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zeogold: My Canadian-translating skills are a little fuzzy, but that's about accurate, right?
Ooo, clickbait and manipulative coercion! I love it! LOL

All seriousness aside though... <knock knock> Lemme peruse the previous game phenomenon as I haven't paid too close attention to all of the prior forum games etc. Wouldn't want to agree to it and end up inadvertently holding up progress and being chased by angry mobs of pitchfork wielding mad men! :oP
skeletonbow: Wouldn't want to agree to it and end up inadvertently holding up progress and being chased by angry mobs of pitchfork wielding mad men! :oP
Pshaw. How dare you imply we're so miserably uncivilized as to throw about pitchforks in your general direction!
...detectives are issued guns.
zeogold: Pshaw. How dare you imply we're so miserably uncivilized as to throw about pitchforks in your general direction!
...detectives are issued guns.
I seem to have got my lynch mobs mixed up here and criss crossed with the Gwent mob! :)
low rated
zeogold: Y'know, I should probably have a reminder on this page for anybody passing by that this is a sign-up thread and not just a thread about Jews and Germans.

Edit: Oh, gosh. I didn't realize how bad that sounds until now.
A bit racist there,little boy/girl/it or whatever.
Regarding idea no 5 of team based competition, I personally don't mind. But I think balancing the team would be difficult. I mean, if ZFR, Maxvorstadt and Bler144 are in one team, it would be very hard to compete with them :)
Goodaltgamer: Bloody Germans with their adding of words together
I wholeheartedly endorse his sentiment. It's like the language version of centipedes and to make things even 'better' dictionaries almost never have the whole word translated and I've got to look up the parts individually, except good luck knowing which words they actually come from and AAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH >:C

zeogold: puzzlegame-ho!
hey zeogold, I'm in.
Post edited September 28, 2016 by ashwald
Well, sometimes I think that we need a Forummitgliedidentifizierungstool! :D
ashwald: I wholeheartedly endorse his sentiment. It's like the language version of centipedes and to make things even 'better' dictionaries almost never have the whole word translated and I've got to look up the parts individually, except good luck knowing which words they actually come from and AAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH >:C
That might be because you use the wrong one :P
I don't have any problem with this ;)

but seriously, google sucks. And same for most online translations.

A far better dictionary ;), disadvantage, old school, just word by word. Ορίστε
Maxvorstadt: Well, sometimes I think that we need a ForummitgliedSidentifizierungswerkzeug! :D
Max, Max.....

If using it, than you should be doing it right, otherwise people will not be able to look it up ;)
Post edited September 28, 2016 by Goodaltgamer
ashwald: I wholeheartedly endorse his sentiment. It's like the language version of centipedes and to make things even 'better' dictionaries almost never have the whole word translated and I've got to look up the parts individually, except good luck knowing which words they actually come from and AAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHH >:C
Goodaltgamer: That might be because you use the wrong one :P
I don't have any problem with this ;)

but seriously, google sucks. And same for most online translations.

A far better dictionary ;), disadvantage, old school, just word by word. Ορίστε
Maxvorstadt: Well, sometimes I think that we need a ForummitgliedSidentifizierungswerkzeug! :D
Goodaltgamer: Max, Max.....

If using it, than you should be doing it right, otherwise people will not be able to look it up ;)
Yep, my keyboard did not take the "s", but "tool" is an official Denglish word nowadays!
Goodaltgamer: stuff
I've been using offline ones actually. It all comes down to my trying to learn german the same way I learned english: grab a bunch of untranslated books/videogames and the dictionary and get down to it.

...........................MAJOR failure.

Maxvorstadt: centipedes
*shakes tiny fist* That was an easy one though.
Maxvorstadt: Yep, my keyboard did not take the "s", but "tool" is an official Denglish word nowadays!
Bad boy, maybe you shall not use your gun for typing? Will also make the keyboard last longer ;)

And Denglish, how shall a foreigner know which part is German and which part is Denglish?

Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz, so soll es sein und nicht

Beefstickerüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz ;)

or even one step further:

Beffstickerpatrioticactlaw ;)
Goodaltgamer: stuff
ashwald: I've been using offline ones actually. It all comes down to my trying to learn german the same way I learned english: grab a bunch of untranslated books/videogames and the dictionary and get down to it.

...........................MAJOR failure.

Maxvorstadt: centipedes
ashwald: *shakes tiny fist* That was an easy one though.
You want long German words? Here you are:

Grund­stücks­ver­kehrs­ge­neh­mi­gungs­zu­stän­dig­keits ­über­tra­gungs­ver­ord­nung
Rind­fleisch­eti­ket­tie­rungs­über­wa­chungs­auf­ga­ben­ über­tra­gungs­ge­setz
Ver­mö­gens­zu­ord­nungs­zu­stän­dig­keits­über­tra ­gungs­ver­ord­nung
ashwald: I've been using offline ones actually. It all comes down to my trying to learn german the same way I learned english: grab a bunch of untranslated books/videogames and the dictionary and get down to it.

...........................MAJOR failure.
Yes and no, at least you get a good vocabulary, but for grammar, you still have to learn it. And for grammar German is not to bad.

German: lot of rules, hardly any exception
English, few rules, few exceptions
French: few rules, lot of exceptions.

And the exceptions are the hardest ones to learn ;)
Maxvorstadt: You want long German words? Here you are:

Grund­stücks­ver­kehrs­ge­neh­mi­gungs­zu­stän­dig­keits ­über­tra­gungs­ver­ord­nung
Rind­fleisch­eti­ket­tie­rungs­über­wa­chungs­auf­ga­ben­ über­tra­gungs­ge­setz
Ver­mö­gens­zu­ord­nungs­zu­stän­dig­keits­über­tra ­gungs­ver­ord­nung
Post edited September 28, 2016 by Goodaltgamer
Justremovingallofthespacesoutofaphraseorsentencedoesn'tmakesomethingawordI'mjustsaying. :)
Maxvorstadt: Grund­stücks­ver­kehrs­ge­neh­mi­gungs­zu­stän­ ;dig­keits­über­tra­gungs­ver­ord­nung
Rind­fleisch­eti­ket­tie­rungs­über­wa­chungs­auf­ga­ben­ über­tra­gungs­ge­setz
Ver­mö­gens­zu­ord­nungs­zu­stän­dig­keits­über­tra ­gungs­ver­ord­nung

Goodaltgamer: grammar
Oh the grammar is fine. I learned the basics back when I was in school and I've got a bunch of books for it too. Words however. Words...