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For Bookwyrm

Little Big Adventure 3 / Tanya / Australia

Half Life 3 / Vaas Montenegro / Cuba
The Witcher 4: Rise of the Unicorns / Mankar Camoran / Australia
In for truhlik

No One Lives Forever 3/Vaas Montenegro/Canada
Morning! Maybe today is the day we'll save Santa!

For misteryo:

Little Big Adventure X / Mileena / USA
In for misteryo.

ObsCure 3 / Tanya / Germany
Beyond Good & Evil 2 / Vaas Montenegro / Turkey
Guess #48: Portal 3 / Kane / Peru.
hoping that the next hint gets rid of either Montalban and/or Montenegro, just for field auto-fill efficiency ;)
In for helpo1, because that was helpo1ul ;)
I initially thought the Lara Croft "kidnapper" clue referring to the one guy in the latest Tomb Raider game, that had me all confused about classic/new storylines and whether one of the two TR villains in the OP might in fact be who we are after here. But of course, no. Starting to think in too difficult ways. Back on track now.

ObsCure 3 / Jack the Ripper / Ireland

ObsCure 3 / Agent 47 / Cuba
The Witcher 4: Rise of the Unicorns / Mankar Camoran / United States
In for the poo-flinging chimp

No One Lives Forever 3/Vaas Montenegro/Egypt
In for Canadian Leonard:

ObsCure 3 / Mileena / USA
misteryo: Hey, Slaugh! I'm not playing this time...
helpo1: In that case, it looks like I have to be...

In for misteryo.

Guess #47: Portal 3 / Kane / Norway.
Awww... what a sweetie!