their true colors is when they went back on their word and cancelled Duke Nukem Reloaded, for the stupidest reason.
Borderlands is probably their best modern games, but I expected Borderlands to be much better. Sadly I became bored with that real quick even with coop. Great characters though. I'll give them that.

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted May 03, 2016

The biggest thing that I recall that showed their true colors is when they went back on their word and cancelled Duke Nukem Reloaded, for the stupidest reason.
Borderlands is probably their best modern games, but I expected Borderlands to be much better. Sadly I became bored with that real quick even with coop. Great characters though. I'll give them that.
Great writing and characters without the Borderlands gameplay.

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India

Easily Bored
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted May 03, 2016
this just gives me another reason to avoid anything adorned with their name
especially borderlands
boring over rated trash
for me it was when that aliens fiasco whent hey siphoned off a million or two from sega and funneled it in in to borderlands instead of aliens
this just gives me another reason to avoid anything adorned with their name
especially borderlands
boring over rated trash
for me it was when that aliens fiasco whent hey siphoned off a million or two from sega and funneled it in in to borderlands instead of aliens
Post edited May 03, 2016 by snowkatt

May. 24, 2022
Registered: Jun 2011
From Russian Federation
Posted May 03, 2016
Someone needs to clone Duke and GPL him :PPPP

cdpr red & gog = a fraud, liars, russophobs...
Registered: Jul 2012
From Cuba
Posted May 03, 2016
op link post #10:
"Gearbox is actively trying to kill HTTKC now, I just haven't made much of a public statement about it yet. They seem to think they're above the law and that certain facets of our judicial system regarding contracts just don't apply to them. They claim the contracts for HTTKC are invalid, but upon my request for a written statement as to their invalidity they refuse to state why. I've been trying to get them to tell me for the last two months and they're just dicking me around and doing anything they can to avoid giving me an answer. Then they tell me they're unwilling to discuss the contracts unless I have a lawyer, so I have my lawyer contact them, only to have them waste another entire month of time before making vague legal threats and telling me they now refuse to have a discussion involving lawyers. It's complete nonsense and I suspect we will end up in court. "
i really, really hope TerminX wins and kicks pitchfords ass in court.
wolfsrain: ...Just look what they did with Homeworld Remastered...They've claimed that the code for Cataclysm was lost and they replaced the YES music with something else in order to avoid to pay more money...And that is only the tip of the iceberg.... is the original version, that is bundled with the remastered, lacking the music too?
Gearbox suing EDuke32 devs post#3:
"I know the EDuke32 crew quite well, they're pretty cool guys who have a plenty of professional experience with Duke3D. TerminX was contracted by 3DR to make Hail to the King Collection before Gearbox acquired the Duke3D rights during the Bombshell/DN Mass Destruction lawsuit debacle.
That contract didn't expire or become invalid when the property switched hands. Gearbox is pulling a lot of dirty, crooked shit as of late (Well, when aren't they? But this is serious, mainly contract fraud.), and trying to screw and bully anyone who touches the IP, even if they do so legally.
I suggest anyone who's curious to read all posts by TerminX in the thread, it's pretty revealing just how sickeningly low GBX is willing to go, not just on a business, but personal level.
(Hail to the King Collection was going to be an Android port of EDuke32, with full native ports of Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown and Duke Nukem 64 running under the engine, along with all the previous expansions. It was to have support for Bluetooth and USB controllers, and better touch controls than previous ports, as far as I'm aware.)"
"Gearbox is actively trying to kill HTTKC now, I just haven't made much of a public statement about it yet. They seem to think they're above the law and that certain facets of our judicial system regarding contracts just don't apply to them. They claim the contracts for HTTKC are invalid, but upon my request for a written statement as to their invalidity they refuse to state why. I've been trying to get them to tell me for the last two months and they're just dicking me around and doing anything they can to avoid giving me an answer. Then they tell me they're unwilling to discuss the contracts unless I have a lawyer, so I have my lawyer contact them, only to have them waste another entire month of time before making vague legal threats and telling me they now refuse to have a discussion involving lawyers. It's complete nonsense and I suspect we will end up in court. "
i really, really hope TerminX wins and kicks pitchfords ass in court.

Gearbox suing EDuke32 devs post#3:
"I know the EDuke32 crew quite well, they're pretty cool guys who have a plenty of professional experience with Duke3D. TerminX was contracted by 3DR to make Hail to the King Collection before Gearbox acquired the Duke3D rights during the Bombshell/DN Mass Destruction lawsuit debacle.
That contract didn't expire or become invalid when the property switched hands. Gearbox is pulling a lot of dirty, crooked shit as of late (Well, when aren't they? But this is serious, mainly contract fraud.), and trying to screw and bully anyone who touches the IP, even if they do so legally.
I suggest anyone who's curious to read all posts by TerminX in the thread, it's pretty revealing just how sickeningly low GBX is willing to go, not just on a business, but personal level.
(Hail to the King Collection was going to be an Android port of EDuke32, with full native ports of Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown and Duke Nukem 64 running under the engine, along with all the previous expansions. It was to have support for Bluetooth and USB controllers, and better touch controls than previous ports, as far as I'm aware.)"
Post edited May 03, 2016 by apehater

Night Person
Registered: Dec 2008
From Romania
Posted May 03, 2016
The original Homeworld bundled with the Remastered is also missing the music, as the license expired and Gearbox wasn't willing to pay to reaquire it. Only the Yes parts are missing, though. And that's why everyone loves copyright and DRM:(

New User
Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted May 03, 2016

I would probably put UBI and Gearbox being the worst dev/pubs I can think of without putting any effort. Oh! Microsoft for not bringing Ori and the Blind Forest to GoG.. and creating another damn Market Place, which would be okay if they don't lock their games to it like *cough* Blizzard. EA has improved but is still up there. The sad thing is they used to be great.

Deadpan Snarker
Registered: Jun 2012
From Germany
Posted May 03, 2016
You know why I want to be rich as fuck? Because I haven't bought a single Gearbox game in my life and I would love the thought of another metric fuckton of my money NOT being spent on Gearbox games.
The world of gaming would be an infinitely better place without Randy Prickford and his bunch of shitheels...
The world of gaming would be an infinitely better place without Randy Prickford and his bunch of shitheels...

The Third
Registered: Mar 2015
From Switzerland
Posted May 04, 2016
Randy Pitchfork, king of arseholes, prince of twats.
This man is despised by everyone now and he knows it damn well, so I still wonder why he can not be more humble, or at least stop being a fucking prick. He is the reason why Aliens: Colonial Marines ended they way it did, and then had the audacity to put the blame on Sega, even though the money that was supposed to go for it went to Borderlands.
I guess in the end a prick is always a prick no matter what!
This man is despised by everyone now and he knows it damn well, so I still wonder why he can not be more humble, or at least stop being a fucking prick. He is the reason why Aliens: Colonial Marines ended they way it did, and then had the audacity to put the blame on Sega, even though the money that was supposed to go for it went to Borderlands.
I guess in the end a prick is always a prick no matter what!
Post edited May 04, 2016 by Elisebathe